Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

I seem to remember there are no genres in supermutants. They all become, not only infertile, but also completely indistinguishable. But I may be wrong.

You're wrong. That's only Fallout 3's Vault 87 super mutants, not the Mariposa ones. Otherwise, the Master would have noticed the flaw of his plan earlier, wouldn't he? :)
I don't see the problem with Tabetha.
Sure, it looks weird. But come on, a Supermutant with a wig has to look weird.

What's more important to me is that they seem to continue the traditional Fallout story.
I was a huge NCR-fanboy back in Fallout 2. Glad that I can serve the republic again. :)
I can only see the first scan, rest gives "no hotlinking allowed" crap.

Copy&paste to address bar won't help.
same here skynet. but i got to read the first few pages. i also noticed that the writer listed out the traits of special and left out intelligence.

Myron Rolle said:

I was just being vaguely amused. Is this really necessary? That screenshot shows something indefensibly retarded, and I can only hope it's a joke.
While I can only agree that it looks like going over to the "Ant"-agonist (sp?) shitty humour of FO3, it is not entirely stupid if correctly implemented.

It is being insinuated that the super mutant isn't "entirely there". Probably lost some marbles, but is still the strongest super mutie around those parts.
Soldiers, especially in Africa have been known to do similar things. From wearing fairy wings into combat to this tasteful urban and jungle camouflage outfit:

It's possible the mutie is either brain damaged or on drugs.
And I think it's a he, not a she. Just wearing a wig and glasses.
OakTable said:
Will you guys give up on the Supermutie-with-a-wig pic? Jesus, you guys are almost as bad as a guy with severe OCD about the pic.
If it looks retarded and bad ... then it simply looks retarded and bad. If this is a sign for the future ... or one of the best pictures they have from the game so far. Do I really want to know what we will get in the future?

Myron Rolle said:
Do you guys have stronger arguments to bring forth than "you look like you have OCD" (hello offensive) and "it might not be as bad as it looks!" Neither is in any way a valid defense of the bewiggactled supermutant there.
Yes ... guys com on. BN is right. Arny would agree!


SuAside said:
It's possible the mutie is either brain damaged or on drugs.
And I think it's a he, not a she. Just wearing a wig and glasses.
I really hope youre right ...
Thanks for the mirrors, guys. Fixed the newspost.

Drifter420 said:
Yeah, how about - Fallout has always been part comedy. This is obviously an attempt at comedy.

Here's the thing:
Fallout 1: black comedy
Fallout 2: silly slapstick comedy with lots of easter eggs
Fallout 3: "omfg this shit is cool" "comedy"
Fallout: New Vegas: ???

One of the main concerns in seeing this return to Obsidian was whether or not these guys had learned from their mistakes in Fallout 2, knew better than to make another silly game.
You don't see how this specific image has a lot of us old hands worried, then?

I mean yeah, agreed, in context it might work, and it might look much better in the game. But that latter argument makes all criticism on previews pointless, so we'll ignore it.

These scans suddenly made me remember that this game will be with the same graphics as Fallout 3...

This is just fucking ugly.

I don't know why, I secretly thought that Obsidian would change all the models and the textures and make a beautiful and stylish game. But I should have remembered that Obsidian just dont make beautiful games. They don't have any more artistic talent than Bethesda.
Fallout 1: black comedy
Fallout 2: silly slapstick comedy with lots of easter eggs
Fallout 3: "omfg this shit is cool" "comedy"
Fallout: New Vegas: ???

Fallout 4: Revenge of the Enclave Super Mutants: Profit!
Arr0nax said:
I don't know why, I secretly thought that Obsidian would change all the models and the textures and make a beautiful and stylish game. But I should have remembered that Obsidian just dont make beautiful games. They don't have any more artistic talent than Bethesda.

*shrug* I'm glad to see a heavy recycling of models. I don't really want Obsidian to try and create a new game in their limited timespan. They just don't have the elbow room for it, so let them just reuse the crappy engine and graphics, at least that way they can focus on the story.
Yeah, ideally I'd like the super mutants to look more like the FO1/2 ones, but with Obsidian's time constraints I understand why they chose to retexture the FO3 ones instead.
Let's hope they don't waste their precious time with unnecessary minigames. A lesson from KOTOR 2.
Myron Rolle said:
*shrug* I'm glad to see a heavy recycling of models. I don't really want Obsidian to try and create a new game in their limited timespan. They just don't have the elbow room for it, so let them just reuse the crappy engine and graphics, at least that way they can focus on the story.

Yeah I agree with B....uh, Myron on that. Just not enough time on that. Besides, Fallout 3 isn't unbereable to look upon, providing that they will put some effort in making the models.

Now let's see on other stuff...

1. Yay! for lot's of quest solutions. Knowing Obsidian they will at least make sense, unlike Fallout 3.

2. WTF? Has Obsidian been lurking here at NMA and decided to listen to the voice of the people? I am so happy to see that they decided to introduce weapon upgrades. Perhaps armors may be upgradable, too?

3. I can live with hostile supermutants as long as they will be intelligent, not orc-type of enemies that'll just go on killing stuff "because we're bloodthirsty yeah!". As for that wig and glasses...yes, well I tried to be kind, I tried to be fair, but it's just stupid. Hope it will be one of the few "funny" things in the game. Also, it's great how they incorporated the F3's muties into the game and where it can lead. I mean people sure hate supermuties, right? Rasism and all that stuff. But now that supermuties meet their "lesser" kin, the human part of their nature may lead them to the same behaviour. Depth to at least some degree. Very promising.

4. Hardcore mode sounds even more fun with the details provided, I'll be sure to try it out. At least it introduces *changes* to gameplay, instead of adding more hp and damage to enemies.

5. Price negotiating? Hell yeah, that's a good thing. I wonder how much skills will have an impact on the outcome of certain situations. High hopes for this one.

6. I sure don't like that M4 - keep Fallout clean of real-life weapon copies. Also machinegun grenade launcher sounds like a big fucking overkill. Oh well, it's better than the Fat Man, that's for damn sure.

7. I'm kinda worried about the whole Wild Wild West atmosphere, it'll suck if will be as present as the 50s style in F3. This ain't the 50s and this ain't 19th century America for fuck's sake.

All in all, it sounds pretty good. Not wonderful, but promising. I am also kinda surprised that with all these details barely anyone commented on anything else than the retarted super mutant chick.
So sad they copied Fallout 3 graphics and didn't practically did anything completely new for the game except new 3D models and story. I thought they will do something with the engine, allowing top down and allowing to turn on turn based mode for example not only these crappy VATS system. I'am disappointed.
Skynet said:
I can only see the first scan, rest gives "no hotlinking allowed" crap.

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While you're seeing the no hotlinking error, press go again. Refresh should work too.

Works on all no hotlinking sites.