Fallout Tycoon


Carbon Dated and Proud
DJ Slamák (DAC) got word of a new game in the progress, it's called "Fallout Tycoon". Think of it as SimFallout,well almost..here's what you can do in the game:<blockquote>In the game, you’ll play the role of Mayor of a settlement or city (whichever suits your skills). You‘ll be able to side with factions from the world of Fallout - become a Vault city-type town or a Brotherhood of Steel outpost. Another possibility is to become a continential Enclave base, a Mutant camp, a Ghoul settlement or an NCR town. And if you mind the post-apocalyptic scenery, you can build on the ruins of pre-war cities like San Francisco, the Boneyard, etc. You‘ll get dozens of structures. You’ll have to provide your citizens with water (which is hard to come by in the Wastes, so you'll have to rely on tricky and unstable trade), food (which is obtained from farms and brahmin breedings, or by trade as well) and of course with the ubiquitous money. Expect to trade „something for something“, where you can get or sell both food or water and techonlogies, armors, weapons, ...etc. Be careful, though: You can only trade with other friendly towns.</blockquote>Sounds like fun ? Well you can read more about it from the official site here.
Hehehe , Interplay never thought of this one , haha , i'm a tycoon fan , i'll play this one and any Falloutthat's not a hack-slash or shooter game ... to bad i can't download the demo :?
Actually I want to start a Fallout CIV3 mod, I've been working on a little mod for the latest Civ3 by myself, but I've recently thought about seeing if anyone would be interested in joining me..
I'd join you but i am learning C++ ,DirectX APi at the moment ... wanna start a TB RPG project hehe and if it all works ok i might start my Fallout Adventure project to... yeah i know , many projects but i would say i have about 30-40 more years to live so i guess i might do it :D and i suck at moding ...
Odin there was one Civ3 mod already, but i lost the link, if they make another newsletter i`ll find out where it is, since i used to receive it.
Yeah I know, but it seems that they scrapped the project, at least that's the last I heard.
I wouldn't be able to help you build the mod for CivIII, but I would sure as hell play it!

Hmm, maybe Interplay can learn a lesson about Fallout if they look at the history of Civilization games. Remember how kick-ass the first two were? Then they screwed Sid Meyer over by making Civ: Call to Power? I mean honestly, that game was horrible, and yet they made a sequel it it as well! Finally they learned their lesson and handed the reins over to the rightful master, who then proceeded to make yet another awesome Civ game that was worthy of its title. Maybe it's not too late for Fallout III...

Wait, why am I here? Why am I not doing my last-minute studying for my exam that's less than 2 hours away? Dang procrastination...
OsirisGod said:
... to bad i can't download the demo :?

Devil, you're not the only one with this problem. Make sure you read previous posts before you say something exactly the same thing. Other than that, live long and prosper, oh holy one!

As for the game itself. Well, I looked at the website, and it didn't look too interesting to me...
Hmm....this could be a very interesting game that does a good job with the vast political world of Fallout...

or it could totally suck.

One or the other. I'll have to wait to hear more before I would go out and buy it, though.
Have you checked out the appoc mod for morrowind and the new genesis assassins mod both are fallout related. 8)

New genisis died last i saw there forum went dead right before 2k3

And appoc i never checked back but it looked good and morrowind has a basically unlimited world to game on " size"

If you can read that you have been drinking 8)

Stop the boose when you`re posting-EDITED BY BRIOSAFREAK
If you can write that you have been drinking. Time to sober up pal, or at least start passing that bottle around!