Fallout RTS?


A Smooth-Skin
I've been working on developing a system for managing a fallout city through rts rolls. I've written up a long batch of rules, variances, occurances and actions for you to discover and exploit as you help raise you and your weary friends into a force to be wreckened with.

So, lets say you "hey, I wanna join. My town is Brimmwood".
I create a random city from a VERY LONG list of (type of terrain), sewer (y/n) (w/ rolls of course), number of structures (up to 15 starting out), condition of said individual structures (condition = crates of scavengeable goods based on said building), number of starting out peons (up to six possible), tag skills for each citizen,

Gameplay also includes XP and LVL's for said peon's as you farm, fight, pillage, scavenge, mine, build, create, trade , ect ...

If anybody is interested in giving it a try, I'll wait here patiently...
Stationary. Doing it nomadically would shatter my flimsy system lol. I'm actually flabergast that you shattered a weeks worth of thought so quickly, bravo.
Seems like with the abundance of homes and building materials and the lack of stable food and water supplies, nomadic societies would vastly outnumber stationary ones in the Fallout world. This is something no Fallout game has touched upon outside Great Kahns and tribals, and then only in the back stories.

But, that's a discussion for another thread in another time. Sign me up for a town called Knob Lick