fallout is like crack, need help!


First time out of the vault
So I've played New Vegas much too much and want to take a break. I want to delete it for now, but not sure what happens with the DLCs if I do so. When I downloaded them, I had Steam install them directly, so where would the files be? How can I completely remove New Vegas from my system but keep the DLCs for a later reinstall?
amokrun said:
So I've played New Vegas much too much and want to take a break. I want to delete it for now, but not sure what happens with the DLCs if I do so. When I downloaded them, I had Steam install them directly, so where would the files be? How can I completely remove New Vegas from my system but keep the DLCs for a later reinstall?

Once you buy the DLCs, they will automatically be downloaded when you reinstall New Vegas. You can safely uninstall the whole kit and kaboodle and be able to reinstall everything at a later time.

Later, when you decide to install New Vegas, all of the DLCs you have purchased will be included in the download.
So you mean the DLC's are actually stored in my Steam account and once I reinstall through Steam, they get reappointed in this way?