Fallout 3 PC Crashes


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I live in the UK and I got F3 for windows XP, and as it says it's 'compatible' with everything I have on my pc. The game is fine until i get out of Vault 101 and into the wastes. Then for 10 mins of playing its fine then it goes all laggy and jumpy then bang, screen goes black and it puts me back to desktop (closing fallout 3). This happened a few times before i looked to see if there was a patch. So i went online, got the Fallout v1.0.0.15 US patch. Game worked for an hour then crashed again. Realising my mistake in getting the US instead of UK i went and got the UK patch, put it on and played Fallout 3. Worked for about 2 hours then crashed again. I thought these patches were meant to fix the crashes in the game. But it feels to me that Bethesda didn't really fix it at all. My game keeps crashing every 10 seconds of gameplay now. Does anyone know what to do??? Please help! :( :cry: :(
I'll expect you meet the min system requirements, if so, put everything on lowest graphical setting and your less likely to crash.

It will look like crap but hey, you need can get a gaming computer cheap these days.
^ Yup, try changing settings if the game is being laggy. Otherwise, expect a random crash every 2-3 hours, it's normal for FO3.
Hobo In A Box said:
I'll expect you meet the min system requirements, if so, put everything on lowest graphical setting and your less likely to crash.

It will look like crap but hey, you need can get a gaming computer cheap these days.

Game looks like crap anyway. Don't understand the praise for the graphics, yet this is about the first thing Bethesda fanbots tend to mention in their praise for it.
Try turning off Anti-Aliasing as a start.
I had a lot of crashes whenever I had that on, mostly when I used VATS.
PlanHex said:
Try turning off Anti-Aliasing as a start.
I had a lot of crashes whenever I had that on, mostly when I used VATS.

Funny i dont got any crashes with AA on...
Oh yeah i forgot to say, my fallout 3 is on the lowest graphical setting for literally everything. The graphics are hopeless and still i can't play.
Anyone else got any suggestions? :|
Do you have any background processes/programs running that could be using up system resources? Especially real-time anti-virus or anti-malware scanners. Those'll really slow down the disk reads Fallout 3 needs, making it run jerky.

Perhaps you could post your computer's hardware list? It may help us figure out what the problem is.
Eh... lol im gonna try the thing with the turning off all the things in processes that i don't need. But i don't know how to get my hardware list... ok i'll try this thing and get back to you.
I turned off all my uneeded processes, AVG anti-virus ect. but i play for about 10 mins and i go into vats and bam. Screen goes black and i'm back at the desktop. I think I will just play fallout 2 until they bring out the next F3 Patch.
This is without a doupt THE most common place problem with fallout 3 on the PC i have it all the time and well it sucks...I hate it beyond a Ghoul hating a Flower....

Is THEre any Way to stiop it?

Bathesda get off your ass and get this awesome game to work....or so help me GOD that I will molotov Your HQ (:
I'm downloading the newest patch from the fallout official website patch maybe this will make it work? :|
Personally I found that intalling the latest drivers for all of my computer hardware including the secondary ones helped with the Crashing to Desktop.
Tried reinstalling, went from crashing every 1 hour to randomly crashing every 10 minutes, mostly when entering a room. And i have a very good comp, second to popeviper so that isn't the issue.
Yeah I crash alot too, it is almost every 5minutes if my graphical settings are on very high, only about every 40minutes if on medium/high.
Reconite said:
I turned off all my uneeded processes, AVG anti-virus ect. but i play for about 10 mins and i go into vats and bam. Screen goes black and i'm back at the desktop. I think I will just play fallout 2 until they bring out the next F3 Patch.

You never did confirm that you are running the bare minimum. You used "compatible", but that term has had no meaning since Compaq became a big factor in PCs, over 20 years ago. Bethesda, like BioWare, is hardware-stupid. They have no idea which hardware is capable of doing what, and their "System Requirements" tend to be nothing but a bad, sad joke!

MINIMUM hardware is going to mean a LOT of slowness, a lot of jerkiness, etc. The word "Lag", however, is another word with no direct connection to games such as Fallout 3. That word refers to programs operated over transmitted networks, and Fallout 3 is a standalone product. It doesn't need "Games for Windows" and it runs far better without that Albatross.