Fallout 76 - My Impressions


Vault Dweller
Well, we knew it was going to happen one day. Fallout has become another frame on the wall of "games as service" IPs, where not only will you not fully own what you purchase, what you create or uncover within said game will never fully be yours, and the game itself will be at the mercy of an external server set-up, thus when that part gets shut down, the game becomes worthless.

In the meantime, let's dig into the product that Bethesda sold us. I say sold instead of 'is going to sell' because, as Bethesda has so openly told us recently, the BETA version of Fallout 76 is a 'starting point, not the finished game'. In essence, it's an Early Access game and those who pre-ordered are playing the game just as much as those who buy the game come Nov. 14th will be. (I'll be playing HITMAN 2 by then.)


For starters, let's talk about the connection issues. Since I do not have the numbers to work from, let us assume the number of people wanting to play the BETA of Fallout 76 is around 100,000. When I first logged in at one minute past the starting time for one of the BETA sessions, there was no issue getting in. However, an hour and change later, when I went back to the main menu to start a new character and spend a bit more time looking for details I missed, I was unable to connect. In all, I was booted seven times, as though the servers were completely full by the time that hour was past, or I had been extremely lucky the first time.

Not a good start, and it'll continue to be an issue as more and more players come in across the PS4 and PC platforms.

As for the game itself, as we've come to expect, it is built around the framework of Fallout 4, the most regressive game in the history of Fallout, sans PoS. With that in mind, when the game begins, we get an introduction that is nothing more than a trailer that has already come out for the game. The talk of rebuilding after the nuclear war, 'our future begins', etc, etc.

The actual game begins in what amounts to a showcase Vault. There's very little to interact with outside of the computer terminal in the room where your character wakes up, and you cannot leave this room until you have the PipBoy on.

As a side note, this being a 2018 game, expect to hear some variation of a pro-diversity speech from the Overseer as you gather your things and leave the Vault. We knew this was coming thanks to the trailers showing what amounts to a graduation party of people who look like they didn't change or age a bit after entering the Vault, but ever since Howard said 'Yes, you can play as a woman' on the stage of E3 in 2015 in relation to Fallout 4, I've had the creeping suspicion that not only does he not know what this IP is like, but that over time, Bethesda has fallen in line with the companies who simply don't have a spine in terms of standing up to the politically correct thought police. Or worse, have started catering to them.

While being directed out of the Vault, you'll walk by stands that have some stuff to get you started. Water, medkits, the CAMP tool, PERK cards and so forth. As you head for the Vault door, you'll be instantly bumped to Level 2 and asked to pick a PERK card to apply to your character.

And yes, PERK cards now determine your character's SPECIAL stats, which all start at 1. Meaning you had better figure out what you want to specialize in before placing that first card, but at the same time, you don't want to lose the benefits of other cards, even if you see no use in applying points to the respective SPECIAL stat.

It's a counter-intuitive system and just goes to prove how well-designed SPECIAL+Skills+Perks was in Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas.

Some will say this is because Fallout 76 is a multiplayer game, but unlike some other MMOs I've played, like Black Desert and Guild Wars 2, this system does not work well with players who want to go solo, which is what I usually do in games like these. Keep in mind also that in Guild Wars 2 and Black Desert, you don't have to literally join a group to get the benefits of working as one. Fallout 76, however, requires that you do this in order to maximize power between players, loot drops, XP gain, and also fill in the stat gaps that a lack of certain stats no doubt has on all players involved.

So, despite what Howard said about playing solo in 76, it seems he and Hines and the early press releases related to the game weren't keen on mentioning any of this. This may be Bethesda's first dive into a game like this, but Battlecry Studios is a multiplayer studio and should know better than this.

In terms of graphics and aesthetics, the former is quite ugly in terms of textures. So much so that I get the impression Battlecry Studios and Bethesda put more emphasis on the lighting for the purposes of trailers, even though very little of that has changed since Fallout 4. Considering the hiccups I noticed while playing, sometimes while walking down empty roads, it seems keeping the textures as they were in 2015 isn't helping much.

As for aesthetics, nothing much has changed since Fallout 4, so if you liked that game's looks, there's nothing new here.

