Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)


Bear Dude
Well, as promised I am currently working on an addon pack for Fallout 2. This pack attempts to add back in all that was pulled out of the game. This pack is NOT to add into Fallout 2 whatever YOU the player might feel should have been added into the game. Please keep this in mind when you post suggestions. At the moment I have gone through almost all the text files and scripts and compiled a list of what appears to have been pulled from the game.

aichest - Hakunin's chest (-3 karma for looting)   
aivase - Aunt Morlis's vase (-3 karma for looting)   
ailkbox - Elder's chest (-3 karma for looting)   
Broken Hills:   
hcenchb - part of the Chad money skimming quest (get info from this character to put Chad away)   
didiary - anna the ghost's diary (script looks done [100xp], no item though?)   
dcpetey - petey, the alley addict of Den (msg file done, script not done)   
Random Encounters:   
eckaga1-eckaga5 - (tribal who is after chosen one in random encounter battles)   
Vault City/Village outside Vault City:   
VCCONNAR.SSL = Connar, the leader of "village outside vault city"   
VCGENVIL.SSL = Generic people at "village outside vault city"   
VCOLDJOE.SSL = Ian from Fallout 1   
New Reno:   
NC3MONTE.MSG - 3-card Monte in New Reno (msg done, script not done)   
ncRico.msg - Rico (3-card Monte's bodyguard) - (script seems done? Check for bugs)   
ncPitBos.msg - casino pit boss (Seems you can actually dance (woman) or tell jokes (male) all for money)   
ntLydRom.msg  - message about lloyd's room upstairs in the Desperado   
NCNIKKI.MSG - used in the llyod case (dealer at the desperado?) (script not done, msg file done)   
Shadow who walks (stop raiders without fighting them)   
Village outside Vault city (no map)   
Abbey location	(no map)   
Primitive Tribe	(no map)   
EPA	(no map)

At the moment, I am about 98% done with the Kaga encounters. I have completely written the 5 scripts that are associated with it from scratch and the majority of the information is based off of the Fallout Bible. I plan on using this source for as much of the addon pack as I can - to at least be as close to the original developers thoughts as I can. There may be more missing from the game than what the above list indicates, so please post if you are aware of anything else or have some intelligent ideas.

This pack is going to take a LONG time to complete (real life mainly being a factor in the slow speed) For this reason, I am looking for help in this project. Mainly help is going to be needed in the creation of the new locations mentioned above. I am no mapper (I can edit what I what in maps, however) so I will need a member to create/edit maps. I know that there are EPA maps floating around (I have them somewhere, but a new link would be helpful) so that should help out a good bit. In addition, I know that Skynet has worked on an Abbey location, and I would like to include his most recent work if he does not mind. I plan on doing the majority of the scripting, so there should not be any real problem there, but I will also need some dialogue writers for the various locations that are missing dialogue files.

More on all this to come later, but I just wanted to finally get the topic started for discussion.
Dude, that sounds great, enough to make me want to order F02 again. Thanks.
People who have skills(sadly doesn't include me), please help this guy out.
Lemme see.... Sullik sister could be added with the primiary tribel map

As for the EPA you could try contacting TeamX as they have nearly completed it.
Village outside Vault city (no map)
Work has been done on this and a beta made here:

If you want it, you'll have to hassle waselandghost, I know he has backups of the files. The links are dead on that page now and so is the project :( also no english version was made although that shouldnt be a problem, due to the fact the MSGs are already in F2

Primitive Tribe (no map)
EPA (no map)

Are both in Alternative life, not as yet released in english though. Maybe Mynah/Avega will let you use them. You should also consider his sister of Sulik quest as mention before.


You should consider calling this the Fallout 2 Restoration Project, especialy considering the amount of work you put in your patch.

The only thing I'd like to add to this is the one I have mentioned twice now in the other thread - to replace the SFX for the 14mm and .233 pistols in Fallout 2 with the one in Fallout 1.

We want our guns to be heard by the dead... :twisted:

It shouldn't be too hard. There is already a mod that does this, but it does not work with your patch.
Wow Killap...you seemed skilled and diligent enough with a patch to make things easier, but not you go and add more stuff? Plus its fully belonging if it was meant to be included.

The Vault Dweller
From Per's guide:

Putting the kids in the Den in an orphanage (possibly run by Mom), with the beneficial side effect of the player not having to risk being pickpocketed any more.

I always wanted a way to stop the kids pick pocketing without having to kill Flick.

IMO it should involve running Frankie out of business somehow to use his bar as the new orphanage.

Possibly Mom hints *wink wink* that the town would be better off without Frankie, then have a couple of ways to get rid of him - kill him off or maybe trick him into leaving town.
Glovz said:
From Per's guide:

Putting the kids in the Den in an orphanage (possibly run by Mom), with the beneficial side effect of the player not having to risk being pickpocketed any more.

