Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

I agreed to fight Garl in the ring and got smacked around a bit, but then I managed to knock him out with one good punch. He said something like "take the girl and get out of here", and then I was teleported back to the raiders map. I now had all of Garl's stuff in my inventory, including a metal armor, Desert Eagle, Spiked Knuckles, and Garl himself was nowhere to be seen, although his buddies talked about him as if he was still there.

Did I just become the new Garl? If this is in the vanilla game then I must have missed that. But if it's something from FIXT then congratulations on an absolutely legendary new feature. I'm going to have to go back to the Khans after I've finished banging Tandi and see if they have any new dialogue.

Other than the numbers (and the ammo meter, but I'll give that one a pass) I love what I've seen of the mod so far.

I'm pretty sure this is how it worked in vanilla game :lol: I'll check.

Fo2-engine version of Fixt will add several things to Khans, such as joining. As for now it's pointless since you won't get a quest entry or Perk. But when engine conversion done I plan to have a "Khan" perk like they did with Made Men in Fo2, as well as "quests" for killing the slaves, joining, becoming their new leader, helping them reaid Shady Sands, etc. Raiders in Fo1 was a potential for a lot of cool stuff that I think the developers could have had fun with.

lol @ ammo meter comment. Should I have that be disabled by default? YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DECIDE THE FATE OF THE METER. CHOOSE WISELY.

EDIT: Yeah here we go, from Per's guide:
Fight him one on one (without weapons, Stimpaks and stuff). Despite what he says about the rules, he'll kill you if he knocks you out. If you win (talk to Garl after combat ends, or kill him), you'll get whatever was in Garl's inventory. Note that Garl does not return to the camp afterwards.
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I agreed to fight Garl in the ring and got smacked around a bit, but then I managed to knock him out with one good punch. He said something like "take the girl and get out of here", and then I was teleported back to the raiders map. I now had all of Garl's stuff in my inventory, including a metal armor, Desert Eagle, Spiked Knuckles, and Garl himself was nowhere to be seen, although his buddies talked about him as if he was still there.

Did I just become the new Garl? If this is in the vanilla game then I must have missed that. But if it's something from FIXT then congratulations on an absolutely legendary new feature. I'm going to have to go back to the Khans after I've finished banging Tandi and see if they have any new dialogue.

Other than the numbers (and the ammo meter, but I'll give that one a pass) I love what I've seen of the mod so far.

I'm pretty sure this is how it worked in vanilla game :lol: I'll check.

Fo2-engine version of Fixt will add several things to Khans, such as joining. As for now it's pointless since you won't get a quest entry or Perk. But when engine conversion done I plan to have a "Khan" perk like they did with Made Men in Fo2, as well as "quests" for killing the slaves, joining, becoming their new leader, helping them reaid Shady Sands, etc. Raiders in Fo1 was a potential for a lot of cool stuff that I think the developers could have had fun with.

lol @ ammo meter comment. Should I have that be disabled by default? YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DECIDE THE FATE OF THE METER. CHOOSE WISELY.

EDIT: Yeah here we go, from Per's guide:
Fight him one on one (without weapons, Stimpaks and stuff). Despite what he says about the rules, he'll kill you if he knocks you out. If you win (talk to Garl after combat ends, or kill him), you'll get whatever was in Garl's inventory. Note that Garl does not return to the camp afterwards.

Awesome. I'm trying to stay the hell away from Per's guide this time, since I remember almost nothing from the game.
One thing I'm curious about is, am I supposed to start with Mentats? I tagged Speech, Lockpick and Small Guns, but still had two packs of it in my inventory. They came in handy when I decided to "talk" Tandi's brains out.

I don't like the ammo meter because again I think it looks too "high-tech" and is just a change for the sake of change, it doesn't really add anything. But I did choose the Full installation, which is stated to be for non-purists and contains everything in the mod, and the fact that I don't like it doesn't mean that others won't. As long as there's a Custom option to disable it (say, which file do I have to delete for it?) I say leave it enabled in the Full version.
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European versions use, for the big yellow fonts on most interface text, letters than are thinner horizontally *and* closer together. Personally I think it looks totally shitty, I have no idea what they were thinking.