Back to connection issues for a minute, and we'll touch on gameplay some. When you leave the Vault, the first enemies you'll run into are Chinese spider drones that fire lasers at you. There are a pipe pistol and machete to find nearby before you engage them, but here's where this game being always-online starts to hurt the gameplay. When I fired at these drones for the first time, I noticed a half-second delay between the shot being fired and the game registering a hit. I was in no real danger of dying because of how long it took these drones to fire a shot, but that long of a delay to register a hit is a major issue and got me to resort to whacking them with whatever melee option I had.

Enemies also seem to have been deafened in the switch to the always-online system. Firing a shot while hidden at molerats who are less than a few yards away from you won't get them to pay attention to you. This might not be true of Super Mutants or other enemies, but thus far, I've neither seen any beyond the basic stuff or found anything that could reasonably qualify as a precision rifle to test this.

In the past few games, when things got hairy, the usual response was to flip to VATS and take shots at certain enemies. In Fallout 76, with VATS being tied into the always-online structure of the game, this means there's a more than one second delay in registering hit chance, so while you're trying to stay on the move, the ratio will wildly change and throw your camera, as well as your direction of movement, around depending on the situation. This makes VATS worthless for times when a lot of movement is necessary, but just as pointless in moments when you know you can make shots yourself with a pistol, rifle or what have you.

Now, let's cover two other things: The Main Quest, and the settlement building.

We're all well aware of how much Bethesda and Howard were hyping up the idea of launching nukes into the Appalachia area and spawning high-level zones for players to fight in, which is a gross misunderstanding and perversion of the themes of Fallout, especially Lonesome Road from New Vegas.

What makes it even more so is the Overseer's quest. It truly starts when you find the first holotape left for you at their CAMP, and involves finding and shutting down the three silos in the area.

I'm not going to break down every detail of what I just said, because it speaks for itself. Bethesda doesn't understand its own IP, Elder Scrolls. Many know this. So, why would they understand, much less respect, one they purchased instead of created?

On that note, what's left at the end of the day is the gameplay loop from Fallout 4, which was laid out by Joseph Anderson years ago. The gameplay loop is Exploration>Combat>Gathering, and then rinse and repeat. You do this for many quests, and to improve your settlements and yourself.

New Vegas had a similar gameplay loop, but what separates that from Fallout 4 and 76 by extension is New Vegas had quality story-writing, good quests with multiple outcomes, and fun companions and characters to ensure ECG was not all you were doing for the dozens of hours you played the game.

While we already knew 76 would not have NPCs outside of the most basic of task dispensers, who are no different than the computers and holotapes you'll find in the game, this devolution of gameplay into the most basic of tasks should be seen as an insult to everyone who is even marginally a fan of this IP. This kind of 'gameplay' is everywhere in games these days, but outside of Minecraft and its prodigies, there is always something else to support the idea.

Take for example Red Dead Redemption II. As soon as you make a new camp, you can begin hunting animals for parts, meat, and other things. These can be turned into new weapons and ammo, donated to the gang camp for provisions, which eventually lets you unlock better storage satchels, sold for a profit, or shipped off to a museum after finding a letter asking for quality animals for display. Factor in the story and voice-acting, Bounties, Thievery, Legendary Animals, Fencing, Gambling, Horse Care and other things, and it should be no surprise why RDR II rarely feels boring as a game. With some exceptions in terms of locations, it is a superior example of the "go anywhere, do anything" mantra Bethesda coined.

Which leaves settlement building as the lone creative outlet of this game. Aside from new stuff to build and place, and the requirement that floating platforms now be supported by a foundation of some kind, there's very little difference between this iteration and Fallout 4's version. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Fallout 4 was a test run for this very game.

To round this out, a few things.

First, I would like to draw your attention to something said by Zaric on YouTube, which I happen to agree with after giving it some thought. He was of the impression that the people who are waiting for certain things, like private servers, which are actually instanced worlds, and mods are playing right into Bethesda's hands with Fallout 76. They're aware some will wait that long before making the dive, just as much as some won't wait and come in Day 1 or earlier, and come that time when mods/private servers arrive, they can do a 'relaunch' of the game with these features enabled.

I would go one further and point out how the early adopters are more or less the playtesters. BETA players are technically this already.

(Side note: Bethesda and Battlecry Studios update the ENTIRE client after a patch, so expect to download the 44-50 GIGs of data all over again every time this happens until their straighten their heads out about this.)

