Fallout 2 Editor


Carbon Dated and Proud
Holy Crap! The Original Fallout 2 Editor has been released, our months of nagging at the lubly Chris Avellone have paid off. I'd like to thank MCA for making this possible, now let's nag for that source code <img src=/images/smiley.gif>.

Updated: I forgot to thank the following people for making this editor possible: Josh Sawyer, Darren Monahan, Feargus Urquhart, Chris Heidari, Scotty Everts and finally the man who really made this possible by slaving away on his freetime mr Chris Jones !

Download links: Fallout 2 Editor (2,6MB) , Fallout 2 Editor Documentation (PDF, 564KB) and Fallout 2 Editor Documentation (WORD, 420KB).
Yeah, I just saw that... I gotta start giving you posting news privileges...
Man i send you an icq the moment the thing got out, there was celebrations going on on #fallout, i went to drink a scotch to celebrate, but with the things i took for a cold i just went dizzy and rushed to bed :D

Bah anyway, the documentation is much more complete than what i was expecting, still it`s not the easiest nor the more stable of tools.

But it`s party time anyway :)
Hehe..I must be psychic because I was already out partying (the editors?) last night..