I always wanted a way to stop the kids pick pocketing without having to kill Flick.

IMO it should involve running Frankie out of business somehow to use his bar as the new orphanage.

Possibly Mom hints *wink wink* that the town would be better off without Frankie, then have a couple of ways to get rid of him - kill him off or maybe trick him into leaving town.
Yes, the orphanage is a good idea. I also plan on adding in the Den Residential area. I think having the orphanage there would be fit well.
Maybe an option where lloyd just leaves the map when he points the treasure at golchata. It always bothered me that he would atack you. First he is scared of you, telling you te let him go in trade of giving you the treasure. Maybe its just me but I kind of miss a good way to free lloyd
Oracle said:
Maybe an option where lloyd just leaves the map when he points the treasure at golchata. It always bothered me that he would atack you. First he is scared of you, telling you te let him go in trade of giving you the treasure. Maybe its just me but I kind of miss a good way to free lloyd
Actually I consider that more of a glitch than something pulled from the game. In the dialogue you tell him to go (one option to shoot him in the back and the other to really let him go) Both point to the attack node. I think the makers just forgot/ran out of time to create a node that safely removes him from the map.

Keep posting suggestions guys. If anyone knows of some other stuff pulled from the game (I did not read all of the Fallout Bible) please let me know.
killap said:
Oracle said:
Maybe an option where lloyd just leaves the map when he points the treasure at golchata. It always bothered me that he would atack you. First he is scared of you, telling you te let him go in trade of giving you the treasure. Maybe its just me but I kind of miss a good way to free lloyd
Actually I consider that more of a glitch than something pulled from the game. In the dialogue you tell him to go (one option to shoot him in the back and the other to really let him go) Both point to the attack node. I think the makers just forgot/ran out of time to create a node that safely removes him from the map.

So will you fix this in your patch or is this to hardcoded to do?

How about putting the mr fixit into the addon
Oracle said:
So will you fix this in your patch or is this to hardcoded to do?

How about putting the mr fixit into the addon

Can easily be done and will go into my next patch release. I was going to get it into the release I did yesterday, but I forgot to add it to my list of things to include in the update. :p

I have not looked into the mr fixit thing, so I will have to research it before I come to any conclusion. I doubt I will include it though since I want just things pulled from the game to be in this expansion pack.
Just some ideas that came to me after skimming the Fallout Bible, they may or may not fit in with what you want to do.

Vault 29: No one in this Vault was over the age of 15 when they entered. Parents were redirected to
other Vaults on purpose. Harold is believed to have come from this Vault.
- hidden location, found if Outdoorsman skill is >=45% ???
- located direct path between New Reno and San Francisco, 5 or 6 grid squares directly North of the Military Base
- use map similiar if not identical to Vault 13
- have the inhabitants be semi-isolationists (aware of the Vault Dewellers actions in the past, but not aware of the Enclave, aware only of San Fransico by means of rare tradings excurtions)
- no Overseer
- happy to gain knowledge of outside world
- computers contain some history files (some timeline info taken from the Fallout Bible perhaps)
- their leader could tell stories of Harold and how they overcame challenges in the past given the vault contained only teens initially
- quests???

Vault 34: The armory was overstocked with weapons and ammo and not provided with a lock.
- not hidden
- located somewhere between Redding and Navarro (3 grid squares North and 4 East of Navarro maybe)
- vault door must be opened using Electronic Lockpick or Electronic Lockpick MKII + Lockpick skill check >=80% ???
- inhabitants all dead
- use map similiar if not identical to Vault 15 (not stucturally sound due to weapon damage)
- defensive system of some sort in place maybe
- computer containing log of how things started ok but due to the Overseer intentially inciting disagreements between the inhabitants, a fight breaks out, then escalating into a fire fight, last log entry describes despair by last dying inhabitant
- large weapons cache somewhere and/or on dead bodies
- no quests

Vault 53: Most of the equipment was designed to break down every few months. While repairable,
the breakdowns were intended to stress the inhabitants unduly.
- not hidden
- located between Arroyo and Primitive Tribe (3 North and 1 East of Primitive Tribe maybe, if you use the location as shown here - http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/album_page.php?pic_id=28 )
- use map similiar if not identical to Vault City (vault interior)
- a hardy people, vault open, happy to meet travelers
- maybe Vic alraedy new about them, can give location???
- quest(s)? - they are in need of a few things (Junk, Medical Supplies, Water Chip! - all can be found in the game and are not used for anything currently)
- due to their remarkable repair skills, they can upgrade any weapon
- large cache of tools
- quest - had recent dispute with Primitive Tribe over sharing knowledge, supplies, who knows? (player is asked to resolve dispute)
killap said:
Well, if those ideas were taken from the Fallout Bible then there are definitely something I shall consider. They sound pretty cool too.

they are, but I'd leave them, for now.