Well that's simple : European languages usually have more letters than English for the same word/string.

French Main menu in vanilla version :

With the new fonts i had to change it :

That's completely fine but that may explain the choice of the "thin" font in the first place.

Something else totally unrelated :

- Aghata doesn't show up, even if you tick the option during the custom install (If you manually change the GVAR with the f12se, she correctly appears tho).
What is the plan regarding the storyteller ? Do you want/need stories ? Do you want to remove her completely ? (i agree she is quite useless currently)
I've sent you a PM about Tandi.

Thanks. According to that it should have worked (conditions met with 1 + 2a) and I guess I found the culprit. When I install Fixt using Wine the GVAR TANDI_SEX_ENABLED is 0 while it is 1 on my Windows installation. When installing 6.7.3 I copied stuff from Windows to Linux at some point trying to sort out another issue, so it wasn't really installed using Wine. I just verified that with 0.81 on Wine TANDI_SEX_ENABLED=0 on Windows TANDI_SEX_ENABLED=1. Don't know if other changes are affected obvious things like the NPC changes are working.

I did a little more testing, so far it looks like 99% of the installation (chose the full option) works correctly under Wine, only the changes to VAULT13.GAM are not applied but written to the log. Looking at the repo on GitHub I assume that the sed command in the bat files isn't working on Wine. Not really a big deal once you know what it is causing the problem, Linux users only have to apply the changes manually.
I agreed to fight Garl in the ring and got smacked around a bit, but then I managed to knock him out with one good punch. He said something like "take the girl and get out of here", and then I was teleported back to the raiders map. I now had all of Garl's stuff in my inventory, including a metal armor, Desert Eagle, Spiked Knuckles, and Garl himself was nowhere to be seen, although his buddies talked about him as if he was still there.

Did I just become the new Garl? If this is in the vanilla game then I must have missed that. But if it's something from FIXT then congratulations on an absolutely legendary new feature. I'm going to have to go back to the Khans after I've finished banging Tandi and see if they have any new dialogue.

Other than the numbers (and the ammo meter, but I'll give that one a pass) I love what I've seen of the mod so far.

I'm pretty sure this is how it worked in vanilla game :lol: I'll check.

Fo2-engine version of Fixt will add several things to Khans, such as joining. As for now it's pointless since you won't get a quest entry or Perk. But when engine conversion done I plan to have a "Khan" perk like they did with Made Men in Fo2, as well as "quests" for killing the slaves, joining, becoming their new leader, helping them reaid Shady Sands, etc. Raiders in Fo1 was a potential for a lot of cool stuff that I think the developers could have had fun with.

lol @ ammo meter comment. Should I have that be disabled by default? YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DECIDE THE FATE OF THE METER. CHOOSE WISELY.

EDIT: Yeah here we go, from Per's guide:
Fight him one on one (without weapons, Stimpaks and stuff). Despite what he says about the rules, he'll kill you if he knocks you out. If you win (talk to Garl after combat ends, or kill him), you'll get whatever was in Garl's inventory. Note that Garl does not return to the camp afterwards.

Would killing the slaves make any sense? Aren't they useful alive?
@Oppen Killing slaves makes perfect sense if you want to become a Khan and/or are an evil character. It already exists in vanilla game, you never played that way? If you ask Garl to join, he said he tires of the slaves and to kill them immediately.

@Magnus Laughed hard at you using talk in quotes like that. I know what you're referring to :lol: And yes Mentats is on purpose; Fixt changed so that every skill, if tagged, actually starts you with items. In vanilla, only about half tag skills had any effect on starting items, which is stupid. Skills with "generic use" such as Speech/Barter give Mentats because there wasn't much else to give that made sense. Barter and Gambling gives caps instead if you aren't playing Fixes Only.

@HawK-EyE Ohhhh I hadn't thought of longer translation phrases. Good point and thank you! Is it possible still to use the U.S.-version font then? I really do think it looks significantly better than the others. re: Agatha Do you know anyone who'd be willing to write stories for her? I'd love to see that.