Second, because the microtransactions are not enabled in the BETA, I can't speak much about them, but let's not forget that these have been popping up in many AAA games as of late, and taking Bethesda, Howard, and Hines, the kings of liars, at their word about how these can only be used for cosmetics when they have nothing to show to support this claim is foolish. They've already lied about what the BETA is. What makes you think they're telling the truth about this?

Third, the lore issues. Unless, as some have suggested, Bethesda makes something akin to a Fallout Bible of their own, that lays out concrete details to things they want to have to happen, they're going to get fans who know better than them questioning what the reasoning is behind some decisions they make, and in turn, fans will get retcons instead of substantial answers, and Bethesda will be free to make what amounts to new-owner-fiction.

(76 has hints of activity from the Brotherhood and Enclave, such as a note I found early on, even though the Brotherhood keeps plenty of records of their activities and no mention of East Coast chapters has ever come up in prior games, aside from retroactively in New Vegas, or in the original Bible.)

However terrible Bethesda may be in terms of writing, this is something anyone can do, and in fact, many people do in basic ways. They have no excuse to not do likewise.

Lastly, if you don't want this to be the future of Fallout, do not buy this game or support the changes made to the gameplay. Bethesda, Howard, Hines, and others keep bringing up the SavePlayer1 thing, among many other pleas that "No, single-player isn't going anywhere", but they are a business, not your friend, and a business with a track record of lying. The sole reason that exists is to placate, not be an answer, and by supporting games with multiplayer and microtransactions, you're giving them the green light to try their luck in other areas of pilfering cash.

Sure, Paid Mods went over like gasoline and gunpowder next to a firepit, but what happened next? Creation Club, which is still going and getting support from certain modders, despite so much hatred and mockery for it from the community.

Games as a service are what Bethesda wants, like Ubisoft, EA, Konami, and others. The only difference is they've convinced many that they're not malevolent, and they're slower with the moves they make. Pay attention to what they're doing, or pay the price, however many of them they demand of you to play their games.
Noticed some of the journalists writing their first impressions also:



Some choice quotes:

"Players began appearing as I approach the Vault’s exit. Predictably, their first instinct was to sprint up to me and begin punching me in the face..."

"it tells of the very first people attempting to rebuild after the bombs dropped. But when your interaction with these people is watching them perform the vomit emote 16 times over...."

I don't think anyone is surprised.
Noticed some of the journalists writing their first impressions also:



Some choice quotes:

"Players began appearing as I approach the Vault’s exit. Predictably, their first instinct was to sprint up to me and begin punching me in the face..."

"it tells of the very first people attempting to rebuild after the bombs dropped. But when your interaction with these people is watching them perform the vomit emote 16 times over...."

I don't think anyone is surprised.

Yep. That's what happens when anything becomes an MMO. It leads to players acting out and ruining the atmosphere.
I think it's a shame that the vast majority of players will remember Fallout for this, and the modern games, rather than the originals. New Vegas is also a write-off, since the buggy gameplay, clunky appearance, and relentless scifi western theming (although excellent) turned a lot of people off, and it didn't end up nearly as succesful as it arguably deserved to be.

I think even if Bethesda lose this licence, like selling it on or renting it out to another developer, it's unlikely we will ever see a 'classic' minded Fallout game again. The modern trappings are much too ingrained into the collective psyche of the public. I don't think another developer would want to touch the licence with a 'classic' view in mind.

"There's no point picking Big Guns, since they took the Fat Man launcher out"
"Why does radiation lower my stats? There aren't enough radaways to survive some areas"
"If you kill anyone in the first town, the game is basically over, as no one wants to deal to you. ditto when killing anyone 'important'"
"There aren't enough skill points available, so you won't be able to do half the things you could in Fallout 4. Also, why is the perk rate so stingy now???"
"The early game is too unforgiving."

At the risk of retreading old ground, I think I echo some other members here when I say that the modding/indie scene is our only available window to this. But yeah, well...
I think it's a shame that the vast majority of players will remember Fallout for this, and the modern games, rather than the originals. New Vegas is also a write-off, since the buggy gameplay, clunky appearance, and relentless scifi western theming (although excellent) turned a lot of people off, and it didn't end up nearly as succesful as it arguably deserved to be.

