Fallout: A post apocalyptic reality?

you seem not to understand one thing. A'lec IS the chaos. So stop mocking him >_>

Anyway ... Heinz youre studing economics no ?
I dont know, i dont think that a conspiracy ,,theory'' about a group of people who want to rule the world is Impossible, look at history, during one era or another there was always a prominent nation,country,kingdom so forth and so on, and the leader of such nation would have incredible power.
In ancient times you had Rome and Alexander the Great their empires spanned across the entire known world, then you had the Templars who had so much wealth that they actually gave out loans to kings. After that Spain that explored and colonized much of the Americas.
After that England with its many colonies in northern America and later in Africa, France same as England, and now the United States and European Union, i dont see why its so hard to believe that some megalomaniac(s) somewhere want to rule the world....
BunkerBud said:
alec said:
If there is a shadow government out there, some Bildenberg Group or whatever, that is molding and shaping this New World Order you speak of, then it sucks at doing so.

All I see is disorder.

"Out of chaos comes order"
dont bother commenting on this if you do not understand the context.

god damn lost symbol XD random referenced dan brown books ftw
SerbianWarrior said:
I dont know, i dont think that a conspiracy ,,theory'' about a group of people who want to rule the world is Impossible, look at history, during one era or another there was always a prominent nation,country,kingdom so forth and so on, and the leader of such nation would have incredible power.
In ancient times you had Rome and Alexander the Great their empires spanned across the entire known world, then you had the Templars who had so much wealth that they actually gave out loans to kings. After that Spain that explored and colonized much of the Americas.
After that England with its many colonies in northern America and later in Africa, France same as England, and now the United States and European Union, i dont see why its so hard to believe that some megalomaniac(s) somewhere want to rule the world....

It's not a conspiracy if it's power in plain sight. Also, you need at least one documented evil laughter.
Jeremiah said:
SerbianWarrior said:
I dont know, i dont think that a conspiracy ,,theory'' about a group of people who want to rule the world is Impossible, look at history, during one era or another there was always a prominent nation,country,kingdom so forth and so on, and the leader of such nation would have incredible power.
In ancient times you had Rome and Alexander the Great their empires spanned across the entire known world, then you had the Templars who had so much wealth that they actually gave out loans to kings. After that Spain that explored and colonized much of the Americas.
After that England with its many colonies in northern America and later in Africa, France same as England, and now the United States and European Union, i dont see why its so hard to believe that some megalomaniac(s) somewhere want to rule the world....

It's not a conspiracy if it's power in plain sight. Also, you need at least one documented evil laughter.
Funny thing you should mention that,i heard the most evil laughter from a 76 year old Wall Mart greeter, i think he may actually be behind it all. :D
People thought the world would end in the year of 2000... I remember the meteor and fireball commercials...

People thought the world would end in 06/06/06 >.>

Now people think the world will in 2012.

What's next? 2018? 2024?

If the world will end for some reason there's a 90% chance of being a human reason, WWIII is my bet.
lucas. said:
If the world will end for some reason there's a 90% chance of being a human reason, WWIII is my bet.

Albert Einstein said:
"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
lucas. said:
Now people think the world will in 2012.

"Terence McKenna combines Mayan chronology with a New Age pseudoscience called Novelty Theory to conclude that the collision an asteroid or some "trans-dimensional object" with the Earth, or alien contact, or a solar explosion, or the transformation of the Milky Way into a quasar, or some other "ultranovel" event will occur on this day. Anyway, something is supposed to happen, and he has lots of pseudoscientific gobbledygook to back up his thesis."





lucas. said:
What's next? 2018? 2024?


Of course I do not underestimate humanity capacity of raging a devastating nuclear war. But...

lucas. said:
If the world will end for some reason there's a 90% chance of being a human reason, WWIII is my bet.

People tend to forget meteors and comets, climate changes (like ice ages), huge natural disasters (a great volcano activity could decimate our civilization easily), or others non-human end. These things are as probable to happen (if not more probable) than WWIII.
Heinz said:
People tend to forget meteors and comets, climate changes (like ice ages), huge natural disasters (a great volcano activity could decimate our civilization easily), or others non-human end.

well im starting to be convinced that.... were all slaves now anyway in the USA!

great minds discuss ideas, average minds events, poor minds discuss people.

Big news in the USA is celebrity gossip.... every turn you are hearing people, not ideas, god forbid, rarely "positive" events.

This makes us just stupider. Try talking to a hot 20something at a bar for more than 5 minutes and see where the conversation goes.

As consumers, we are slaves.

An example, the razor. What is this shit 30 dollars for a fucking razor to shave my face? Now, after metrosexualizing me, by inundating me with the false dogma that girls these days want men that primp themselves like chicks, you want me to buy "body wash, face.... gel, hand moistureizer, fuckin deoderant that will give me cancer.... list goes on. All new product that used to be just for women (who are already slaves in this department for years) got put into a blue "Axe" bottle and now its for dudes. Go fuck yourself you dirty greedy dogs. I can just imagine the brainstorming that goes on in these conference rooms about how they need to demasculinate men so they go out and buy their shitty man beauty products.

God help this country if we ever got invaded like in Red Dawn we wouldnt have Pat Swayze guerillas but instead fag justin beibers would be coming out of the woodwork complaining they dont want to go in the woods because they might get mud on their new timbalans!

end incoherent rant.
mobucks said:
Big news in the world is celebrity gossip.... every turn you are hearing people, not ideas, god forbid, rarely events.


mobucks said:
As consumers, we are slaves.

Believe me, the asians who are paid 2$ a hour, a day, whatever, to do the stuff you buy, they are definitely slaves.

You are just a supporter of the system, and is complaining because you don't want to use deodorant. But I bet that there's something you like to buy. Be it cars, be it guns, be it computers, you're no better than a metrosexual men who is addicted to buy clothes, or cosmetics.

mobucks said:
end incoherent rant.

Big news in the USA is celebrity gossip.... every turn you are hearing people, not ideas, god forbid, rarely events.
Yeah, it's been like this since forever. Masses are stupid. Get over it. Now it's CNN, in the middle ages it was church.

An example, the razor.

Grow a beard. Or just use a blade...
well thanks for that video Doc, now i know how we went from the greatest generation to the worst generation to the whatever you call the pile of slop we have now in this country, of which i am a card carrying member of the latter.

What do i spend my money on the most? Pot... and bills. gas. and.... beauty products! My toothbrush doesnt have microscrubbers and gum massagers, it doesnt have a 3D bubble mouth fresh commercial promoting it, but i get by.

Dont get me wrong guys i dont go around hating life i just wanted to spread consiousness of things we all are able to see plain as day in the hopes that, you know, we all dont just roll over and let it happen or wonder how it got so bad. Pat yourself on the back if you already know it all, but the masses don't obviously.