Fallout Wars RUS Needs Translation

I scanned it: its clean.

I am playing it at the mo, its worth downloading just for the AWESOME fmv sequence imported from from F1 of Super mutants invading a vault and killing an oversear.

It looks like our russian friends have been doing some good work.
Dude101 said:
I am playing it at the mo, its worth downloading just for the AWESOME fmv sequence imported from from F1 of Super mutants invading a vault and killing an oversear.

What? Why should we download it for something we already have?
Damm that was fun, just clocked it. After you get out of the vault you can continue with the game altough that is pretty pointless.

There was no that much txt so language was no problem.

These maps should be recycled for another bigger mod, they were KICKASS
Dude101 said:
Dont look an gift horse in the mouth

Let me repeat myself with emphasis: Why should we download it for something we already have?

So far you've failed utterly to explain anywhere in this thread what this EXE file actually is or does, except that it contains an animation ripped from Fallout. Therefore it's becoming vat bait fast.
Its a combat oriented mod, you start of in a vault fighting to get out, after mutants kill all your friends and you barley survive you find the enclave have almso taken an interest, after you steal a peice of armour from the corpe of a patrolman you killed you manage to slip by the enclave gaurds at the entrance of the vault.

You then find your self in th den and from here I have no idea, but these screen show more action.


This was alot of fun.

It's not Enclave, it's THE RUSSKIES! :D

It wouldn't hurt to add some variety to those screens. Would having a black guy in there kill you?