I think even if Bethesda lose this licence, like selling it on or renting it out to another developer, it's unlikely we will ever see a 'classic' minded Fallout game again. The modern trappings are much too ingrained into the collective psyche of the public. I don't think another developer would want to touch the licence with a 'classic' view in mind.

"There's no point picking Big Guns, since they took the Fat Man launcher out"
"Why does radiation lower my stats? There aren't enough radaways to survive some areas"
"If you kill anyone in the first town, the game is basically over, as no one wants to deal to you. ditto when killing anyone 'important'"
"There aren't enough skill points available, so you won't be able to do half the things you could in Fallout 4. Also, why is the perk rate so stingy now???"
"The early game is too unforgiving."

At the risk of retreading old ground, I think I echo some other members here when I say that the modding/indie scene is our only available window to this. But yeah, well...

No kidding it's a shame, and I'll have to agree with you there. There's only so far down this IP can be stripped before it becomes a mockery, and this might very well be the last bit of bone before the marrow is hit.

That said, we do have Wasteland 2, which is a pretty good modernization of the classic IP, and is out for several consoles, and Wasteland 3 is on the way as well. We'll see if that one makes as big a splash. As for modding, I've yet to get very far into New California, but it seems more scripted than Fallout: New Vegas was, and that does hurt its image a bit. The rest of the takes I've seen are mixed.
Kudos for the impressions. It sounds like 76 turn out just like I though it would. I'm gonna have to wait for people to explore the game more, cause I'm legit curious to why we have construction power armor all of a sudden lol. Maybe people salvaged some frame and customized them.
Kudos for the impressions. It sounds like 76 turn out just like I though it would. I'm gonna have to wait for people to explore the game more, cause I'm legit curious to why we have construction power armor all of a sudden lol. Maybe people salvaged some frame and customized them.

Thanks. This is the first I've heard of that armor, but given the emphasis on crafting and settlements, can't say I'm surprised. It probably has more use with that and might be essential in creating certain things.

Otherwise, the game is worse than I initially feared. If you honestly want to try it, get it from Redbox come release. If after a day or so you're still playing, consider buying it used and keep away from the microtransactions.
- Second Session Impressions -

It seems PC players were stuck with a corrupted download for their first time getting into the BETA, and had to redownload the whole thing a second time. *claps* Way to go, Bethesda.

Otherwise, a few updates first.

#1 - Something must have been altered with the massive console update earlier today because this time I could log out and back in within a few minutes with no issue. Still, let's hope that future patches won't make players download over 40 GIGs of data.

#2 - The microtransaction shop is already open. For the time being, it has cosmetics and a few settlement items, those being "clean" purifiers as opposed to the ones you build by hand. The costs of these items, however, are often 300 or above, and challenges reward you with 10 Atoms most of the time. Not an issue yet, but PERK cards or other game-altering stuff like stimpacks and Radaway could start seeping in.

Now, onto the rest.

- This session lasted just under three hours, long enough to make me start yawning and feeling sleepy by the end of it. Not even kidding. This is the same response I had to Fallout 4 when I played it years ago for the review for the site, and I've found it only happens with games where I'm not being in any way challenged or where I can easily slip into an autonomous series of actions.

This game might survive on the curious bursts of playtime that buyers may get from time to time with Bethesda games, but for long-term play, it does not hold up compared to stuff like Starbound or Red Dead Redemption II.

- - I can't be the only one who noticed this, but I feel like the worlds of Fallout 4 and 76 would work much better if the timeframes were switched. If Fallout 76 took place 210 years after the Great War and Fallout 4 took place only 25 years later. It would explain why no one is living in the Appalachia area anymore, yet why there are still people in and around Boston. Oh, well.

- It seems packs of PERK cards come every level, and from what I've seen, the issues that were mentioned in the Fallout 4 review about how shallow Perks were becoming still hold true, though in some cases, it has gotten much worse.

In 100% of cases with PERK cards so far, this is the typical breakdown of how they work:

#1 - Percentile increases in something. (15/30/45% increase in Stimpack healing, 40/60/80% chance of more ammo when looting.)
#2 - Avatar ability keys. (Lockpicking and Hacking, again, as well as Concentrated Fire, which allows targeting of limbs.)
#3 - A mix of the two. (30/60/90% increase in pipe weapon durability + less cost to repair; this one uses the Jury Rigging art from New Vegas by the way.)

