Fallout- Old Glory OOC

White Knight

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Heres the place to sign up for my new RP. I'll use my character as a template for the character form if your new to RPing.

Name: David White
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: Former Enclave Soldier
Eyes: Grey
Hair:Dark Brown Hair that is slightly longer than in Blood Ties, and a 5'O'clock shadow.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lb
Complexion: Caucasian
Voice: Average Male Voice,
Bio: Once a member of the Enclave, David a was a Lieutenant in its power armoured infantry division. He never agreed with the Enclaves way of dealing with other humans, not because he was kind or good hearted, but because he couldn't see a good reason behind it. When the Enclave was defeated at Adams Air Force base, he fled and made his way to the capital wasteland. He dumped the power armour, it too damaged and recognisable, and mad his way south. He then headed west and has now arrived in the New Vegas Area, just avoiding the Legion as he came through Arizona. Davids experiences has given him a sharp eye, as well as a dislike for the softened civillians of the NCR.
Over the past two years, David's guilt over what he has done, and his hatred for the Enclave has grown into an obssession, which has been made worse by the appearance of the Remnants at Hoover Dam. He has used this as a reason to hunt down the remaining members and kill them, gaining a reputation as 'The Eagle', a mercenary who has gone mad and started murdering Elderly People. In reality they old members of the enclave, in particular military scientists and Officers, as he believes its their fault for FEV. He is now a wanted criminal by small town sheriffs, thought finding him is nigh on impossible, as nobody knows what he looks like.
Weapons: Combat Knife, 9mm pistol(5 clips), AK-112 (3 Magazines)
Clothing: Gas Mask, Hooded Jacket, Combat trousers, Standard Issue Enclave Boots.
Items: 3 Stimpaks
Likes: Pre-War History Books
Hates: The Enclave
Other Info: It has recently come to light that David was once part of a elite group within the enclave, known as the Reapers of Eden.


Feel free to post an Image of your character.
*whistles* nice start give me time to write up a chara since.... I could use Sin and leave the other thread alone since I haven't joined it yet.....
Ooh, you're just making things too good for me. I'll have to modify Jacob's sheet to account for the extra time since Blood Ties. Hunting science officers would mean Jacob's on his list after all.
Name: Thomas Searl
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Occupation: Ranch Owner
Eyes: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 153lbs
Complexion: Caucasian
Bio: Born in England in the lord's year of 2251, he lived in his small ramshackle village until a raiding party came into the towns and slaughtered many of the people at the village, also killing his parents. After several years of trekking round the north country, he found a boat docked in the pre-war city of Liverpool. At the age of 14, Tom finally landed in the Capital Wasteland, and was helped back onto his feet by the good people of Rivet City. After joining the mercenary group of Talon Company, Tom was sorted. But one day (2271), his whole base was destroyed by a Brotherhood patrol, commandered by a mysterious man and his dog, only Tom was spared. After a year of searching for this mysterious man, Tom nearly give up, until he found a man that could help him, David White, an ex-Enclave Officer travelled with Tom for a while, until they went their own ways when David left the Capital Wasteland. After Tom's wild goose chase, he ended up in The Pitt, turned out that this mysterious man that he had been searching for had went further than he thought, Tom gave up. He started heading west, past the great plains of the midwest, and the violent storms of the prairies, after a year of travelling Tom ended up in the Mojave. After a few months of mercenary work, and making friends in odd places, Tom eventually got the ranch which he had dreamed about. After settling down with his love Rachael, he then found his other child-hood friend, John, in a surprising incident, which Tom still isn't completely certain about. A year after settling with him though, Rachael had decided Tom was not the man for her, leaving him for a Vegas hot-shot named Antonio Visquito, given the initial circumstances Tom would've killed the man, but eventually, the two became firm friends, and Antonio, eventually settled in at the ranch that Tom called home. Now after two years of ranching, Tom was a successful businessman, making a lot of caps from his small herds of Brahmin and Bighorners, using John's intelligence, Antonio's "street smarts" and Rachael's prudence, Tom was finally starting to enjoy his life.

