Fallout 1 Weird Bug Help ?


First time out of the vault
Hello, I just recently downloaded Fallout 1 and first time trying the FIXT mod. I'm pretty sure I installed everything correctly and my FIXT is in a folder of its own. Didn't include the content that stated it caused bugs, but I'm having a problem every time I start equipping my inventory. When I equip items or loot something it causes my mouse buttons to cease to work, my cursor becomes glitched, (fading in and out) mouse scroll will scroll up or down, and I can't save or load a file. I poked around a bit in the troubleshooting and looked a bit online but it's a hard to explain bug. Any help would be appreciated.
I would recommend using et tu instead of fixt since et tu does what fixt does except better with less bugs. Fixt adds bugs of its own.