Fallout Chronicles Of Riddick gameplay thread


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Finally i can reveal what i’ve done. I want you to test my 1.0 demo version of the game. Demo includes

- 6 complete new locations
- More than 160 scripts
- New items
- New sceneries
- New animations
- New videos
- Over 30 expanded Quests

The story line:
After returning G.E.C.K to Arroyo you decided to live in New Reno, but nothing is as good as it should be. After destroying the Enclave terrace they losed a big part of their strength and they start looking for new rookies to regenerate deficiency in their army. Enclave priority was now to find baddiest people in the wasteland and bring them to Enclave Trial Camp. When they were trained to a recruits. Everybody who is in the Enclave Trial Camp must now pass the trial to be enclaves rookie. That person is you or Riddick. You and many other people were catched in the wasteland. Now if you want to survive you must pass that trial. You will find out the rest of the story when you play that game.

In this topic you can critique what in game is good or bad and with your opinion i will try to make some improvements and corrections. If you find any bugs please also post here. I have got one important information for people who very well known English and Polish. I need to translate that game to English, so if you are intrested to make a translation please PM me. I can only say that the all scripts and riddick animations in the ETC are not finished yet, so don't pay attention on that and have fun.

please download fixes from here after installing that
date of fixes 28.09.08

Greetings Arek
I couldn't test it at the moment, but I saw.. if you wouldn't include all the other original art and stuff, the mod archive could be a lot smaller then 150mb. ;)
I know it lexx, the music from the game takes over 70 mb, when i was trying to delete the music folder there is no music in the game and i dont know why? This is still the same music from fallout 2, and the game should take the music from master.dat but it won't.
Problem is that most of us have non-polish version of the game, so with this problem there will be very few people playing your mod
I just start to play the mod.
Very nice intro.
Very very intersting first map, I stay here for longer time to read all float dialogues of NPC's. Dialogues are really very good !!!
Nice job! You have high modding skills :)

Read PM from me.
i will try your mod with rhe german version BUT


so what i have to do to make it work?

casue normaly he must load the fonts from master.dat

or i need the polnish fonts?

edit: ok i see this is the cfg

music_path1=C:\gry\Fallout 2\data\sound\music\

critter_dat=C:\gry\Fallout 2\critter.dat
critter_patches=C:\gry\Fallout 2\data
master_dat=C:\gry\Fallout 2\master.dat
master_patches=C:\gry\Fallout 2\data
Did you renamed the text folder to german?

/Edit: Yes, did you checked the folder path if it fits with your fallout 2 installation?
Well, either let's gather some people who know Russian and Polish very well, might be difficult though, or wait for the mod to be translated into English so that you, or anyone, can then retranslate it into Russian. I personally am so there if it comes to translating the thing to English. Let's show them what Poland is all about, or something. :P
ArekBalcerzak said:
the music from the game takes over 70 mb, when i was trying to delete the music folder there is no music in the game and i dont know why? This is still the same music from fallout 2, and the game should take the music from master.dat but it won't.
Because there's no music inside master.dat. Only SFX and Speech files are stored there.
@moderators: The mod is made by Polish man, i am Polish too, so I will write the post about the bug in his demo in Polish, becasue it is easier for me to describe the situation when the bug/crashing game will be.

Znalazłem jeden powazny błąd uniemożliwiający dalszą grę w sumie to gra sie zawiesza przy tym, mianowicie po wejściu do lokacji East Bay Rats, czasem podczas rozmowy albo ze strażnikiem przy wejściu albo już z Goliatem wywala sie gra (zalicza crash i zawiesza się, z błędem o takiej tresci:
The instruction at 004c5b7b referenced memory at 00004b39
The memory could not be read from

Click OK to termiante the application

Błąd ten pojawia się po kilkiu sekundach przebywania na tej mapie zarówno po pierwszym wejściu do lokacji jak i po załadowaniu sejwa.

W demie są też inne błędy ale o tym napiszę innym razem, nie są one uciążliwe i można z nimi grać dalej. Poza tym mod jest naprawdę świetny.
How about a screenshot to tease some of us, lazy bastards who need to see first, and then try? :)
piv said:
How about a screenshot to tease some of us, lazy bastards who need to see first, and then try? :)

Maybe better to try yourself :D
The link to mod is in first post, updated form time to time so check it sometimes :)

The mod is great and you should try to play this.
The problem is that I don't have time to play, at least not till the end of next month

And also, for some specific reasons I don't want to mess with Fallout 2 files, I need them the way they are right now :P