Weapons: an old hunting rifle, held over the fire in his sitting room
Clothing: leather armor, made out of the Brahmin's he herds, it is often renewed every-time they are up for the kill
Sorry for the double-post, but it's probably best I mention most of my character's bio only make sense if you were in any of the RP's I was involved in, or followed them in any way.
Name: His name changes for every person he meets, but his mother named him James Murry.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: Con-Man, Gigallo, Spy, Mercenary when desperate, anything that takes fast eyes, faster fingers, and an even faster mouth.
Eyes: They could be seen as brown or green depending on angle.
Hair: Naturally light brown, is usually dyed.
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 190 lb
Complexion: Caucasian
Voice: Self-assured and confident, very similar to that of Bruce Campbell
Bio: He prefers to keep his past a secret, and plays information about it close to his chest. He is a smooth talker who travels from place to place, conning the locals, hiring himself as a spy, or anything else he can do to make a quick cap. While he's not a coward, he prefers to avoid violence, and only kills in self-defense.
Weapons: A very large and shiny .44 Magnum Revolver he wears on his hip, mainly as a deterrent. His actual weapons however are a pair of switch-blades, two sets of brass knuckles, and three Derringers, all of which are well concealed.
Clothing: A dusty white business suit, a white fedora, and a pair of loafers/boots.
Items: A collection of various disguise elements, a glass ring, a few gold coins sewn into the liner of his jacket, 2 stimpacks, and a set of lock-picks.
Likes: Caps, alcoholic drinks, fancy clothes and food.
Hates: Needless Violence.

Any issues?
I think my opening post is rather adequate, it's already giving Tom a reason to be in the RP.
Name: Sin Angel aka Lucifel

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Personality: Sin is a very unique and contradicting person as her name suggests. When she was young she had no name so she ended up naming herself in the end.

Species: Human… She thinks…

Occupation: Black Smith/ Assassin/ Wanderer

Looks: Sin is tall yet short standing at 5 foot 7. She has smooth golden tan skin with some scars on her body. Her back had a scar on the right shoulder in the shape of a perfect star. On her chest she has a scar going from her left hip up to her right shoulder. She has long raven hair that cascades to just under her 32DD breast. Her ice blue orbs seem to pierce the soul as her Indian heritage from her father’s side comes out. She’s slim with a build of strength and curvage with her 20 inch waist and rounded hips and bottom. She looks like she’s there for looks and er… a paid lover but in actuality she’s built for work and fighting.

Apparel: Her outfit changes quiet often as she likes to try and stay clean to the best of her abilities in this post apocalyptic world. Sin tends to wear what she feels like and more so dresses to look like a man. She wears a pair of black fitted shorts and a black fitted spaghetti strap tank. Over this layer she wears chest armor and some leg armor. After that she puts on many of her weapons that she hides within her clothes then she puts on a large khaki t-shirt, khaki cargo pants, and a large sand colored cloak. She wears a pair of black healed combat boots that can also be weapons as they have a blade in them. Sin likes to change and pretends that her and a woman (her other ‘half” pasha nah just her dressed different) named Lucifel are two different people.
When acting as Lucifel, Sin wears a pair of black fitted leather shorts that go down mid-thigh and her trusty old boots. Both are slightly reinforced with some armor having made them herself. On her torso she wears a black bra under a black net long sleeve shirt. Over the net shirt she wears a light yet strong and dense armor that molds to her body with the turtle etched onto it as a ‘reinforcement’ to the armor. Just under her breast she has a black belt tied on that holds many butterfly knives she loves to use as weapons. Over the layer of armor she wears a black spaghetti strap fitted tank rimmed in crimson lace and a cut just under the chest. Over her shirt she wears a black leather half jacket that ends just under her breast covering part of a black clothes sleeveless vest. She wears three black belts with small silver studs on them. One sits normally on her hips and the other two criss cross on hips to her higher thighs. She uses the belts to hold weapons like 2 sawed off shot guns at her lower back which is held by the belt through two looped silver chains that allow the guns to easily slip out and put back. The belt resting on her left hip holds one sword on her right side and the right resting hip belt holds the other sword on her left thigh. She wears her hair up in a tightly braided chignon that allows a few strands to fall down and frame her masked face. The mask in a black half mask that covers only her eyes and nose. It’s rimmed in crimson lace and has a silkiness about it yet has armor in the center. The mask has ice blue designs sewn into the fabric as it provides a striking contrasts to her golden tanned skin, ice blue eyes which are crimson when the mask is one and dark cascading raven waves. Sin wears black fingerless gloves with spiked knuckles and a black choker necklace that has a red diamond (blood diamond) dangling from it with it’s small crimson lace trim.