@Gramblosh That makes sense, I think the only people who've had issues with global variables not applying properly were the folks using Wine. Thank you. That is a significant issue though and needs to be fixed. Is it safe to assume that all Wine installations will include sed.exe? If so, can I just use normal sed commands instead of using the version of sed.exe that I provide? Or maybe the issue is how Wine handles the commands; maybe by echoing the results into a text file, it's actually skipping right to the echo instead of doing its normal task first? If you're willing to play around with the sed situation and see if you can come up with any solutions/workarounds I'd greatly appreciate it. I am using batch files for those, so if we're lucky, we can just run different batch files that use different commands using the built-in version of sed.exe

UPDATE FOR EVERYONE: I need to focus on school now. I'll be silent here for at least a month, maybe two months. This is do-or-die time; I need to get a job in Los Angeles / Santa Monica and finish my "final project" class, all in about 6 weeks. I'll be back soon ;)
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That makes sense, I think the only people who've had issues with global variables not applying properly were the folks using Wine. Thank you. That is a significant issue though and needs to be fixed. Is it safe to assume that all Wine installations will include sed.exe? If so, can I just use normal sed commands instead of using the version of sed.exe that I provide? Or maybe the issue is how Wine handles the commands; maybe by echoing the results into a text file, it's actually skipping right to the echo instead of doing its normal task first? If you're willing to play around with the sed situation and see if you can come up with any solutions/workarounds I'd greatly appreciate it. I am using batch files for those, so if we're lucky, we can just run different batch files that use different commands using the built-in version of sed.exe

So far I can only guess what happens based on the results, so it is really vague.

I don't know which version of sed you are using, I tried this one
h t t p://www.pement.org/sed/gsed407x.zip
and ran the command
sed -i "s/TANDI_SEX_ENABLED         :=0/TANDI_SEX_ENABLED         :=1/" VAULT13.GAM
in the terminal under wine and it works fairly well, the -i directly applies the change to the file, so there is no need for the second line.

PS: The spam protection on this forum seems a little paranoid, still cant post links and even the tag gets blocked....
PPS: Good luck!
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Good, trying to answer in a bit more depth, after doing some more testing.

Is it safe to assume that all Wine installations will include sed.exe?
No, Wine itself doesn't know sed, sed is a Linux/Unix command but it's not accessible through the wine console.

If so, can I just use normal sed commands instead of using the version of sed.exe that I provide?
See above: no.

Or maybe the issue is how Wine handles the commands; maybe by echoing the results into a text file, it's actually skipping right to the echo instead of doing its normal task first?
Actually, Wine should handle the native commands like Windows.

If you're willing to play around with the sed situation and see if you can come up with any solutions/workarounds I'd greatly appreciate it.
I will try to help as much as I can, however, last time I played with batch is a little while ago, And I never really cared about batch on Wine. So I am far from being an expert on either of these, but I try my best.

I am using batch files for those, so if we're lucky, we can just run different batch files that use different commands using the built-in version of sed.exe

That's about the same idea, I had in mind.


Anyway, here is what I have got so far:

I will keep Tandi as a test-case, so the script in question is
sed.exe s/"TANDI_SEX_ENABLED         :=0"/"TANDI_SEX_ENABLED         :=1"/ VAULT13.GAM > globalvars.tmp
cmd.exe /c copy globalvars.tmp VAULT13.GAM /Y
echo TANDI_SEX_ENABLED = 1 >> ..\DATA\FIXT\install.log
(short: sed, copy, echo) as taken from https://github.com/Sduibek/fixtsrc/blob/master/Batchfiles/Components/TANDI_SEX_ENABLED.bat. As a result of the script I get an unchanged VAULT13.GAM and a changed install.log. So, I would assume that the script is executed, since the log file is changed. It also indicates that - obviously - the echo part is working. The culprit can be either sed or copy.