It's a great idea, this patch, but obviously the priority is to fill up missing holes, not to add totally new locations that were not even hinted at in the game.
Sounds good Killap. As always you are top notch and I have to say, playing your patch was a fine experience, the most bug free Fallout I have played since Fallout 1.

The add ons should be interesting.
Okay I just spent 3.5 hours reading through the bibles in detail (my head hurts). There is some intereresting stuff WARNING very long post, I wont feel sorry for you if you get a head ache because I just read through 100 times more stuff to present this:

It was intended that while the player was reading the Vault 8 (Vault City) records in Fallout 2, he could discover a classified file (opened with a successful Science skill roll) which explained that Vault 8 was a "control Vault," designed to hold 1000 people and to open on time. This file was intended to foreshadow the discovery of the true and sinister purpose of the Vaults.

The player was also intended to apply his Science skill to the central computer in Vault 13 to obtain a history of Vault 13, the Overseer's involvement in the Vault Dweller's expulsion, and even worse, the true purposes of the Vaults. The Overseer was conscious of the true purpose of the Vaults as social experiments on a grand scale, and he drove out the Vault Dweller because he was afraid that he would ruin the experiment... or uncover it. Of course, the Overseer himself caused problems not long after this, according to Martin Frobisher, the leader of Vault 13 in Fallout 2:

"There used to be an overseer, many years ago, but he did a bad thing and many of our people left the Vault. Only to die in the Wastes, I’m sure. He was tried and sentenced to death for his crime. We haven’t used the title since."

Martin did not see the Overseer executed, however... his information comes from the Vault 13 records passed down by his ancestors.

re: fev - Most likely a great majority of insects were affected (they tend to breed much faster, and their mutations tend to become evident pretty quickly as the generations advance), possibly beetles, some spiders, cockroaches, and other creatures.

This is a good excuse to put some of wild qwertys frms in the game

Endings for players friendly NPCs


The Vault City that I helped establish was to outlast me and continue on for many more years. In the elections that occurred after the destruction of the remnants of the United States government, Senior Council Member McClure was appointed First Citizen and I retired to honorary council member status.

With my new free time, I traveled south to NCR and met the NCR President.

I was responsible for much of the legislation that followed in the years between NCR and our City.


Inspired by the example set by the Chosen One, Marcus eventually traveled across the great mountains to the east, searching for other refugees from the Master’s army. You never heard from him again.


The destruction of the Enclave erased all trace of President Richardson from history. Now the title of “President” is used simply a bogeyman used to frighten children.


You still hear mention of Harold from time to time. Apparently, the tree growing from his head has gotten larger, and if rumors are to be believed, fruit is growing from it. The seeds are said to remarkably tough, and several of them have taken root even in the most barren stretches of the wasteland.


The Arroyo elder lived for many years after the destruction of the Enclave. She seemed pleased that the ancient separation between Vault 13 and the Vault Dweller had been reconciled, and many were the times she told you she wished the Vault Dweller were alive to have seen the reconciliation take place.

Certain that the safety of the new village had been secured and the new community was flourishing, the Elder passed away a few months later in her sleep. Many of the older Arroyo residents believe that she now lives in the vault of the sky, telling the Vault Dweller of your brave deeds.


[Matt Norton's comments] The end movie is just finishing – the tanker sailing toward the view at full speed. In the distance is a massive explosion of the Enclave oil platform. The tanker draws closer as the screen fades to black. The Elder, the player character, and all the tribesmen are escaping on the tanker, though we do not see them. The Elder speaks in voiceover. She is pleased, even a little mischievous.

Oh, did you see that? That was a good explosion!

Chosen One, you are worthy of your name. I am alive, the tribe is saved, and the evil ones are dead. By the Vault Dweller, you are a hero indeed!

All the village will honor you when we get home – even your Aunt Morliss. We will roast a gecko and feast. There will be a shrine to you in the temple. Children will be taught your name. With you to protect us, we will certainly grow and prosper.


That was a good explosion, wasn’t it? I think I would like to see more explosions…

Horrigan is a mutant, but Horrigan was a monster before his exposure to FEV in the military base (he had many psychological problems which may be included in a Horrigan psychological profile in the future)

Horrigan Random encounter
If the player attacks (if possible) Horrigan will give the player one warning and say that doing such a thing again would be inadvisable.

Float (Horrigan) : “That was ill advised, but I will overlook it due to your obvious ineptitude. I will not do so again.”