Weapon/s: She has many weapons many she made herself. She’s a black smith of great ability but doesn’t look like she could pull it off. She has her swords as I mentioned in the looks. Her swords are named Leo and Silver each having it’s slight differences. Leo is one built for power and strength which she carries on her left side portrayed by the colors gold and red. The sword is made of a black blade with a deep crimson shine to it and a lion engraved into the slim and dense metal that seems to weigh no more than a feather. The hilt is made of a gold looking wood and is rapped in a red ribbon with gold interlaced into it. Silver is exactly the same in the blade and except the crimson is blue. With the rest replace the red for blue and gold for silver and the engraving is of a wolf built for swift, silence, and cunning. She uses butterfly knives created from the same dark yet impossible strong metal created by her .The metal hilt has a blue look to it and they have the engravings of a poison butterfly on it. She carries a bag of Bees on her they‘re another she made for silence. Bees are small throwing knives the size of a grown woman’s hand for easier hiding. The blade has the design of a bee on it along with an older sign meaning speed and accuracy. The blades never miss their target but may not hit precise spot intended. She uses 3 different styles of guns strapped to her person. An Assault Rifle strapped to her back, two .35 pistols strapped to each thigh with a silencer and ammo, finally 2 sawed off shot guns strapped to her belt in the back towards her lower back. Each weapon is reinforced with the special metal she’s created through some experimenting with different metals, minerals, and rocks she has found. She uses special bullets made specifically for speed, power, and death. Stingers as the bullets have been named are made to break easier when they hit their target shattering inside the enemy’s body in many pieces ripping through organs. Each of the stingers are unique in their own right having different attributes such as poison, explosions, acid, combustion (flames), and more.

History: She was created as an experiment used from the moment of prevailed conception. Her mother died giving birth to her into the wastes of the capitol. Her father was one of the doctors on the team studying her as she grew in age. She was treated as nothing more than an experiment by everyone but her father growing up. They had infused her with certain super mutant traits in her DNA. They’d been trying repeatedly and unsuccessfully to create a weapon as strong as a super mutant that’s also fast, swift, agile, lithe, and extremely fit… so in other words the perfect weapon. The experiment had failed many times before she came along. In their mind she was perfect, well almost perfect anyways. She tended to have attitude towards them when they asked her to do tests and such. Sin just didn’t like the men as they made her feel weary and alert. She was ever watchful around the dreadful men who angered her at times.
When Sin was nine her father grew tired of their constant test as they repeatedly tried to brain wash her. He took her and ran always to be on a constant move. When it was about a day before her tenth birthday the men found them and murdered her father. They left her to rot as she’d taken out a few of their men. She was knocked unconscious and left there to bake under the Capitol Wasteland’s sun. She had somehow found herself waking inside Vault 101. She was treated as on outsider being watched by the Overseer at all times as the tunnel snakes tried to pick on her. Sin quickly handed Butch his butt and got out of the Vault by the age of 14 tired of the place. She dragged herself, her pipboy, and her belongings with her out of there.
Over the years after that she went from place to place traveling and people started to hear of a woman assassin for hire who you could only contact through a kid whom you couldn’t tell was a guy or girl with how they dressed. After she felt she was done with the Capitol Wastelands she started traveling talking and traveling with different people along the way.
Name: Brad
Age: 23
Occupation: Former Great Khan, Dog Trainer
Appearance: Shaggy brown hair that's more well kept than in Blood Ties. Blue eyes. Very lean figure.
Weapons: 10mm Pistol with laser sight and Gauss Pistol
Armor: Lightweight Leather Armor
The old Pre War hat he got from the Atomic Wrangler

