Fallout 2 creator wants to do a Chrono trigger game? Let him

Well, a couple of years ago, a fan-made non profit 3D remake of the original was shot down by Square.

I guess they want to keep the license around so they can keep on making cheap re-releases or something like that.
Fans make good games, crimson echoes, ressurection...
What do we get from square? Chrono cross...

BOS_Warlord said:
What do we get from square? Chrono cross...
I liked Chrono Cross. :mrgreen:

But yeah, that's not gonna happen. It's a valuable IP for them, why would they give it to an outside developer?
He already worked for them before obsidian and square are working together for dungeon siege 3.

Chrono Cross wasn't a bad game, I liked it's fighting system, story and characters. But something about it didn't sit well and I sold it. I can't put my finger on what was wrong with it
Makenshi said:
Maybe it was the 40+ party members that added zero to the story.

This was the only noticeable negative for me. Other than that, I really liked Chrono Cross... a lot. Chrono Trigger is still a bit more fun to play. I liked the story of Chrono Cross just a bit better - can't quantify why, I just do.
Never actually played Chrono Cross by Chrono Trigger is definitely a classic, porbably one of the first jRPGs that wasn't completely linear.
I liked Chrono Cross as well. However I LOVED Chrono Trigger.

That said, they felt like apples and oranges to me. There was simply so little in common between the two games that I have a hard time claiming that Cross and Trigger are really part of a series at all.
Makenshi said:
Maybe it was the 40+ party members that added zero to the story.
Their original goal was something like 64 and it seriously hurt the game. Guile was originally going to be Magus but they changed him to a new character because they didn't have time to do Magus justice. Instead of having a cast of 6-9 well developed characters they had 3 well developed characters, maybe a couple of partially developed characters, and the rest of the cast. The huge cast just bogs down the game.

What they should have done was take Radical Dreamers as a starting point (like they did) and simply develop Kid, Serge, and Magus really well. They could have added other well developed characters if it worked out well (Harle was a good one).

The system had a good idea at heart but they screwed that up too. They needed to boost every character to the max level of the previous star upon getting each new star rather than loosing the ability to gain those levels.

Eternal said:
That said, they felt like apples and oranges to me. There was simply so little in common between the two games that I have a hard time claiming that Cross and Trigger are really part of a series at all.
Agreed. The connections seemed pretty forced...