Were this game an actual RPG, I would say this helps with replayability, but as it stands, it's a system based more on luck than a plan or build you can make for your character because of the random nature of these card packs, which might explain why Bethesda gave players the option to respec their characters anytime they wanted.

I have a feeling these things will become buyable with Atoms in the future.

- Despite PVP being unlocked at Level 5, I had no real desire to try it. The only time where I unintentionaly invited it upon myself was when claiming a junkyard/workbench to the east of Vault 76. As soon as it was built, I was warned that players could initiate PVP with me to take it over, and shortly after, instead of a player coming after me, a Horde Mode event was started and I had to defend the place from robots.

It seems, like I tend to find when playing with CEOs in Grand Theft Auto Online, many of the other players don't bother you and will let you be so long as you do the same. (I lost ownership of this spot as soon as I logged out, but I didn't care.)

For now, that's it. I might take part on Thursday as well, but NaNoWriMo starts that day, meaning writing fiction will be my focus then.
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- Third Session Impressions -

Oh, man. Here comes the PVP part, but before that...

* This session lasted for 4 hours.

* During this session, I had the game freeze after about 20 seconds of it deciding what it was doing. Before then, I had lag spikes in random places, usually with mobs around. The city area I reached towards the end was mostly stable, but it was quickly made annoying by what I'm about to mention. Plus, bugs all over the place. I don't think I went into one area that was bug-free that whole time.

One of the worst parts of this is world objects. You can't shoot through certain things, even if there's a gap big enough to shoot though. I learned this after trying to headshot a Scorched, and my shots never hit until they were no longer behind something.

* Moving the CAMP is not an easy thing. If you have items that are combined together, like the simple lights and parts of a roof like I did, they won't connect to another piece of roofing or walls. Period. You have to break the combo part down into the base pieces and reassemble them each time you move the CAMP. If you have lots of combo pieces like these, have fun.

* Got three missions further into the Main Quest. Already, the Scorch has come up, along with what it does, and the Overseer is considering the idea of using the nukes to clear the hotbeds of the Scorch. (I think Bethesda swiped this whole idea from the Maze Runner series now that I think about it; there was a barren wasteland part of the world called the Scorch that comes into play in the second novel, and part of the series premise is finding a cure to a virus that turns humans into something close to what the Scorched are in this game.) I won't assume Bethesda or Battlecry Studios gained any understanding of the themes of Fallout yet, though. If Howard was talking about how much fun it is to launch nukes, chances are what I've seen already is just window dressing.

* Now, the PVP. Ho...ly...shit, is it annoying as hell, even with the low damage/high resistance you have until accepting to fight back. If you die, you lose the junk you were carrying, which likely includes crafting supplies you just spent however long gathering, so you want to stay alive and in turn, you'll waste Stimpacks to do so, more quickly if more than one player is ganking you.

Which is what happened to me. Several times. Random wankers deciding to attack me, at one point a group of four, following me across a good chunk of the map while I went about my business. The only way I could shake them off was by leading them into a hotbed of enemies and letting them deal with the mobs while I left them in my dust. Unless Battlecry Studios make the current server network into one that has dedicated PVP and PVE servers, this is only going to give the annoying pricks an easy way to annoy players until their stimpacks, or patience, run out.

Add to this the number of people reporting bugs of all kinds and other such issues, like the lag between shot and hit I mentioned before, I think this game is going to expose the shills on every front.
- Third Session Impressions -

Oh, man. Here comes the PVP part, but before that...

* This session lasted for 4 hours.

* During this session, I had the game freeze after about 20 seconds of it deciding what it was doing. Before then, I had lag spikes in random places, usually with mobs around. The city area I reached towards the end was mostly stable, but it was quickly made annoying by what I'm about to mention. Plus, bugs all over the place. I don't think I went into one area that was bug-free that whole time.

One of the worst parts of this is world objects. You can't shoot through certain things, even if there's a gap big enough to shoot though. I learned this after trying to headshot a Scorched, and my shots never hit until they were no longer behind something.

* Moving the CAMP is not an easy thing. If you have items that are combined together, like the simple lights and parts of a roof like I did, they won't connect to another piece of roofing or walls. Period. You have to break the combo part down into the base pieces and reassemble them each time you move the CAMP. If you have lots of combo pieces like these, have fun.

