Fallout 2 utility Fallout 2 Modding Tools Install Procedure


Look, Ma! Two Heads!

I made a video documenting the install procedures on Windows 7 for
the Fallout 2 Mapper (https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/bis-mapper.55/),
the Proto Manager (https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/fallout-2-proto-manager.73/),
the Fallout 2 DAT Explorer (https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/dat-explorer-by-dims.56/),
the sFall Script Editor (https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/sfall-script-editor.77/),
and sFall v4.2.6 (although I see there's already a new version XD) (https://sourceforge.net/projects/sfall/)

Please tell me if this is helpful, and let me know if I got anything wrong or if there's anything that I could explain better.
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Great video. Thanks mate.

BTW if the video is from your own desktop and you use TerraCopy, be forewarned, I used terracopy some 8 years ago and noticed it corrupted files and had failures that regular windows copy (robocopy) didn't. fyi.
Thanks for the warning, I've used it for about the last year and haven't had any problems yet. I specifically use it's verification function to copy important files...are you saying that function doesn't work? Can you recommend an alternative verification on copy program?
are you saying that function doesn't work?

Important note, I used it over 8 years ago, and its possible its improved. I decided to use cause I thought it would be more reliable, turns out it was worse. Pausing and multiple copy operations concurrently caused problems. Windows file copy was more robust.

I can't comment on this feature you use, it maybe very robust.

File integrity is very important to me too. So any file that I want to make sure has been copied correctly I do multiple CRC checksums on. Having installed 7zip is enough. You right click a file and in the context menu an option for CRC SHA is listed. Pick one of the options (ex: SHA-256) and it checks CRC, you do the same on your original file, and compare. This is a crude manual way. An automated way would be nice, but I don't know any.

If tera copy is automatically doing CRC checks after it copies then I'd say it's definitely more reliable than it used to be. It didn't do that before.

I didin't trust it to ever use it again.
I always do at least 2 crc runs to avoid memory mistakes. Although, that's overly obsessive.

Also quantum, read this post. you may want to correct your instructions in the video about where to get header files from for the script editor. :ok:
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