Fallout 3 GOTY/New Vegas UT English language or subtitle patch?


First time out of the vault
I bought these two games toghether recently. Imagine my surprise when the game introduced itself in some moon-language after quite a long install. :p

A quick investigation of the back of the box (which had zero clues on the front cover and the PL/CZ/HU letters revealed that my purchase was for the Eastern European release (Polish, Hungarian and Czech).

Now I might be getting old but back in my day people'd normally include the original release of the game before adding localizations on top of it, especially if there were no separate voice files for each language, only separate menus and subtitles. While I have no doubt that the game is going to be no less enjoyable in Czech once I learn the language, maybe a lot of time and costly language lessons could just be skipped if Bethesda made a patch that's change the texts back to the original available somewhere? (If they could not do that in the install disk because of space or whatever.)

Surely, there's a perfectly good English subtitle patch for download somewhere, and I just haven't found it yet? :p
Ah, nevermind. I just realized the box also includes a STEAM code?
Presumably if I register the game I would also gain access to a full download of the English version? (I hope. I'm not a regular steam user.)
Is it a CD for PC, Box + Steam Key, console version...?
Ah, nevermind. I just realized the box also includes a STEAM code?
Presumably if I register the game I would also gain access to a full download of the English version? (I hope. I'm not a regular steam user.)
Oh, yeah, it's pretty straightforward. Once you have the game on your library, you can right click it-Properties-Language
Then it'll download (don't know if you can choose before installing) the version in whichever language you picked.
^Thank you friend.
It worked just fine for New Vegas.
But FO3 GOTY is still a problem, since the box had no steam code inside...
The Key could be in the instruction manual sometimes
And if you got the game from a non-sealed box, like at second hand or a shady place, the key might has been taken already, that happened to me once.
And last but not least, that Fo3 could be a non-Steam version, just installed by the CD.
Probably that last one, according to the internet - FO3 disc version belongs to Games4Windows and not Steam still I hear.

Thanks for the advice at any rate, I'll make do with Vegas for now. :p