. NCR is rumored to have a mechanized vehicle division outside of its farming vehicles, but the number of vehicles in the division is unknown.

Good idea for a random encouter perhaps, stumbling on NCR armour wait near V15 maybe, good excuse to use tactics armourd car maybe.

In the original design, the eightball was also supposed to increase the frequency of special encounters as well as be a weapon you can throw, but we ended up axing that because the eightball was getting too filled with functionality.

Chinese nuclear submarine - This submarine was supposed to play a larger role in Fallout 2, but it was axed because the game was too big as it was. Basically, it was another stage to "get the tanker ready" quest - basically, there was this old Chinese submarine buried beneath in the waters of San Francisco, and if it detected any American vessel coming anywhere near it, its automated defense system would fire its missiles at the vessel and DESTROY it. So the intention was for you to find some deactivation code to disarm it before you could take the tanker safely to the Enclave.

Oh man if someone could add the sub to the game... not gonna hapen im geussing though, maybe it could be shut down via a shi computer.

Sgt. Granite and his crew after the destruction of the Enclave? - After reaching the mainland, they headed north to Navarro (or the remains of Navarro, depending on how your PC left it)

No one knows what happened to Navarro after the Enclave was destroyed. It's unlikely that the BOS seized it after the events in F2 because they didn't have a strong military presence up North at the end of F2. They would have been interested in taking it, however - although they would have suffered serious casualties

After the game ends Sgt. Granite and his people lead the defence of navarro against the brotherhood or they get the option to join them, after you broker a deal?

Father Tully in New Reno - In the original documentation, Tully was supposed to be from the Abbey, but they drove him out after he accidentally set fire to one of their libraries.

This should be the way to get the abbey loaction.

re: shivs They're really shitty daggers - basically, their big claim to fame was supposed to be (1) they would never be detected as a weapon in hand if you approached someone (or entered a boxing match, or fought in the ring against LoPan) and can be hidden i.e. security check in NCR

Speaks for its self, maybe get bad karma for cheating in the boxing ring and the shi fight.

yellow reactor key card - it was supposed to either (1) do something to the nuclear bomb in the Enclave, or (2) do something to the reactor in Gecko.

Missing NPCs [Party Member 15] ; pMChicken_PID - The Chicken was the NPC that was supposed to hatch out of the easter egg.

Missing NPCs - [Party Member 16] ; pMKarl_PID - No info

Lol dont think youl even consider this but they were going to include the chicken!

I'd like to ask why the fire breathing geckos could not be skinned? -According to one of Fallout 2's lead designer, Matt Norton, that was a bug. There weren't any special hides for them in any case.


re: the extra vaults mentioned earlier, I dont think they ever planned on sticking them in the game but that dosnt meen that shouldnt be, here the full list of un-made vaults:

Vault 27 This Vault would be overcrowded deliberately. 2000 people would be assigned to enter, double the total sustainable amount. The location of this Vault is unknown.
Vault 29 No one in this Vault was over the age of 15 when they entered. Parents were redirected to other Vaults on purpose. Harold is believed to have come from this Vault.
Vault 34 The armory was overstocked with weapons and ammo and not provided with a lock.
Vault 36 The food extruders were designed to produce only a thin, watery gruel.
Vault 42 No light bulbs of more than 40 watts were provided.
Vault 53 Most of the equipment was designed to break down every few months. While repairable, the breakdowns were
intended to stress the inhabitants unduly.
Vault 55 All entertainment tapes were removed.
Vault 56 All entertainment tapes were removed except those of one particularly bad comic actor. Sociologists predicted failure before Vault 55.
Vault 68 Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one woman.
Vault 69 Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one man.
Vault 70 All jumpsuit extruders fail after 6 months.
Vault 106 Psychoactive drugs were released into the air filtration system 10 days after the Door was sealed.
Dude101 said:
Missing NPCs [Party Member 15] ; pMChicken_PID - The Chicken was the NPC that was supposed to hatch out of the easter egg.

Missing NPCs - [Party Member 16] ; pMKarl_PID - No info

Lol dont think youl even consider this but they were going to include the chicken!

While it may be true that they were considering an Easter egg NPC (sounds really stupid, though), Chris is wrong about the Chicken. It's already used in the game (Modoc).
Dude101 said:
Missing NPCs - [Party Member 16] ; pMKarl_PID - No info

Originally it was planned, so that you actually had to escort Karl back to modoc. So his NPC role was just temporary.

Also, Doctor in Vault 15 was supposed to be a joinable NPC.

To Killap:

I´ll search my backups for the Abbey project and send them to you tomorrow.
Killap, Did you receive the Abbey stuff, that I e-mailed for you on 23.03.2006 (using your gmail address)?

I haven´t got any replies...