Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

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Sduibek said:
Sorry to hijack thread, but Killap I'm wondering in Fo2 engine, can it be controlled when user encounters Special Encounters?

I am asking because I've had a few users suggest that encountering Alien Blaster early in Fo1 is somewhat game-breaking, and I agree since that weapon is crazy good.

Unfortunately in Fo1 engine I'm not aware of any way to limit when that encounter can occur without extensive code/assembly editing...
In worldmap.txt you can have conditionals. For example:
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)

enc_26=Chance:3%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(614) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

enc_27=Chance:80%,Special,Enc:KAGA1 AMBUSH Player, If(Global(399) < 66)

worldmap.txt said:
; If:<something> -- conditionals, allows <,>,<=,>=,==,& as well as tests
; on Player(<stat/attribute/skill/etc.>), Enctr(Num_Critters),
; Time, Global(<variable index>), Rand(Chance%)
Be careful though as not all of those actually works. I think I saw something about it in the wiki, <= and >= don't work for sure.
Darek-- ahh yes I forgot about that being possible, thank you! That will be perfect.

Also what's all this noise about never saving in combat? Timeslip and others seem to support it militantly. Is it only an issue with Fallout 2 engine?

Because I have saved and loaded during combat many hundreds of times in Fallout 1 and never once experienced an issue that a re-load didn't fix.

If the move to Fallout 2 engine on my mod will ruin the ability to successfully save in combat, that's, for lack of better phrasing, super lame and makes me sad.
Saves during combat in a turn based game? I didn't even think it was possible...

Don't save in combat Sduibek, you're better than that. It's not like its Jagged Alliance where combat lasts an hour.

Save the save scumming for the steal skill where it belongs.
mobucks said:
Saves during combat in a turn based game? I didn't even think it was possible...

Don't save in combat Sduibek, you're better than that. It's not like its Jagged Alliance where combat lasts an hour.

Save the save scumming for the steal skill where it belongs.
Meh. I feel no shame in save-n-load.

EDIT: And regarding the number of times I've done it, I did mean over the course of 16 years of Fallout, btw, just in case that was unclear :P
Sduibek said:
Also what's all this noise about never saving in combat? Timeslip and others seem to support it militantly. Is it only an issue with Fallout 2 engine?

Because I have saved and loaded during combat many hundreds of times in Fallout 1 and never once experienced an issue that a re-load didn't fix.

If the move to Fallout 2 engine on my mod will ruin the ability to successfully save in combat, that's, for lack of better phrasing, super lame and makes me sad.
It's not necessarily that you can't or shouldn't save while in combat, but rather that you can't be sure it will work. So never save over your last save.
Honestly, it works most of the time. I can't remember the last time I got a corrupted map myself.
Saving before any action in the first round of combat seems to be fine.
Problem seems to be that every now and then something goes wrong in combat, but it's not always instant. If you save then your save will get corrupted, and if you keep playing the game will crash eventually.

There also seems to be a few different causes/ways that can go wrong. I think the only known cause is when saving a game when one of the NPCs listed in party.txt has died, that will cause a corruption.
Sometimes a corrupted save can be fixed by clearing the combat info with vad's save editor, but not always.
Other times you have to remove some or all critters from the map.
Basically it's sometimes a save.dat error and other times it's a map save error.
Interesting. Sounds like it might indeed be more FO2-specific because I never got a crash in FO1 before I started modding it. (Wow it sounds bad about my modding phrased that way, lol)

Anyway thank you, good to know.
Darek said:
Which brahmin did you try to look at? The ones on Klamath main map (behind Dunton's house) are the correct ones, those on the grazing map are not.

Yeah, I'm aware that the brahmin I'm supposed to examine are the ones inside the pen just behind the Dunton's shack, still, I'm getting the "just some normal domesticated brahmins" or "there is nothing unusual with these brahmins" messages.

Darek said:
A save game would probably be helpful here, but as far as I could tell, everything looks correct. Most likely you did hit one of the slavers but didn't notice.

Indeed, a save game would be very helpful in this situation, but I have the bad habit to overwrite them. There is no other way to revert this situation?
8 perception can make or break a few quests as I've noticed. At times it has been enough for the Broken Hills scorp tests, at times I fail. Regarding the brahmin, I'm not certain what "minimum" level of perception is needed to complete that.
MVMassing said:
Yeah, I'm aware that the brahmin I'm supposed to examine are the ones inside the pen just behind the Dunton's shack, still, I'm getting the "just some normal domesticated brahmins" or "there is nothing unusual with these brahmins" messages.
Those two lines you mentioned are for looking at them and using science.

"{105}{}{It's a brahmin. It has two heads.}" - You always get this line when examining them (binoculars), and this is the line you should be seeing. The extra quest related text only comes up if you have started the quest, and only once per brahmin.

