Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday


Well, my "exaggeration" is just my opinion, it's based on my gaming experience.
I saw lots of strange and incomplete things while playing and this makes me think that there are serious problems with the scripts and quests.
Just for example: solving that Pablo's problem gives 0 exp, as I remember.
You say - Eliminate hostile mutants in the Scum Pits - is finished. Fine. I found 0 NPCs that have a corresponding dialogue line. However, you say: That quest is tied to Dogtown which is unfinished. So you can't complete it at the moment.
I don't get it.
After removing the Hounds of Hecate the questgiver still has a dialog line about this problem.
Don't get me wrong, but I'm starting to think you're not playing your own mod :-) I can understand this, because you need to make it and not play it.

I don't care much for the current status of the main quest. The game isn't just about the main quest.
I do understand this mod is an early access beta version. So my notes should be taken as a some guy's experience.
I don't even know why I even bother reporting it at all. Maybe because I like this mod and I really want you to be able to make it. Not gonna happen again.


Also, that weird "take 5 damage when 6-12 hours pass for seemingly no reason" thing will kill you if you do something that takes longer than your max health can stand, like, it's impossible to get attribute upgrades from the Brotherhood doctor now because that process takes six weeks, for example, and some of the high tier Mr. Fixit projects can take like 300+ hours. I'm pretty sure that's what was killing me when I used repair on ODYSSEUS in the courtroom, too.
I also suffer from this shit, same experience here. Player's radiation level is 0.

I didn't find the police car though. There is *a* police car at the police station, but it's not the same as the one you can drive.
This car is in a small building just west of the map entry point (where you encounter some robo pumas or something).
Car has a truck, just like the Highwayman. And you have to charge it, because it has no fuel.
Funny thing, this car's truck has probably appeared in every map I've played since I got it. Dunno what spawns it.

I am getting fruit with the message "Your tree bore a piece of fruit." as if I had the Bonsai perk, but I never took it.
Same here.
I also suffer from this shit, same experience here. Player's radiation level is 0.

I attached the fix OBJ_DUDE.zip for this in an earlier message above.

Regarding your other feedback, in the last 5 months between version 0.6 and 0.6.5 about 9 000 files changed. Now look at the 0.6.5 changelog and imagine how it took 9 000 files just to create a dozen entries in it. Now imagine how much files it will take to fix and finish everything in a game with over 20 locations.

The quests I listed worked at some point during the development. Did some of them break in the meantime? Yes, that happens. We don’t have a QA team but I try to test everything once and the fans help us too.

But proclaiming boldly here that 95% of the quests are broken is an exaggeration.
It’s like that one guy on Nexus that claimed how the project is dead because I didn’t respond to him in time.

I spent the last evening implementing a setting which you requested to turn off the ambient SFX. You sound as if you’re not aware that the entire project has only one programmer who works on it in his free time, me, while we advertise on the front page for help regarding that very issue. You have to be realistic and patient. Huge sandbox games where every quest has multiple solutions don’t just drop from the sky.
Unless we find more programmers, the earliest this game is going to be finished is 2030. So there’s still a long road ahead of us.
Until we release the final 1.00 version, do not take any of these releases as anything more than a simple preview.
Thank you for all the latest information!

I had forgotten about checking security footage for the Brotherhood traitor questline, it's been a long time since I last did this. However, it may be impossible to complete now, Tibbets is kinda, uh, gone, and I remember you take Devon's head to a doctor there to analyze for the location of the Circle Of Steel hideout.

Why do Alexandra and Mark only have 50 max HP? This makes it incredibly easy for them to die during combat encounters compared to the Hanged Man, who has 139, and has made it with me through the entire game so far. (I know in the future it will be possible for companions to level and thus increase their max HP.)

The Hanged Man is a combat beast but very troubling character when it comes to his social interactions with others.
Companions don’t level up yet so they’re more like Fallout 1’s companions than Fallout 2’s.

Something I wanted to mention about Alexandra though, it was very refreshing to have a voiced talking head finally! Very much looking forward to more of those. (Would love to hear the AI Joshua Graham voice for the Hanged Man lol)

Thank you! It wouldn’t be possible without Black_Electric’s phenomenal lip syncing solution. Now we have the ability to quickly implement more voices. We already recorded voice overs for 4 more NPCs!

The NCR troopers guarding the debris on The Rim don't react to the PC wearing power armor while the war is still ongoing.

We will fix it.

Per your completable quest list, I had no idea the resolution of the NCR-Brotherhood war was possible. I haven't been able to secure a meeting with Governor Dodge, but I have done three caravan runs for Ailis McLafferty, who has let me in on her psycho plan to take over leadership of Hoover Dam, can I use her to broker peace between the two factions or, once you accept her plan, are you stuck on that path. (I saved before speaking with her so I loaded once I learned her plan.)
On that note, it doesn't seem like there's a nonviolent way to confront Ailis about her dealings with Devon.

You have to confront her together with Major Jack. She can end up in jail but you have to pass a Speech check with massive penalty of -99 to convince her to surrender.

