Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Yeah, they look fugly alright...

I remember when I was impressed by Gamebryo : that was with Morrowind, in 2002. Now, not so much...

But I kinda like the western vibe even though the game is way too reminiscent of FO3.
Gotta love the Courier there with his shoulder clipping through his armour.

Yeah, no surprise this game's as ugly as Fallout 3. Though no doubt like Fallout 3 it'll be good at wide expansive vistas!
Dominus said:
oh man, Fallout 1 and 2 even now look better than this next gen 2010 game.. :|

The gamebryo engine is really starting to show it's age. The first gamebryo game came out in, what, 2001? The age difference is practically like using the Fallout 1 engine on a game in 2005. :shock:

Hopefully this is the last game to use it.
King of Creation said:
The gamebryo engine is really starting to show it's age. The first gamebryo game came out in, what, 2001?

Not exactly. The first GameBryo game was when it was still NetImmerse, in 1999 (Prince of Persia 3D). Morrowind used that engine.

Oblivion/Fallout 3/New Vegas use the newer Gamebryo, and heavily tweaked it. Divinity 2 uses it too, and it shows there too, so yeah, by now we can blame the engine. Though we can't blame it for shitty animation or the constant skating the PC does. Frith I hope this game is more playable in TPS than Fallout 3 was.

Anyway this Gamebryo is from 2004. I can't imagine Bethesda using it again. I don't know how they keep getting away with it anyway, why the gaming press just ignores the flaws, but they can't get away with it on another TES. Howard and co have no doubt already found and are using their new engine.
Oh I hate FO3's textures for ghouls.

The gamebryo engine is really starting to show it's age.

It started showing its age right after FO3 release.
Knowing nowdays graphics are mostly important when it comes to games, F:New Vegas will probably get low rating because of that.

I wonder if the same voice actors have been casted...
I still can't believe it when I see those mutants. I just a die a little inside everytime I witness that eye cancer.
Im hoping they switch to the new ID engine.

and Valve gets away with releasing new games with an engine that is from 2004, but the difference is Source is GOOD.
The flora and fauna looks much better than in Fallout 3. But I totaly don't get why supermutants in Nevada look like supermutants in D.C.
I can life with the Fallout 3 mutants. It's a new setting, new story and non canon for me. But New Vegas picks up the old Fallout story, so why do they look like fucking Orc's again? :roll:

Anyway. It looks much better than Fallout 3, but the shitty engine averts a good game anyway...
What is this, no anti-aliasing on the screens?! And no photo manipulation? BLASPHEMY!
We`ve got first look on those new creatures Big Horners:
I think everyone knew since the begining that this will not be a visual revolution. I mean all one can hope for is for a good setting and falloutish dialogues.

Though I hope they also spend some time on working on at least a few new things and not just recycle simply everything from the Fallout 3 world ...

hey does anyone know if we will see those exploding cars again ?
But what about the artworks in the german review ? Was it like a "gold" press pack or something like that ?
Several previews also had artwork. That'll be released too eventually, but apparently it was not sent to Dac. Or they're holding out :P