Dust Devil

Evil Banana

Still Mildly Glowing
The Year is not really important, what is important is that due to a nuclear holocaust many years ago the world was left in a state of wasteland.
The people who survived the holocaust have become twisted remnants of the humanity that once was, some so perverse and decadent that one could not even fathom it in the past.
The day was hotter than most making the season currently Summer as it was in the past the sun was brighter and hotter than in other seasons so the wasteland was especially ruthless this time of year rarely forgiving a traveller unprepared for its scorching kiss.
Uriel was working on making more crossbow bolts using anything avalible such as wood and bone and sharp flint stone broken into sharp points as well as junk metals bent and folded.
He was away from the scorching sun in his home, his cave in the shade, he had found a water spring pouring from the rocky wall deeper inside the cave and so with a steady supply of water he decided to make his home here where he was hidden away from society and its disgusting habits.
The Day would pass peacefully as he worked on the brahmin leather tanning it carefully to make it strong and flexible and to fashion clothing out of it.
As the night fell he stepped out of his home to go search for more crafting supplies, he ventured southwards towards the coast to see what the sea had brought up from its depths.
He walked for about two hours before he reached the coast near a small tribal fishing village, but they had no quarrel with one another, he found some driftwood and sheets of metal that once covered the houses of the poor and now cover most houses.
He tied it all together with some rope and tied the rope around his waist and begun walking back home dragging his new materials behind him, it would take him three hours to drag it all back to the cave where he would store it away to dry a bit.
He lay down to sleep the rest of the night after making sure that there were no critters nearby that could come in and make a meal of him. And so day one has come to a pass..
As the new day dawned upon the wasteland so did Uriel wake from his sleep.
He was always an early bird by habit and always fresh no matter how little sleep he may have gotten, yesterday was a good day he thought washing his face with the icy water from the spring and then he got his furnace burning.
He got his hammer and saw to make something of yesterdays loot, he started working the sheaths of metal into fine plates which he would incorporate into his armor to make it more resistant,
It would take him the whole day to get the thing done. He set the driftwood closer to the furnace to dry out a bit faster.
He saw some new spear shafts in it and a dozen or so crossbow bolts, he nodded to himself satisfied.
Once the furnace was hot he sat down first to eat some brahmin jerky and some poor resemblance of bread and then he got to work gently hammering at the sheaths folding and moulding them.
His "furnace" was a very simplistic designed to concentrate fire and heat, rocks stacked up in a circle and a metal grate placed in the middle with a hole in the bottom through which to put in wood and on the grate would be stacked coals and other such material that could concentrate heat to allow him to bend light metals like aluminium or even lighter variants of steel.
So how does this work? Are you using a rules system or just RP? Is someone just supposed to jump in whenever?
Rain ventured from his cave home in search of dinner that day, he was stalking some(3) pigrats skulking about some brahmin corpse, he got out his sling and engaged them from afar at first striking at the closest one from 10 yards away. He managed to get the first strike sneaking up on them. He attacks using up 5 of the 8 AP-s he has, he can attack once, he rolls 1d100=94 and his skill is 53 so he misses his shot and alerts the pigrats, he retreats by three meteres and Reloads his sling for two Ap-s and takes another aimed shot at the same one aiming for the head HTML
1d100=67 but misses again, he switches to his club and stands his ground.
(You only used 5 APs from the attack, so you could have moved 3 meters. Your small guns skill is 43. You attack again, once for surprising them, and again for having the highest seq.)
The Pigrats, now alerted of your presence, turn around and begin to snarl and snap at you.(You go again. Every time you miss, you mark a square on your weapons condition. It's not too much for me, but if these rules are too many, we can stop using them.)
(ill keep the squares in mind but weel not be rigorous with all the rules..) Rain moves towards them three meters and waits
Pigrat HP: 12/20/20; Rain HP: 25; Cain HP: 32
Sequence: Rain, Cain, Pigrat, Pigrat, Pgrat

Cain was walking through these parts when he heard the fight. He came up from behind Rain and began firing at one of the Pigrats 1d100=89 and misses! "Dammit!" The Pigrat that Rain attacked attacks him 1d100=56 and hits for 2d4=2 damage. The other two attack Cain 1d100=43, 1d100=34 and both hit doing 2d4=4, 2d4=2 damage. "AHHH!" screams Cain.

Pigrat HP: Same; Rain HP: 23; Cain HP: 26
Rain looks at Cain in surprise and shock the shots having been sudden and out of nowhere and he reloads his sling and shoots the rock at the first molerat 1d100=50 He hits causing 1d8=3 Damage
Pigrat HP: 9/20/20; Rain HP: 19; Cain HP: 21 <Now
Sequence: Rain, Cain, Pigrat, Pigrat, Pigrat

Cain once again begins firing at one of the Pigrats 1d100=70 and misses! "Dammit!" The Pigrat that Rain attacked attacks him again 1d100=26 and hits for 2d4=4 damage. The other two attack Cain 1d100=94, 1d100=18 and one hits doing 2d4=5 damage. "AHHH!" screams Cain.
Rain moves towards the pigrats coming up behind them and swinging his club hard at the wounded rats head using up all of the rest of his AP he strikes 1d100=41 He hits on the mark and causes 1d8=6 causing 6 HP of damage to the head