MVMassing said:
Indeed, a save game would be very helpful in this situation, but I have the bad habit to overwrite them. There is no other way to revert this situation?
Well, I couldn't see anything wrong in the code, and when I tested it I couldn't reproduce it. It's stored in a flag variable and it's possible that something else is writing where it shouldn't. But I wouldn't worry about it unless we get more bug reports on the matter.
vizor said:
Hello guys. I'm playing F2 RP 2.1.2b and have a little problem in rat caves. I checked here http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_2_Restoration_Project_guide_-_Old_areas and there should be a 10 mm gun, a combat knife and a xander root, but all i could find is 109$ in the pile of bones... Am I just missing something or those items just aren't there?
Well starting from the skeleton where you found the money, the combat knife is laying on the ground (in pile of bones) just a few pixels to the east of it, and the xander root just a few pixels south.
Holding in the left Shift button should highlight everything you can pick up. To the north of the area with the bone pile (rat king's lair) there is a small alcove with a dead body on the ground. Depending on the version of RP it will either be lying just next to him on the ground (later RP versions) or he will have it in his inventory (original way). The body will only be there the first time you are on the map and will be replaced with a puddle of blood later. If the pistol was in his inventory it will be hidden under his blood, and you won't be able to get it until the blood disappears, which can take a while.
Darek said:
vizor said:
Hello guys. I'm playing F2 RP 2.1.2b and have a little problem in rat caves. I checked here http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_2_Restoration_Project_guide_-_Old_areas and there should be a 10 mm gun, a combat knife and a xander root, but all i could find is 109$ in the pile of bones... Am I just missing something or those items just aren't there?
Well starting from the skeleton where you found the money, the combat knife is laying on the ground (in pile of bones) just a few pixels to the east of it, and the xander root just a few pixels south.
Holding in the left Shift button should highlight everything you can pick up. To the north of the area with the bone pile (rat king's lair) there is a small alcove with a dead body on the ground. Depending on the version of RP it will either be lying just next to him on the ground (later RP versions) or he will have it in his inventory (original way). The body will only be there the first time you are on the map and will be replaced with a puddle of blood later. If the pistol was in his inventory it will be hidden under his blood, and you won't be able to get it until the blood disappears, which can take a while.

Oh god, thanks for this shift tip man, it's all there on the ground!
Darek said:
Depending on the version of RP it will either be lying just next to him on the ground (later RP versions) or he will have it in his inventory (original way). The body will only be there the first time you are on the map and will be replaced with a puddle of blood later. If the pistol was in his inventory it will be hidden under his blood, and you won't be able to get it until the blood disappears, which can take a while.

The new "blood pools" allow the items to sit on top, but the gun was placed beside the dead dude so people wouldn't freak out if they couldn't reach it (as original), which was very annoying... :roll:
.Pixote. said:
The new "blood pools" allow the items to sit on top, but the gun was placed beside the dead dude so people wouldn't freak out if they couldn't reach it (as original), which was very annoying... :roll:
He is playing RP 2.1.2b though, so no new blood. I couldn't remember if the gun had been moved for that or not.
But yeah, that's a very nice new addition from you by the way. :clap:

Sduibek said:
is the holding down Shift thing from Sfall I assume?
mobucks said:
Saves during combat in a turn based game? I didn't even think it was possible...

Don't save in combat Sduibek, you're better than that. It's not like its Jagged Alliance where combat lasts an hour.

Save the save scumming for the steal skill where it belongs.

Just to chime in: I have a long-running of not saving in combat, for the reason that I think I've had one or two corrupted games. (I picked up the habit long before the Restoration Project.) I'm also no stranger to scumming—I will admit that, when NPC level-ups were more random, I would sometimes repeat an intense firefight multiple times just to maximize the number of NPCs that could level up afterwards.

That said, I feel that the following (emphasis mine), from Per Jorner's guide, is a bit intriguing on a potentially-"encouraged" save-during-combat situation:

http://user.tninet.se/~jyg699a/fallout2.html#sf said:
Beware of bugs while fighting. If you end combat after killing your opponent but before you get the "You win" sign you'll be trapped inside the ring, in which case you must reload immediately since there's no way to get out. To be safe, stick to end turn at all times. It can also happen - when fighting the Dragon's people, at least - that you start winning fights automatically in the first round, but that all fighters remain in the ring and beat you up between fights! Sébastien Caisse comments: "You've probably noticed that in fights, when you get the 'You win' message, you have an extra round, often used by some people to kill the opponent - making bugs appear. However this round was actually provided to save your game. The only 100% 'glitchless' way is to not kill anyone." Depending on your fighting skills, perks and damage you may have to try hard not to do that. I've actually managed to kill every single fighter without any bugs appearing.

That said, I acknowledge that fighting in a heavily-scripted situation (e.g., a ring) is different from "plain ol' combat" in, say, a random encounter.

Hi guys,

I'm new here but I'm no newbie to the fallout games. Been playing that babies since 1998 and still counting. But now I decided to run Fallout 2 on my new wide screen laptop and I was wondering what exactly do i need for that (beside game installation)? And I'm looking also for a patch (or mod) that displays animation of wearing an armor on my party members. Is restoration patch "all-in-one" patch for that all?
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