Here is what I found out so far using this www.pement.org/sed/gsed407x.zip version of sed.exe copied to "c:/GOG Games/Fallout/Fallout Fixt/DATA/DATA" (so everything is in the same directory):
1. I ran sed -i "s/TANDI_SEX_ENABLED :=0/TANDI_SEX_ENABLED :=1/" VAULT13.GAM (that's the code I would use with the Linux sed command in a linux command line) on the wine command line => works
2. I created a batch file containing the above code and ran it from the wine command line => works
3. Next I tried a code similar to yours
sed s/"TANDI_SEX_ENABLED         :=0"/"TANDI_SEX_ENABLED         :=1"/ VAULT13.GAM > test1.tmp
cmd.exe /c copy test1.tmp test2.tmp /Y
and => works , this is interesting cause we can exclude the copy command as the culprit, it's also no problem to overwrite an existing test2.tmp. The odd thing is, if I remove sed.exe from that directory (which should break the scripts function completely), I get an empty test1.tmp and an empty test2.tmp, so in your code VAULT13.GAM would be empty. The only way to leave VAULT13.GAM unchanged is to cause a missing test1.tmp, only if test1.tmp does not exist, the copy command also breaks.

Now the only thing left is the sed command, problem is that, the way I implemented this version of sed in the test setup, it also works, so it might either be the way you implemented it or the version you used... or something completely different.
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@Oppen Killing slaves makes perfect sense if you want to become a Khan and/or are an evil character. It already exists in vanilla game, you never played that way? If you ask Garl to join, he said he tires of the slaves and to kill them immediately.

Well, I meant exactly as a slavist. Why would you break your own commodity?
As an evil character it could make sense, specially for the (admittedly very fun to play) stupid evil or sadist ones.

On another note, I found some things that I think could be improved and/or are bugs. I'll explain more later, and put it on the wiki (I actually didn't check if it's there, yet).

And on yet another note, is there a way to name local variables on the scripts? I thought about it, and typed and named variables would probably help in preventing some of the bugs.
Awesome, thanks!
You are welcome :)

EDIT: I also tried the sed.exe included in your installer, that one also works. Now the only options left are the way it is implemented or something completely different. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to repack your installer, I downloaded and installed Inno Setup and it runs but it complains that there are files language missing.

Well, I meant exactly as a slavist. Why would you break your own commodity?
You could sell them in parts to a certain fast food restaurant :wiggle:
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@Gramblosh if it's cool with you I might want you to test for me after my brief hiatus. Let's shoot for September if that works for you :D Because I can rewrite the batches and whatnot but don't have a Wine setup to test on.
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That's okay for me. I can also write a guide how to install FO1 + Fixt on Linux, it's fairly easy once you found the pitfalls.

I have in the meantime also checked how the bat files behave in the Crahsfix folder and also there they are working, so there is virtually no reason why the change should not be applied. Fun is that you are using more or less the same type of code in install(32|64)bit.bat and there it works.
Hello, Sduibek. Let me say first that I'm glad to see there's still a lot of love for this game. As someone who started playing Fallout games with Fo3 and then checked the story of the first two games, I have never thought that I'll get enough interest to play the originals. But now when I'm finally at it, I'm simply having a blast. It's fantastic and this mod/patch certainly helps. Thank you and everyone else for that.

I've just reported one bug on the bug fix page. But just to be sure, I would like to mention it here too. It seems that I don't have the dialogue option to start the ''Rescue initiate from the Hub'' when having conversation with Talus. It does not appear in the options. This happens after I already killed Decker, I don't know if it's different otherwise. This bug is also reported on one of the GoG forums. I use the Steam version though, but I reckon that shouldn't make a difference.

If I'm not mistaken, you're planning to port this game to the Fo2 engine, right? That should solve quite a decent number of existing problems. Wish you good luck.
This guide should be in the 1st post, really detailed, kongratz Gramblosh for doing it.

Thank you @Gramblosh!!

Could you create a thread for this? I think maybe the title could be "Guide to installing Fallout + Fixt on Linux/Wine" and you can just copy and paste that entire post into it. I'd make the thread myself but then it would appear as being written by me which is misleading.

Once you create that thread I will make it a Sticky and link to it.
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I will add the screenshots later, they are a bit too large, need to find a better way.
If you need a small free program for resizing images that's easy to use with a few basic tools i'd recommend FastStone. I won't post a link as I know this forum has rules regarding spamming and advertising.
Thanks, no, that is not the problem, resizing them is no problem (I have Gimp and XnViewMP) I just need them to appear in a nice way in the guide. The forum attachments work only partially, they are either really large or very small.