Bio: After Blood Ties, Brad focused on training his pup, Sarge. After two years of training, he could see he was becoming a real fighter. Soon, he left the Vegas area and started drifting. Along the way, he found a dead soldier in unfamiliar armor. He liked the advanced pistol he was clutching, though. He's only fired it once, since he's never been able to find ammo for it. He gets caps doing odd jobs in the towns he stops at. Mostly taming animals. (Animal Friend perk.)
Lately though, he's been longing for the days he traveled with David and the others. What with Sarge being his only current travelling companion.

Well, there you have it. Can't wait to start! I've been dm'ing my own rp on a different forum, and let me tell you, it'll be nice to be in an rp without so much work again.
Awesome. Alright, here's the updated profile of Jacob.

Name: Jacob Smith
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Occupation: Scavenger (Enclave Scout)
Nationality: American

Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown, longer and more unkempt than in Blood Ties
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 180lbs
Race: Caucasian (Purestrain human)

Weapons: Heavily modified plasma rifle (mag. Accelerator, microfusion breeder, custom black paint job) (2 spare batteries), Glock 86 plasma pistol (5 spare batteries), crowbar.

Items: Binoculars, lighter, various odds and ends stored within GU-DR.


Jacob originates from an enclave remnant based in Chicago, one of the few strongholds left to the Enclave after their crushing defeats on both coasts. Jacob was raised with the beliefs of the Enclave, but few of them took the deep hold that it did with other members. While Jacob still holds his allegiance to the Enclave and does all he can to ensure their continued existence, he does not feel the abject hatred towards those outside the Enclave as those who were based on the west coast. He was educated much in the way that most children would have been educated in the pre-war world and as such has a basic grasp on many topics, his specialties were however found to lie in pre war technology and the use thereof. He eventually ended up the assistant to the robotics specialist, and as such has extensive knowledge of what makes the machines tick.

While at one time the Enclave held the area under a stranglehold, the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel has since become the dominant power in the region. The shift in power forced the Enclave remnant to relocate out of the city. Due to dwindling supplies and still no contact with the main forces of the Enclave, the remnant saw fit to begin sending out their members to try and both find places where supplies may be found, and to attempt to regain contact with other members of the Enclave.

It was this mission that sent Jacob out into the hostile environment of the wastes. Due to the knowledge that the population has been resisting the Enclave in all their attempts, Jacob has learned to keep his allegiance a secret, or lie and say he is no longer part of them should he be forced to reveal his past. The front he has put up ever since leaving his remnant is that he is a scavenger, which is still partially the truth since it is how he has been providing for himself.

While traveling he came across a defunct Mr. Gutsy near the outskirts of Denver. After several months of scavenging parts from the nearby area, he managed to restore the robot to working order, and has since used it as both a body-guard and a salvage carrier. He made some very minor upgrades, such as installing a micro fusion breeder into it to power its plasma rifle instead of normal cells. He has been unable to regain the robot’s original designation, and as such has redubbed it GU-DR.

During the second battle of Hoover Dam, Jacob had been making his way towards Jacobstown due to rumors of a former Enclave scientist that had taken up residence there with the mutants. While on his way there, to his surprise a bunker opened up and the Remnant vertibird flew out towards the battle raging at Hoover Dam. He took his chance and entered the bunker before the hatch closed, inside he gathered what information he could about the Remnants, and was disappointed to find that the Remnants, aside from one, were happy enough living out the rest of their lives in peace. His disappointment was most pronounced due to Dr. Henry’s defection far before any of the others. Jacob however chose to respect their wishes, and after downloading any and all information he could from the database made himself scarce. Before leaving however he took the chance to equip himself to his preference, grabbing an urban plasma rifle, a Glock 86, and all the ammo he could stuff into GU-DR.

