Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

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If it was done by Bethesda, the entire reputation system would be either butchered beyond recognition or outright removed. You would be able to do quests for all four main story paths, even if it makes no sense for the NCR to allow a Legion-aligned player to make quests for them, because "locking out content from players based on consequences" is bad to them for some reason.

Loot would be everywhere, and i mean literally everywhere, making you question how do some places still have loot when scavengers and raiders exist. You know, like how Fallout 3 and 4 did to make every location be "special" and "rewarding".

And let's not just bring up the skill points and the dialogue checks. Thinking about it just makes me want to puke on what they would do them.

This all applies to Fallout 1 and 2 as well, i hope Bethesda never touches these games.
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Perhaps Fallout 76 was made because Bethesda ran out of ideas for their next Fallout game. At this point I begin to wonder if they'll ever make a Fallout 5. Not that I care.
Perhaps Fallout 76 was made because Bethesda ran out of ideas for their next Fallout game. At this point I begin to wonder if they'll ever make a Fallout 5. Not that I care.

Oh they will make a Fallout 5, no doubt about that.
The thing is, they will just repeat using the Brotherhood, the Super Mutants, the Ghouls, the Vaults in the same way over again. (based on fan obsession they may even try to sneak the Enclave into this again)

The player's initial storyline will probably be about a family member again they have to look for and eventually pitting him or her against Bethesda perceives to be a moral or philosophical conundrum, having to favor one main faction which is either stereotypical good, bad, or neutral, and that is it.
Before I forget, even more ridiculous loads of Americana that is still remember two hundred years after the US was wiped out from existence.

I have a suspicion that Bethesda is not going to bring back skills and continue to downplay the RPG mechanics while expanding the settlement building system, simply because their focus group are players who are not really interested in investing a lot of time and effort in developing characters others than giving them funny hats and making them parade like a drag queen if that is their taste.
And they don't want to be denied any quests because they decided to support the authoritarian centralized leadership and the people of independent settlements what nothing to do with that or any of their associates and agents.
Despite the game getting it's deserved share of hate and unpopularity from most reviewers, very few people are complaining for the right reasons. Most are complaining exclusively about technical issues such as lag, disconnections, crashes, graphics, broken animations and other bugs; the core design philosophy itself is not the target for most. It's not like anyone is calling for Bethesda to take a U-turn and start making true RPGs and hire an actual fucking human being to swap the keyboard smashing chimpanzees they got on their writing team.
If it was done by Bethesda, the entire reputation system would be either butchered beyond recognition or outright removed. You would be able to do quests for all four main story paths, even if it makes no sense for the NCR to allow a Legion-aligned player to make quests for them, because "locking out content from players based on consequences" is bad to them for some reason.

Loot would be everywhere, and i mean literally everywhere, making you question how do some places still have loot when scavengers and raiders exist. You know, like how Fallout 3 and 4 did to make every location be "special" and "rewarding".

And let's not just bring up the skill points and the dialogue checks. Thinking about it just makes me want to puke on what they would do them.

This all applies to Fallout 1 and 2 as well, i hope Bethesda never touches these games.

And they will also cut Ulysses from the game because he talks too much and that's a bad thing. Lonesome Road will only be a DLC where you shot things and launch nukes.

Despite the game getting it's deserved share of hate and unpopularity from most reviewers, very few people are complaining for the right reasons. Most are complaining exclusively about technical issues such as lag, disconnections, crashes, graphics, broken animations and other bugs; the core design philosophy itself is not the target for most. It's not like anyone is calling for Bethesda to take a U-turn and start making true RPGs and hire an actual fucking human being to swap the keyboard smashing chimpanzees they got on their writing team.


good point friend. Although I have read many criticisms regarding the lack of NPCs, they are complaining a lot because the game is simply boring. If it was not, fuck it if it has nothing to do with Fallout, apparently.
I think the discussion about video games as art is a tricky one. The modern state of affairs and how business as usual has moved the world, coupled with the fact that people now are struggling more than, say, 20 years ago, makes games seem like they should absolutely be concerned with money first and foremost. But games as money making machines, if you think about it, is actually a contradiction where epistemology is concerned. I suspect that is why people have become tired with the model.

I DO enjoy complex and varied mechanics in the games I play. I enjoy them even more if it's coupled with a fresh story, and presented with interesting individuals. Even more if the environments are innovative and go for a new take on things.

Fallout 76's formula has worn soles on it's shoes and a drape jacket to show off. Whether or not I want it to fail is irrelevant. It will never succeed the same way if it were a GOOD game at launch.

It is a tricky discussion because people have NEVER agreed on what defines art.
I sympathize with the reaction and the frustration but you all know that this is futile. Millions of people don't mind paying for shitty games each day and publishers naturally look for ways to exploit them even more. They're like sheep or cattle or whatever.

Oh, by the way, like the other old guys who gave you Fallout, Fallout 2 and FNV, I'm an old guy and I like Burger King. You blame the old guys while I blame the Millenials for this shit show, as they are the ones who make these games nowadays, and they are also the ones who buy them.

I also would like to mention that games CAN be art, like a well written book or a well made movie. Except, you can't really half-ass art. You have to use everything you have in your disposal to make art and never reveal it until you're satisfied with it. That's the reason why most books, movies or video games are NOT art. They are commercial products for mass consumption.

Your attitude of apathy is futile. This is the same attitude that permeates our political sphere.

"What is the point in voting?"

