Fallout 2 unofficial patch v1.03 (UK)


Carbon Dated and Proud
Locutus have just finished creating the unofficial 1.03 UK patch for Fallout 2, here are some of the errors it fixes:
  • Small fix in the Enclave computer terminal
  • Grisham will no longer call Balthas Balthus (Or Balthos, I can't quite remember.)
  • A fix in Badger's dialogue
  • Tubby will now tell you about Redding
  • Marge will no longer say that Dan supports the NCR
  • Some small fixes in President Richardson's dialogue
  • Vault City gate guard will now call Marcus a mutant and Lenny a ghoul
This day just gets better and better, what next?
Download Link: Fallout 2 unOfficial patch v1.03 (3MB)