Fallout 1 imported into the Fallout 2 engine

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In huge news for our modders, the Russians again managed another crazy feat and imported Fallout 1 to the Fallout 2 engine. If you run Fallout 2 with this, you will need to copy your original msg files from Fallout 1 to run it in English.

What's mostly good about this is that it's something that's been often requested. It opens up Fallout 1 to the kind of modding we've only seen for Fallout 2 yet (adding new locations and/or NPCs, that kind of stuff), not to mention being able to run Fallout 1 with Fallout 2's improvements, like pushing around NPCs.

Wild_qwerty has already made the brilliant suggestion of turning Dogmeat into a car so the player can ride him across the world map...ehr...yeah.

Anyway, this won't be of immediate use to Fallout gamers, but it opens up a world of opportunities.

Link: Fallout import on WebFile.RU.
Link: discussion thread on Fallout.ru (Russian).
Link: disccusion thread on NMA.

Thanks Dude101.
Link: discussion thread on Kocharev (Russian).
First of all, its Kochegarov, and second of all, its actually Fallout.ru (kochegarov.com is where forum is located)

Anyway, great news! Too bad it's still in beta.
Nice. I always liked the first game better. Only problem is we will now see mods with those out-of-place sprites from Fallout 2.
I am at loss to understand. What's the difference between Fallout's and Fallout 2's engine?
Fallout2.exe is the improved version of the the first edition. Added support for more interface controls (pushing NPCs), more control over your party members and the car functions are just some of the new stuff from the sequel.

Maybe Chris could explain more...
Other changes are that you can use more digits when bartering and when you put something in your inventory, it shows up at the top instead at the bottom.
Adding new locations on map, random encounters set in worldmap.txt file, etc.
previously the world map locations were hardcoded in the fallout.exe file where as in fallout 2 they are in the worldmap.txt file (as sorrow just stated). This was one of the mainreasons no one converted it before because you would need to rewrite the whole worldmap.txt file to place everything where it needs to go. I'm not sure how they handled the water chip countdown and the like, unless they reused the countdown until the enclave kills off your villiage for it.

- new locations will be possible
- increased npc control (you can trade instead of bartering with them, make them where power armour etc...)

We could add a form of transport such as a car to fallout 1 (I was joking about riding Dogmeat... honestly ... ;) )

oh well, its just plain cool :)
Also you can "Get All", instead of having to individually select every item in a container, and the AP lights are a billion times more visible (no hyperbole, there), and it's all-around better.
THIS is SO great!

My next mod will be for Fallout "1"! :D
generalissimofurioso said:

Is there anything they can't do?

After the bombing in 1999 my town lost all of its bridges. The hanging bridge had some german workers working on it. Some of the local kids wrote the following on the fence at the start of the construction site:
Only Russians can weld underwater! :) I don't know why but it will stay in my memory forever.

Sorry about off topic.

I would really like to see some transportation in F1. There are a few arts I saw in recent years, that people made and used as cars in F2 mods. I think Lich had a truck or something like that.
....You know. Im glad i found you guys. I think im in love...........

Helios has spoken
A shame we won't have access to all those "ask about" lines :( Oh well... Great news indeed.