Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

You know, ever since this TV Show was announced, & when more information started to come out about it, I knew it would reignite the Fan War! And recently it's gotten me to reflect on The Fallout Fandom itself, since people keep throwing the "Fallout Fan" label so casually, I made this to distinguish & define on what exactly it means when people refer to "Fallout Fans", especially in the aftermath of the release of this show:


:ok: 8-)
Who is a Fallout Tactics fan? Do those really exist? Seems like that would be a rare unicorn indeed.
Fallout Tactics was weirdly enjoyable in its own way. It was good to see Fallout games finally having upgraded graphics but they really botched that games story and dialogue choices. Definitely a worthy spin off and it would've been so much better if Black Isle guided the Micro Forte developers a bit.
The Fallout Brotherhood of Steel appreciators are the strongest of them all. I don't want to mess with anyone who managed to get through this pile of dog poop and liked it.
One day I hope I'll come across a copy of FOBOS on a flea market for the PS2 and I will play it.
For me, the thing that annoys me the most is that Bethesda decided to rewild California and turn the clock back at least a hundred years. They had the chance to tell a unique story about the closing of the frontier with a post-apocalyptic twist, how California was pacified and reunified; the wasteland pushed further east, south and north. Instead, they wanted California to look like a pile of rubble so they could have the same slate as in Fallout 3, 4 and 76.

Makes me think Bethesda is incapable of creating something new, like how all their Fallout games (and now the show) center around a missing family member.
I'm just disappointed.:rip:
[Raises Hand Up] :-D

I mean the biggest example that I can think of off the top of my head, is TriangleCity.

TC is doing much good work for the community, archiving and presenting new and old material. Searching for lost media. I do wonder how much disappeared when Fallout forums died in the early 2000s.
For me, the thing that annoys me the most is that Bethesda decided to rewild California and turn the clock back at least a hundred years.

There were several different ways to do it properly- NV itself sets up at least a few.

But them getting nuked by Vault-Tec and dissapearing almost completely from the heart of the nation is very lazy.

NCR drains the last water reservoirs like Hanlon says and the famine OSI predicted hits them. The central government collapses and several smaller splinter groups wage a civil war over the remaining resources.

Legion wins at the Dam and pushes into the NCR outskirts. Frumentarii organize raids/ terrorist attacks like they did in Nipton and Searchlight, so the military focuses on protecting major or wealthy cities, abandoning the small ones to deserters/raiders/ Legion.

House or Yes Man kicks NCR out of Mojave. Kimball and Oliver are made scapegoats as House predicted. The military abolishes the democratic government and install an authoritarian state similar to FO2 ending when you murder Westin and Rogers. Some of the other cities want to preserve the democracy and decide to secede, while others get completely abandoned in order for army to focus on NCR heartland. Shady Sands prepare to deal with secessionists and free Vegas, but this time less diplomatically.

Desperate to prepare for the coming famine, OSI rushes research of Vault 22 plants and data. Major cities end up as wild jungles full of spore carriers, while the paranoid survivors torch the remaining farms and ranches, fearing that they'll too spread the infection.
One day I hope I'll come across a copy of FOBOS on a flea market for the PS2 and I will play it.

From a post from 2007:

Well EBgames opened in my town so I went down there to see what they had. I was going through their used xbox selection and I casually passed over a game, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, without giving a second thought. When I realised what I pass over I thought I get out and have a laugh when some kid comes in says "Finally this place is open" and grabs Fallout: BOS, Baldur's gate dark alliance 2 and some other game for their 3 for $55 special. I must be like one of 7 people on earth who saw someone actually buy that game.
Fallout Tactics was weirdly enjoyable in its own way. It was good to see Fallout games finally having upgraded graphics but they really botched that games story and dialogue choices. Definitely a worthy spin off and it would've been so much better if Black Isle guided the Micro Forte developers a bit.

Well, at least we had Roshambo to sort certain aspects of the game out! ;)

TC is doing much good work for the community, archiving and presenting new and old material. Searching for lost media. I do wonder how much disappeared when Fallout forums died in the early 2000s.

Oh yeah definitely, as a fellow archivist myself, he's doing the Fallout Fandom a favor with a lot of the work that he does!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :ok:
There were several different ways to do it properly- NV itself sets up at least a few.

But them getting nuked by Vault-Tec and dissapearing almost completely from the heart of the nation is very lazy.

NCR drains the last water reservoirs like Hanlon says and the famine OSI predicted hits them. The central government collapses and several smaller splinter groups wage a civil war over the remaining resources.

Legion wins at the Dam and pushes into the NCR outskirts. Frumentarii organize raids/ terrorist attacks like they did in Nipton and Searchlight, so the military focuses on protecting major or wealthy cities, abandoning the small ones to deserters/raiders/ Legion.

House or Yes Man kicks NCR out of Mojave. Kimball and Oliver are made scapegoats as House predicted. The military abolishes the democratic government and install an authoritarian state similar to FO2 ending when you murder Westin and Rogers. Some of the other cities want to preserve the democracy and decide to secede, while others get completely abandoned in order for army to focus on NCR heartland. Shady Sands prepare to deal with secessionists and free Vegas, but this time less diplomatically.

Desperate to prepare for the coming famine, OSI rushes research of Vault 22 plants and data. Major cities end up as wild jungles full of spore carriers, while the paranoid survivors torch the remaining farms and ranches, fearing that they'll too spread the infection.
But that would require good writing and creating a complex world with lore instead of "Le nuke 50s lmao"