* Got three missions further into the Main Quest. Already, the Scorch has come up, along with what it does, and the Overseer is considering the idea of using the nukes to clear the hotbeds of the Scorch. (I think Bethesda swiped this whole idea from the Maze Runner series now that I think about it; there was a barren wasteland part of the world called the Scorch that comes into play in the second novel, and part of the series premise is finding a cure to a virus that turns humans into something close to what the Scorched are in this game.) I won't assume Bethesda or Battlecry Studios gained any understanding of the themes of Fallout yet, though. If Howard was talking about how much fun it is to launch nukes, chances are what I've seen already is just window dressing.

* Now, the PVP. Ho...ly...shit, is it annoying as hell, even with the low damage/high resistance you have until accepting to fight back. If you die, you lose the junk you were carrying, which likely includes crafting supplies you just spent however long gathering, so you want to stay alive and in turn, you'll waste Stimpacks to do so, more quickly if more than one player is ganking you.

Which is what happened to me. Several times. Random wankers deciding to attack me, at one point a group of four, following me across a good chunk of the map while I went about my business. The only way I could shake them off was by leading them into a hotbed of enemies and letting them deal with the mobs while I left them in my dust. Unless Battlecry Studios make the current server network into one that has dedicated PVP and PVE servers, this is only going to give the annoying pricks an easy way to annoy players until their stimpacks, or patience, run out.

Add to this the number of people reporting bugs of all kinds and other such issues, like the lag between shot and hit I mentioned before, I think this game is going to expose the shills on every front.
Does initiating combat with one person out of a group ganking you automatically initiate combat with the other, or do they still do reduced damage? Also how long did it take groups to whittle you down without you responding? Were they wasting ammo faster than you wasted stims, or is killing players like this actually efficient?
Does initiating combat with one person out of a group ganking you automatically initiate combat with the other, or do they still do reduced damage? Also how long did it take groups to whittle you down without you responding? Were they wasting ammo faster than you wasted stims, or is killing players like this actually efficient?

- When multiple people are attacking you, as far as I know, it's only the one you shoot back at that can hit you for full damage. As for groups, I had too much stuff on hand to risk finding out, but judging by what Bethesda and Howard have said up to now, I'd wager there's no group vs. one PVP unless you take the time to shoot every member of the group.

- Without me responding, I would guess from 40 to 60 seconds. At the rate I was losing health with two players attacking me, I blew through a dozen stims, plus extra health restoration aids, over about 15 to 20 minutes. Otherwise, most of them were using melee weapons, so it seems as long as you have the weapons, bullets, and time to spare, you can wear down someone eventually and earn the Murderer label.
I have a few questions regarding this playthrough.

* You mentioned before that you lost control of the point after you logged out. Is this a permanent hazard for all occupied zones? Would you need someone in your group logged in 24/7 to retain control of a region? I may be misunderstanding this, but it seems to preclude the building of any kind of permanent structures in view of losing them unless you hide them away somewhere remote. Realistic I guess, though...

* So some objects blocked shots but not LOS. Seems to be a way to save memory with basic square collision detection. Funny then that the frame rate is so low for most people though. And does this work against VATS? I can anticipate a lot of cheese by abusing this system with regards to targetted shots or indirect attacks such as grenades, etc.

* Is there any penalty or cooldown to respeccing your character? I know Bethesda have moved away from the class system a long time ago (I have mixed feelings about this), but if a large group can respec on the fly, are teammates just there as extra firepower and bullet sponges rather than genuine situational skills.

* Odd that a game with no repercussions for death can be billed as "survival". Could you cheese an event by constant respawning and popping off another enemy or two each "life" ? Ditto when it comes to PVP groups who want to take a players's stuff regardless of his feelings towards PVP.

I don't know. There's a lot of stuff here that makes my eyebrows raise to the point they might actually detach from my forehead, enter orbit and impact the international space station, causing billions of property damage. Not sure if this is brave and revolutionary or made-up-as-they-go-along.
I have a few questions regarding this playthrough.

* You mentioned before that you lost control of the point after you logged out. Is this a permanent hazard for all occupied zones? Would you need someone in your group logged in 24/7 to retain control of a region? I may be misunderstanding this, but it seems to preclude the building of any kind of permanent structures in view of losing them unless you hide them away somewhere remote. Realistic I guess, though...