It has seeped into our way of life in nearly every respect. Telling people what is wrong is not futile. It caught on. People eventually awaken to the fact that they are being mindless zombies that seek escapism without using their higher brain functions.
Your attitude of apathy
Never had that attitude and that's why I keep criticizing shit games and practices, but years of experience has taught me that it's futile, because the number of stupid people in the world far outweighs the intelligent ones. No matter how hard you try, you can't influence them all. In fact, it even backfires in most cases. And I wasn't trying to discourage criticism, in fact I'm rather pleased by it. I just wanted to let you know that it won't lead you anywhere and we'll be doing the same exact thing when the next shitty game comes along.

By the way, I always vote, even if there's no one that can represent my interests, I vote for the 2nd or 3rd best.
I sympathize with the reaction and the frustration but you all know that this is futile. Millions of people don't mind paying for shitty games each day and publishers naturally look for ways to exploit them even more. They're like sheep or cattle or whatever.

You shouldn't think of other people as cattle over as something as trivial as video game preference. Taste in video games doesn't make you a better person at all
That had nothing to do with "taste".

You're saying that people who play through games like fallout 76 or fallout 4 and enjoy it are cattle which is implying they are beneath you. You are saying it's not your actions ir that define you but what kind of media you like that defines it.
Oh, yes, they definitely are, but that's not because their "taste" in games is different than mine.

So what makes you a better person than these people who prefer different toys to you? You have any kind of accomplishments? You got to church/temple or feed the homeless?
So what makes you a better person than these people who prefer different toys to you?
Not different toys, identical toys but of different quality. I've never claimed to be a "better" person, just smarter because I refuse to be treated like a cattle, unlike the others.
So what makes you a better person than these people who prefer different toys to you? You have any kind of accomplishments? You got to church/temple or feed the homeless?

The people playing games like this are often times quite moronic in other aspects of their life. Or they simply use them as a form of escapism, so they don't want to think too hard when they play games, treating them more like toys instead of tools.
Just to get this straight, are we saying people who un-ironically enjoy a game like Fallout 4 are morons because better Fallout games exist and the fact we know about these better installments makes us superior? That sounds kinda elitist.
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Just to get this straight, are we saying people who un-ironically enjoy a game like Fallout 4 are morons because better Fallout games exist and the fact we know about these better installments makes us superior? That sounds kinda elitist.

No, they are either morons or they enjoy low hanging fruit. Try to keep up moran. Mwhahahaha.

Fuck this whining about elitist too. What is wrong with being better than retards anyway? Are retards on the same level as fully functional humans that know the world is not flat?

In the grim dark world of 2018 only the elite know the world is not flat. Only they know how to press the red button to switch weapons in Fallout.

Toront, why this talk of Flat Earth? I know three Fallout 4 fans that literally think the Earth is flat. That is why. I have never met a Fallout 2 fan that thought the Earth was flat.
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Just to get this straight, are we saying people who un-ironically enjoy a game like Fallout 4 are morons because better Fallout games exist and the fact we know about these better installments makes us superior? That sounds kinda elitist.

Anyone that enjoyed Fallout 4 deserves to be boiled alive inside a giant caldron of pig feces for all eternity in the sixth circle of hell. That's not elitism, that's just basic common sense.

...On a second thought, it's better to call off that punishment because they might end up enjoying that too.
One NMA member I know unironically plays Fallout 4 from time to time. Every single time I see them play it on my friends list I think about deleting them to preserve balance.
First of all, when I used the word sheep or cattle, Fallout 4 wasn't at all what I had in mind. I was mostly thinking of the people who spend extra money to be able to finish the game they paid for more quickly, or spend money on lootboxes, microtransactions, paid mods, etc. I would even say that the people who play Fallout 4 are relatively high on that list, as in, it's not all that bad compared to what's been going on in the gaming industry.

We don't complain about these games just because they don't appeal to our "tastes", there are objective facts which make them inferior to the previous games in the series, which are often verified by the developers themselves, such as Howard admitting FO4's dialogue system was shit a year after we said the same thing, or the devs of older ES titles admitting that there's been a dumbing down indeed in the series.

When they first announced FO76, I knew it was going to be shit, because I had played FOnline before that, and had idea about how another online Fallout would be. Fallout was essentially a role-playing game and Bethesda had already butchered the role-playing aspect of it in FO4 and now they were talking about a game with "no NPCs". NPCs are the main mechanism used by the game to react to your actions, which is pretty much how you role-play in a game, and also no NPCs means no roles, thus no role-playing. An online Fallout game cannot be an RPG, unless the players put out an extra effort to role-play, which is a foolish thing to expect from an average gamer. This was all bad news all over again and yet the sheep, the cattle, the stupid fanboy or whatever you wanna call them, applauded and cheered. It was clear that there were no change in their mindset since the previous E3. It wasn't surprising to me as I already knew it was futile to try and change their minds.

And the reaction of some people in this thread has proven me right once again... People are okay with being treated as a sheep or cattle, but only when someone call them for what they are, they get offended.

Just to get this straight, are we saying people who un-ironically enjoy a game like Fallout 4 are morons because better Fallout games exist and the fact we know about these better installments makes us superior? That sounds kinda elitist.

It would be elitist if we kept that knowledge to ourselves as a secret, but we constantly remind people that there have been better products in the past and they could have gotten a higher quality product for the same price, if they weren't this complacent.
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Well, here's a video summing up the kind of accolades video Bethesda will have to put out based on current reviews: