Fallout 3 at E3 - Electric Playground

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Apart from referring to VATS as turn-based:<blockquote>If you asked me what the ultimate RPG looked like, I'd probably put two requirements at the top of my list: a world like Oblivion, and the character system of Fallout.

Welcome to Fallout 3.

After what seemed like years of secrecy, Bethesda finally treated us to a look at Fallout 3 at E3 2007. And speaking as a long time fan of the series, I am psyched.


There aren't quite as many quests as there are in Oblivion, but Bethesda says you will have lots to do. You can talk to the residents you encounter with a multiple choice menu system, similar to classic Fallout (not like Oblivion's). There are also lots of little activities and brief Fedex-style missions that don't register as formal sidequests, but you can pursue them if you want. When you do a get formal sidequest, the game no longer interrupts you. Remember how a window explaining the quest would pop in Oblivion? Now, the title of the quest fades up and out on the screen without pausing the game.</blockquote>Link: Electric Playground Fallout 3 preview.

Spotted on the official Fallout 3 site.
nothing new again, except maybe dj reporting your actions (wtf? superman returns?) and hacking mini-game: does it mean there IS possibility to hack computers with high skill without guessing passwords? or it's just his imagination?
If you asked me what the ultimate RPG looked like, I'd probably put two requirements at the top of my list: a world like Oblivion, and the character system of Fallout.
Does this mean the world needs to be the top-notch of the visual presentation, in order that the next-gen gamers can 'immerse' into it?
There are also lots of little activities and brief Fedex-style missions...
How dare you Beth? Stealing the features of the Wasteland Merc Mod!?
If you want, you can fight in real-time, and in fact that is the default stage.
No doubt (not the band).
lisac2k said:
If you asked me what the ultimate RPG looked like, I'd probably put two requirements at the top of my list: a world like Oblivion, and the character system of Fallout.
Does this mean the world needs to be the top-notch of the visual presentation, in order that the next-gen gamers can 'immerse' into it?
Immersive doors are the most important part of modern cRPGs.
The Fallout series had my favourite hands-down turn-based RPG combat system. Bethesda has cleverly worked this into Fallout 3. If you want, you can fight in real-time, and in fact that is the default stage. The combat determines successful attacks and damage based on character's skill. However, you can go into a turn-based mode if you want by activating your VATS (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System for your Pip-Boy Model 3000).
In this mode, gameplay gets turn-based, and you can do "called shots," just like in the first two games. Do you have strong sniping skills and want to aim at the head for the quick kill? A shot to the legs to slow 'em down? It's up to you. Bethesda says that there is a slight edge for gamers who go into this mode, as the odds of hitting someone in the head in real-time--running around in the thick of combat--are tougher

IMHO VATS is not turn-based combat :( I played Ja 1/2 , Xcom 1/2/3 , Fallout 1/2 , Arcanum, TOEE etc and in turn based combat I had one turn and after computer had one turn etc.
VATS is pause with targeting mode only.
oh yes. oh yes. A quest in F3. I see it clearly now.

"Hello, dear player, this quest window is popped-up right into your face, but we are not pausing your game - so that super-mutie swarm hiding behind that corner as seen on your GPS system called bethesda compass will be able to kill you, while this window is closing your view - old fans wanted hardcore you know - we giving it now.

The quest is: kill 10 rad-scorpions

And here is our unique multiple-choices menu(tm)(R)(c) that gives you freedom(tm) of a choice!(R). What'd you like to do?

a) take the quest;
b) skip the quest;

skyway said:
oh yes. oh yes. A quest in F3. I see it clearly now.

"Hello, dear player, this quest window is popped-up right into your face, but we are not pausing your game - so that super-mutie swarm hiding behind that corner as seen on your GPS system called bethesda compass will be able to kill you, while this window is closing your view - old fans wanted hardcore you know - we giving it now.

The quest is: kill 10 rad-scorpions

And here is our unique multiple-choices menu(tm)(R)(c) that gives you freedom(tm) of a choice!(R). What'd you like to do?

a) take the quest;
b) skip the quest;


:clap: :clap: Now we can 'immerse' into F 3
[add random banter that insults the previewer, calls him "not a real Fallout fan" and once again criticizes Bethesda, Fallout 3, and Oblivion]
NukaColaClassic said:
[add random banter that insults the previewer, calls him "not a real Fallout fan" and once again criticizes Bethesda, Fallout 3, and Oblivion]

Hey look! Spam! Feeding soldiers since world war 2.
Oh I can just imagine the fun:

GNN: This is Galaxy News with today's headline. A local psychopath detonated a nuclear bomb that a town called Megaton was built around earlier this morning. The devastation was huge, but no children were harmed in the blast, miraculously crawling out of the smoking crater without a scratch on them.

Enclave: This is Radio Enclave, the radio station that you are NOT listening to! Among the events that didn't happen today... nothing at all happened at Megaton. In other news, there have been no escapes from Vault 101. Our authority in this area is total. And now, "If I didn't care" by the Ink Blots.... What? What do you mean I'm wrong? Ink Spots you say? Oh sh..

Mudcrab 501FM: This is the mudcrab station! All mudcrabs, all the time! Have YOU seen a mudcrab today and think they're horrible creatures? Phone in now! The first caller gets a Bobblehead!
Yay! Another cookie cutter preview with the same info and great praise as all the others.

This is where I stop listening, reading, or caring about the previews and just wait for something new.

Stupid git, I'm your father, car explodes, go to megaton, meet Mr. Burke, nuclear catapult some mutants. Blow up Megaton. End preveiw for the press and that's all we'll read about.

I forgot toilet drinking. The few glimmers of hope (dialogue) will only work with good writing.

This Radiostation in the Pip-boy is kind of bothering me, but have no idea why. Doesn't sit well with me, maybe for the fact that the pip-boy 3000 is acting more like a PSP than a tool now. Next feature in the pip-boy3000.....

Wait for it....

Tetris!!! When you get just as bored playing Fallout 3 just like when you got bored playing Oblivion.

I've said enough.
It's been awhile since we've seen the Fallout franchise (longer, if you pretend that Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for console didn't exist, like I do), but what we saw convinces me that Bethesda hasn't missed a step and is handling the license right. The game is full of recognizable Fallout trademarks: the Brotherhood of Steel trying to lay down law and order; enemies like Radscorpions and Super Mutants; towns built out of what appears to be auto parts and aluminum siding. They've got a 3D world that's exactly like the original games, down to Brahmins grazing here and there. You'll even recognize distinctive sound effects.

Urg. That line makes me angry. Now, hopefully Beth isn't this stupid, but it's frustrating people can't even get the nature of the Brotherhood right. They're not heroes, damnit!
Justicar Empiricus said:
Urg. That line makes me angry. Now, hopefully Beth isn't this stupid, but it's frustrating people can't even get the nature of the Brotherhood right. They're not heroes, damnit!

even more frustrating that those people are calling emselves fallout fans.
Mudcrab 501FM: This is the mudcrab station! All mudcrabs, all the time! Have YOU seen a mudcrab today and think they're horrible creatures? Phone in now! The first caller gets a Bobblehead!

this is simply fucking hillarious! rofl
NukaColaClassic said:
[add random banter that insults the previewer, calls him "not a real Fallout fan" and once again criticizes Bethesda, Fallout 3, and Oblivion]

You have been told not to do this. Another strike. Next one's your last.

Vault69er, you are not a moderator.
Justicar Empiricus said:
It's been awhile since we've seen the Fallout franchise (longer, if you pretend that Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for console didn't exist, like I do), but what we saw convinces me that Bethesda hasn't missed a step and is handling the license right. The game is full of recognizable Fallout trademarks: the Brotherhood of Steel trying to lay down law and order; enemies like Radscorpions and Super Mutants; towns built out of what appears to be auto parts and aluminum siding. They've got a 3D world that's exactly like the original games, down to Brahmins grazing here and there. You'll even recognize distinctive sound effects.

Urg. That line makes me angry. Now, hopefully Beth isn't this stupid, but it's frustrating people can't even get the nature of the Brotherhood right. They're not heroes, damnit!
Yeah, since it's a preview there's the possibility that the previewer saw paladins blowing up raiders/bandits/mutants/monsters and scribbled down laying down law and order since it sounds good, while they could've been just defending a BoS outpost, patrolling, questing for the holy hand grenade launcher or whatever.

Bethesda could completely blow it, but I assume they're smart enough to realize how the BoS works. Unless like I've thought elsewhere, the BoS in FO3 might be a disgruntled offshoot. Maybe some paladins and scribes a generation or two down the line who got irritated at the BoS hiding in its bunker instead of trying to help the people of the wasteland and... Set off east for some reason. Maybe there's a GECK warehouse in DC.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Bethesda could completely blow it, but I assume they're smart enough to realize how the BoS works. Unless like I've thought elsewhere, the BoS in FO3 might be a disgruntled offshoot. Maybe some paladins and scribes a generation or two down the line who got irritated at the BoS hiding in its bunker instead of trying to help the people of the wasteland and... Set off east for some reason. Maybe there's a GECK warehouse in DC.

I'm hoping there's some explanation, but I'm still a bit worried.