I'd say so. When a single player claims a spot like the pit I mentioned, which can produce resources for you if you build something over the gravel pit or the like, it registers them as the owner on that instance but also makes it a contested spot. If a group claims it, I'd assume it would stay under their control until every member was offline.

* So some objects blocked shots but not LOS. Seems to be a way to save memory with basic square collision detection. Funny then that the frame rate is so low for most people though. And does this work against VATS? I can anticipate a lot of cheese by abusing this system with regards to targetted shots or indirect attacks such as grenades, etc.

Yep. As soon as someone I was targeting ran behind an object like this, my hit percentages dropped to 0%. For grenades, they'd likely bounce off the object and back at you because you can't aim at another spot without dropping VATS.

* Is there any penalty or cooldown to respeccing your character? I know Bethesda have moved away from the class system a long time ago (I have mixed feelings about this), but if a large group can respec on the fly, are teammates just there as extra firepower and bullet sponges rather than genuine situational skills.

None whatsoever. At any time, you can jump into the PERK screen and swap out the cards as you please. (

(Which reminds me, I gained a 'Mutation' during that last playthrough. -50% to Energy Weapon damage in exchange for +100 to Energy Resistance. It can be removed with Rad-Away however, and you can give yourself Mutations with serums, so it's just another kind of PERK that works like non-permanent Traits.)

As for teammates, given the cards I've seen so far, I'm going to assume only some PERK cards work across team members. Extra XP when in a group, slower metabolism when in a CAMP area, etc. Otherwise, the other players are just that, extras.

* Odd that a game with no repercussions for death can be billed as "survival". Could you cheese an event by constant respawning and popping off another enemy or two each "life" ? Ditto when it comes to PVP groups who want to take a players's stuff regardless of his feelings towards PVP.

Little to no repercussions in fact. Unless you were being hunted by players who really wanted your stuff, dying just involves picking a nearby spot on which to respawn, getting your dropped junk and then going on your merry way again.

As for cheesing enemies, I have no doubt some would gladly do that. Respawning sometimes costs a cap or two, and when you can find vendors to sell armloads of stuff to, there's no reason not to play the game like this.

I don't know. There's a lot of stuff here that makes my eyebrows raise to the point they might actually detach from my forehead, enter orbit and impact the international space station, causing billions of property damage. Not sure if this is brave and revolutionary or made-up-as-they-go-along.

It's the last one. That's why we saw Bethesda contradicting themselves so often while this game was in the announcement phase.

It's a game meant for one reason: To get players into the gameplay loop from Fallout 4, and over time, encourage them to spend money on microtransactions.
(Which reminds me, I gained a 'Mutation' during that last playthrough. -50% to Energy Weapon damage in exchange for +100 to Energy Resistance. It can be removed with Rad-Away however, and you can give yourself Mutations with serums, so it's just another kind of PERK that works like non-permanent Traits.)

Okay, this is pretty interesting at least. So you could pick up something completely at random that gives major benefits, that comes with a serious trade-off and a considerable rad-count (no one ever calls it Grays or Sieverts... although Fallout: Nevada uses the legacy term Roentgen... there's that I suppose). That's interesting either way.

I am also curious as to how the story plays out for "single-players" (quotation marks intended). Or even how the story remains relevant at all. Although that'll be something that probably won't really be realised until the final release, as is customary.

It's kinda a moot point in my case. Wifey and I have already decided we'll probably sit this one out (bear in mind that we completed BOS on playstation in co-op, so... we don't scare easy). It just doesn't seem my kind of game, by any stretch.

Thanks for sharing anyway. It's been interesting.
It's kinda a moot point in my case. Wifey and I have already decided we'll probably sit this one out (bear in mind that we completed BOS on playstation in co-op, so... we don't scare easy). It just doesn't seem my kind of game, by any stretch.

You guys tried DOS2?

While one can have a lengthy debate about the single player qualities on that title, I am of the opinion that it's quite fun in Co-op. Especially since you're more likely to run less optimal builds.
You guys tried DOS2?

While one can have a lengthy debate about the single player qualities on that title, I am of the opinion that it's quite fun in Co-op. Especially since you're more likely to run less optimal builds.

I've actually been meaning to pick this one up, especially since the enhanced edition came out. It's kinda become our thing since the beginning that we sit together and play each fallout, but we'll branch out with other stuff all the time. Thanks for the recommend though, I'll deffo be getting this at some point :salute: