Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Patch released. I apologize for the delay, I was hoping to get it out this weekend.

Fixt alpha 6.7.3 fixes:
- Crash when giving holodisk to Cabbot
- Crash when giving holodisk to Jon
- Crash when giving holodisk to The Master
- Crash when killing someone with explosives (this is actually a vanilla bug, unlike the others. Thank you to Darek and JimTheDinosaur for code/assistance)

Get it here.

You can verify it installed by clicking Credits from the main menu.
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I just want to say Thank You to everyone here. The support, feedback, savegames, patience, etc., is all greatly appreciated.


Speaking of which, I need to know if people are still getting crashes with alpha 6.7.3, so start testing! :P
Congratz with this release!
Looking forward in seeing if you be able to port(?) Fallout 1 into 2 engine.

isn't porting it to FOnline engine more easy btw?

Anyway Goodluck!!
Congratz with this release!

Looking forward in seeing if you be able to port(?) Fallout 1 into 2 engine.
Definitely when, not if. :) With any luck, the first release should be within the next few months.

My main concerns once I start releasing with Fo2 engine is the customizations staying intact, and then restoring lost features like the Days Left sticky-note and Ask Me About in dialog. (Ask Me About will probably take over a hundred hours because I'll have to built it all manually)

isn't porting it to FOnline engine more easy btw?
Not that I'm aware of. From what I've heard, FOnline is a totally different language and a different engine from Fallout2 even. Whereas Fallout2 is essentially just "Fallout engine 2.0" (literally) because it's the same engine in a lot of ways, just with a bunch of new features, and more modular, etc. For the end-user though the biggest differences between Fo1 & Fo2 engines is pretty small - Take All button, 5 digits in Item Move screen instead of 3, option to avoid random encounters, etc.
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(Ask Me About will probably take over a hundred hours because I'll have to built it all manually)
It's useless, poorly implemented feature - it's good that it's gone in Fallout 2.

Besides, dialogue window will look like shit when you'll add tell-me-abouts to it. Also, tell-me-about without typing what would like to know isn't tell-me-about "feature" anymore. Sometimes it's better to not touch something... than make some weirdo out of it.


Tell-me-about has one condition that tells the engine if the button is pressable, or not - you'll have to add it to, and checking this condition may be gone Fallout 2 engine.
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Hey there, nice to see you in this thread again :)

Well my plan would be to just add "Tell me about..." as lowest option, and then from there have the selections you would have had. In other words, the same format/approach already used in Fallout & 2 & 3.
Crash when joining Brotherhood of Steel should be fixed for most people now with these files. To try it out, put these in {Fallout Fixt}\DATA\SCRIPTS folder and say Yes to Overwrite:

Mirror #1 https://www.mediafire.com/?c4d97nrbkk44q93
Mirror #2 https://mega.co.nz/#!aBZSHZZB!Aecfagd3RbynMeMFPSzuiHz3VwgIsVZteCLe4lkqt8I
Mirror #3 http://www.gamefront.com/files/24253787/TESTFIXT.zip

Please try it out and let me know. You will see some debug messages; if you DO still get a crash, please provide a screenshot of the debug messages. Thanks :nod:

If you don't get a crash, please ignore the debug messages.

is this included in 6.7.3?
It's up to you, really. Personally I much prefer single, longer Reply from NPC, "naturally" integrated into the dialogue than this.

Anyway, are there any chances to preserve script based random encounters? Unless Fallout 2's txt is flexible as scripts are...
Crash when joining Brotherhood of Steel should be fixed for most people now with these files. To try it out, put these in {Fallout Fixt}\DATA\SCRIPTS folder and say Yes to Overwrite:

Mirror #1 https://www.mediafire.com/?c4d97nrbkk44q93
Mirror #2 https://mega.co.nz/#!aBZSHZZB!Aecfagd3RbynMeMFPSzuiHz3VwgIsVZteCLe4lkqt8I
Mirror #3 http://www.gamefront.com/files/24253787/TESTFIXT.zip

Please try it out and let me know. You will see some debug messages; if you DO still get a crash, please provide a screenshot of the debug messages. Thanks :nod:

If you don't get a crash, please ignore the debug messages.

is this included in 6.7.3?

Yes. Crash when showing Cabbot evidence that you visited The Glow should now be fixed. If not, please let me know. Thanks!

Anyway, are there any chances to preserve script based random encounters? Unless Fallout 2's txt is flexible as scripts are...

Currently yes, research from Darek, and Cubik2k before him, confirms that it's possible. However, the Fo2 engine is hard-coded to generate the "You encounter X Y Z" automatically, so you'll get two messages each encounter. This is not avoidable. Hence why the plan is to ultimately convert them all to the Fallout 2 tables, as this is a far superior platform for many reasons. Fo2 tables are actually significantly more flexible :D Although more time-consuming to build (& maybe to maintain) its definitely worth the effort.

Some example advantages of using the Fallout 2 table is that I can add a large number of new encounters - each area in Fo1 only has 6 - and add better support for Special encounters. And I don't mean explicitly new encounters like CoC members (although that is a cool idea), I mostly mean just variations of the existing encounters so it doesn't feel so procedural after you've played for a long time. Also, in Fo1 the areas are hard-coded and cannot be changed. i.e. "area 1" is a certain section of squares on the map and cannot be modified. Whereas in Fallout 2 tables, I can do anything I want with any squares. This is important because some of the areas in Fo1 are pretty stupid how they mapped them out.

By the way, thank you for the scripts for Lenore and such, from 2011 I think. I finally got those implemented in something like version alpha 5 or 6. (I'm quick like that. :roll:)
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Troubleshooting for those of you still getting crashes that 6.7.3 was supposed to fix:

- Still crashes giving the holodisk to Jon.
1) Interact with the holodisk in any way. The easiest is to hover the mouse over it, so that you get the "You see: Regulator Transmissions Disk" message.
2) Try to show him the disk again; it shouldn't crash now.

- Still crashes trying to join the Brotherhood of Steel
1) Interact with the holodisk in any way. The easiest is to hover the mouse over it, so that you get the "You see: Ancient Brotherhood Disk" message.
2) Try again; it shouldn't crash now.

- Still crashes trying to leave the Brotherhood of Steel
1) Replace BROHDENT.SAV in the crashing savegame's folder with a known non-crashing copy.
2) For example if slot 5 is crashing but slot 4 isn't, go into {Fallout Fixt]\DATA\SAVEGAME\SLOT04 and copy BROHDENT.SAV, then paste it into {Fallout Fixt]\DATA\SAVEGAME\SLOT05
3) Obviously, say "Yes" to prompt to overwrite the file.
4) Try again; it shouldn't crash now.
(Ask Me About will probably take over a hundred hours because I'll have to built it all manually)
It's useless, poorly implemented feature - it's good that it's gone in Fallout 2.

Besides, dialogue window will look like shit when you'll add tell-me-abouts to it. Also, tell-me-about without typing what would like to know isn't tell-me-about "feature" anymore. Sometimes it's better to not touch something... than make some weirdo out of it.


Tell-me-about has one condition that tells the engine if the button is pressable, or not - you'll have to add it to, and checking this condition may be gone Fallout 2 engine.

I thought the tell me about feature was pretty cool for a game from 1997, but you're right it wasn't implemented properly and that's why they cut it in Fallout 2. It's kind of a shame they didn't work on it and implement it better.
Thank you for the update to FIXT Sduibek, and really looking forward to your project of F1 -> F2 engine conversion. Will be donating some more to you soon.
Thank you for the work you are doing with the game. I hope the conversion with the Fallout 2 engine is going well. The 'Change Log for Fallout Fixt' file says that you welcome feedback. I post mine here rather than adding to the 'Vote for features' thread.
You've changed the effects of fruit to 1-6 HP + 10 rads. I understand why you've done this but I think the game would be better if you reversed the principles. Fruit should provide a small, (1-3) HP boost and help pass rads, (approx 2), through your system. The caveat is obviously that there's still significant background radiation, (everywhere), that should be adding rads to your system. As a default it should be 3-6 rads a day and delivered when the 'healing rate' kicks in at the end of the day. The rationale is that the generations living outside the Vaults would have become slightly less susceptible to background radiation than those who were hidden underground. Farmers would have developed crops that helped the population rather than poisoned them. Either way it makes Fruit a more useful item.
Stimpaks are too effective and too plentiful in the game. I think it would be better if they added (1-4 + EN) HPs. This would also increase the value of the EN stat and healing skills in general which I also think would be a good thing.
I'm getting a lot of crashes and game errors so I could use some advice. I loaded a clean 1.0 UK version, updated it with 6.72 alpha, then updated it with 6.73 alpha with the custom options, on a Windows XP system. Is it worth reinstalling the original version and then trying a team X 1.2 patch before trying the 2 Fixt patches? If not is there something else I should try? There are some things that clearly aren't right. The default game speed was 1.04 rather than the posted 1.08. Also the encounter rate adapter that's supposed to be available with 1.18e seems to be missing.
Hmmm. Definitely sounds like something strange is going on. Could you give more detail on when and where it crashes? Screenshots of the Windows crash messages aren't necessary. But for example, is it the standard crashes people have been getting pre-patch: crashes when giving Holodisks to people.

Also, if you would please provide the contents of install.log from {Fallout Fixt}/DATA/FIXT. You can just paste it here within a "[ spoiler ]" tag. (remove spaces to use)

You really shouldn't need any of the TeamX stuff before installing mine, since I overwrite any files it would have installed (scripts, text, falloutw.exe, etc)

What if you move all f1_res.* and ddraw.* files out from the Fallout folder, does that get rid of the crashes?
Problem #1 is rescuing Tandi. Once rescued I can interact with her on most screens but if I click on her at any mountain location the game crashes. (There is a lone raider encounter in the mountains near Shady Sands that is related to the Khans. Could this be connected?). If I try to talk to her after a random encounter fight the game crashes. After freeing Tandi by fighting Garl the Raiders don't become hostile no matter how often I return to the camp, (unless i've returned her to Shady Sands). Planting ticking dynamite causes problems. If I kill Tandi by planting dynamite on her and going to the exit grid her dead body follows me to each location screen I go to unless I return to Shady Sands. (Creepy!!!!). If I return her dead body appears outside the walls and becomes a blood stain on subsequent visits. On such visits a blood stain can also be found at Tandi's expected starting placement inside Aradesh's building. Curiously killing Tandi with dynamite counts as a a successful return which is rewarded with xp and caps. Planting ticking dynamite on Garl before speaking to him then running away but staying in the Raiders camp will result in the explosion killing Gwen and 1 of the women prisoners. The amount of damage done to Gwen, the woman prisoner, and Garl is recorded and you receive 100 xp. If you do the same but leave the camp you are notified of the damage done to Garl but the 2 deaths aren't listed and there's no xp. Neither of these events turn the Raiders hostile. You can still fight Garl for Tandi's release. If you try the same thing but put the ticking dynamite in a bag bought form the Shady Sands trader you'll get the same results but if you now choose to fight Garl the game crashes. (Bag bug???). If you visit the Raiders camp before Tandi is kidnapped you can kill some Raiders, (excluding Garl), and on return to Shady Sands still get the rescue Tandi quest. However, on arrival back at the Raiders camp the Raiders now view Tandi as part of your party and shoot her before you can get into the building.
At Junktown I arrived at night, waited outside until 6am, stayed at the motel until rescuing Sinthia at 10am then went to the Skum Pit. A gang member was inside turned hostile during our conversation. He then started shooting at a woman who wasn't in the bar who was hit twice before being saved by the bar owner. On another attempt I entered the Skulls room at the motel, (unarmed), and spoke to 1 of the gang members who immediately turned hostile. I fled the scene but Ian fought and killed at least 1 of the gang members. I reached the exit grid without making any hostile moves but the guards on the next level still attacked me.
If you're anywhere near finishing the F2 engine conversion i'd rather you stayed on that rather than looking at possible F1 engine issues. I'll keep posting minor issues on the fixt bug page though if you don't mind.
Hmmm. Definitely sounds like something strange is going on. Could you give more detail on when and where it crashes? Screenshots of the Windows crash messages aren't necessary. But for example, is it the standard crashes people have been getting pre-patch: crashes when giving Holodisks to people.

Also, if you would please provide the contents of install.log from {Fallout Fixt}/DATA/FIXT. You can just paste it here within a "[ spoiler ]" tag. (remove spaces to use)...
Not sure how the spoiler works but i'll give it a go.
-----------------INSTALL BEGINS-----------------

Each-time backup of savegames:
Aborting each-time backup of savegames because this is first Fixt install.

Backup check:
Performing first time backup of savegames...

x86: Running Install32bit.bat:
Cathedral Crash Fix patch successful or already applied or not needed = masterdat
Cathedral Crash Fix patch successful or already applied or not needed = critterdat
Done checking fallout.cfg entries.
Done deleting temp files.

x86: Running Install32bit.bat:
Cathedral Crash Fix patch successful or already applied or not needed = masterdat
Cathedral Crash Fix patch successful or already applied or not needed = critterdat
Done checking fallout.cfg entries.
Done deleting temp files.

Begin install cleanup, move VAULT13.GAM...
globalvars.tmp deleted.
----------------INSTALL FINISHED----------------