Soon after the battle had concluded, Jacob headed back east through Legion territory, this time heading straight east instead of looping north towards the CTH. Still making his living as a scavenger, he began to hear tales of a merc going after elderly people. Upon deciding to indulge his curiosity, he found that one of the victims seemed to have been a member of the Enclave in their youth. The same could be said in other similar instances throughout the area. Since then Jacob’s been more than a bit jumpy, if someone’s hunting down members of the Enclave, then he could very well end up in the mercenaries clutches.

Due to the events surrounding Denver and the mission under Yasmin, Jacob has also developed Cynophobia. It is limited to feral dogs, small comfort that it is.



Skills: Energy Weapons, Science, Repair.

-Reinforced Leather armor, jeans, army boots, tortoiseshell glasses, brown fedora, PIP-Boy 3000.
if I'm permitted to join
Name: Chameleon
Real Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Eye colour: Unknown
Hair colour: Unknown
Height: Around about 5"8
Weight: Slim build, but actual weight is unknown.
Nationality: Unknown for certain but records confirm that he is possibly Caucasian. His voice is sly and sadistic, giving him a dark personality.
Stats: Quite fast and strong as well as perceptive and can take quite a few hits. He is only charismatic at times, and sometimes lucky.
Alignment: Neutral
Occupation: Hired Assassin and mercenary.

Appearance: His face is covered by a jet-black oval mask made of glass, like a giant visor. He wears a tight hood to cover the back of his head, and it runs down to his chest. He wears a black trench-coat and black and silver leather gloves. His entire torso is covered in a light combat armour which is black and silver and also covers his lower body as well. A silver striped streak runs down from the top of his head down his back into a little vent of some kind; possibly a respirator.

Weapons: Two katanas (two ninja swords if you will) named Jericho and Elizabeth.
2 decks of cards, mainly for killing use.
An Uzi and a Colt Pistol.
A stack of throwing knives.
Grenades, a lot of them.
A steady supply of Stealth Boys.

Personality: Chameleon is sadistic, as his mind is a bit warped. He doesn't care who hires him, neither their intentions. He shows no compassion nor mercy to anyone, and talks rather cheerful as well as his constant use of wisecracks. He rarely shows any emotion apart from his cheerful and dark demeanour, and his targets have never escaped him. His employees are of no concern to him; if he was employed to assassinate a certain target and the target's close friends were to employ Chameleon to kill his recent employee, then it wouldn't be a problem. He is an honourable assassin though, and once a target is confirmed, he won't go back on the contract no matter how much higher the target would pay him. He will often kill quickly and will only go after his target, often leaving others unconscious or left alone. If they pose a threat, he'll kill them. He shows a strong spot for women, and will treat them better than males. He will often betray his own employee if the target is a pretty female and they have something of interest for him. he will often act on his better judgement in the case of good and evil, and will work for the side that would better his causes in the future if they win. All in all, he isn't bad, but not good either. A neutral player to be truthful.

Story: Not much can be told about him, as more would be revealed in the RPs. He named his swords after his dead parents, which were burned when Chameleon was a young age.
His age is unknown and some claims make that he is over 100 years old. Rumours also state he might have assassinated a president. Also, the use of stealth boys and the murder of his parents may have lead to his insanity.
Lol ^.~ don't worry she can handle herself lol you'd know if ya'd of read her bio *lightly pats his back hitting him harder than I intend being stronger than most women even while holding back*
Cool lol should we meet in rp? Lol Sin just tripped she's very sleepy barely having got an hour of sleep in the last 36 hours because some super mutant attacks and other creatures the caravan left for her to take care of