Also, if you decline helping her, she tells you you have 24 hours to get out of town, but after dialogue ends, combat with the Crimson Caravan will be initiated immediately, same goes for if you tell her you will report her to the authorities. After winning the combat encounter, (which one police officer joined and I killed), the NCR troopers at the military HQ shot me on sight, so I assume you can't just defend yourself from Ailis and her cohorts and get away with it.

In the eyes of the public she is still a respectful citizen. To take her down safely, work together with Major Jack.

I tried to turn in the "Eliminate hostile mutants in the Scum Pits" quest to Farmer Dave, because I killed all the critters in both there and S-1-C, but there was no option to do so.

Isaac will not tell you the Brotherhood armory codes because he does not want to help the Brotherhood. He says that's his final word on the matter, but does this have to do with the settlement's reputation system, too?

This is a weird one, after applying your hunger system bugfix and getting the Strength enhancement surgery, the year went from 2259 to 2272.

That’s odd. All my fix does is make sure that the hunger system is enabled when checking if someone should suffer from starvation damage.

The Hanged Man has disappeared. I told him to wait outside Mesa Verde as usual while I went to learn the Ciphers' schematics they carved into the walls, but I didn't know that would pass time. I guess if followers wait in one spot too long they disappear forever? I'm suffering from a Jet addiction that can't be cured, so I was using his inventory to help with the loss of Strength points... bye-bye, .223 minigun, gauss rifle, technical manual, and chemistry journals.

Where did you leave him? Also, how far did you get with the main story?

Speaking of followers, Beatrice immediately broke after recruiting her. She would participate in combat encounters, but could not be spoken to, and would not move outside combat, either.

We will see why is she refusing to walk behind you.

And, after bringing Mark to Bloomfield, he mysteriously disappeared and the Rusty Hooks all turned hostile.

Disappearing Mark in Bloomfield should happen. It will be explained later on. The Rusty Hooks probably attacked you because you stole their boss’ dune buggy.

The power armor disappearing bug also applies to the suit in the Brotherhood armory.

I am getting fruit with the message "Your tree bore a piece of fruit." as if I had the Bonsai perk, but I never took it.

We’ll look into it.

Oh, one more thing, how do you find the guy with the space suit and the truck capable of transporting your rocket fuel? The walkthrough just says to explore the wasteland so I assume it's a random encounter, but is there a reliable way to find him?

He’s usually stationed in Boulder Dome but since that location is not finished yet, he can alternatively be found in a special encounter for now
It looks like I fixed the mysterious Jericho worldmap crash :dance:
Apparently the engine doesn’t like if all the encounters in a particular square depend on global variables and will crash without a meaningful log error. There has to be at least one encounter present that doesn't depend on a global variable. I’ve been testing this and haven’t experienced a crash for over an hour.
We will release the updated version everywhere soon.
Regarding your other feedback, in the last 5 months between version 0.6 and 0.6.5 about 9 000 files changed. Now look at the 0.6.5 changelog and imagine how it took 9 000 files just to create a dozen entries in it. Now imagine how much files it will take to fix and finish everything in a game with over 20 locations.
Don't let this one guy's frustrations get to you. He just needs to know this is nothing more than a preview of what's to come. That being said though, all of us that have helped to submit bugs so far should be credited as playtesters. :grin:
Where did you leave him? Also, how far did you get with the main story?
I left him on the map just outside the ladders up to the village like I have been in my ~35-40 hours playing at this point.
I am working towards getting the rocket at Bloomfield prepped for launch currently, as well as trying to make peace between the NCR and Brotherhood, which is why my questions like "Where exactly can I find Eddie Galenski?" and things regarding meeting Governor Dodge are important. I am really into it, so I want to experience everything this game has to offer at this juncture.
Update: found Eddie while running circles around Boulder Dome for several months.
You have to confront her together with Major Jack. She can end up in jail but you have to pass a Speech check with massive penalty of -99 to convince her to surrender.

In the eyes of the public she is still a respectful citizen. To take her down safely, work together with Major Jack.
I will try to attempt this today; I'm already level 18 so the grind for more skill points to put into Speech will be a tough one. I'll try to find some skill books or the means to craft skill books to help. (I was able to make six, going from 106 to 130%) Missing this quest line would make me sad.
I might need more details on how to initiate this. There's no dialogue with Jack about Ailis prior to talking with her, and most interactions about her big plan or the ledger end with combat. Also - how do you get inside the building where Dodge is?
That’s odd. All my fix does is make sure that the hunger system is enabled when checking if someone should suffer from starvation damage.
Yeah, I did another surgery and now the year is 2284. :shrug:
Disappearing Mark in Bloomfield should happen. It will be explained later on. The Rusty Hooks probably attacked you because you stole their boss’ dune buggy.
Oh, okay. And yeah, that's probably what happened, oops. Said bosses aren't in the game yet to my knowledge, though. Floating texts mention a Kyle and a Jill, but I didn't see them when I cleared out the building. Speaking of them however, despite having weapons equipped, they didn't really use them for some reason. The would walk up to me in combat within melee distance and run away again without attacking - I suspect they were trying to use their equipped weapon.
It looks like I fixed the mysterious Jericho worldmap crash :dance:
Apparently the engine doesn’t like if all the encounters in a particular square depend on global variables and will crash without a meaningful log error. There has to be at least one encounter present that doesn't depend on a global variable. I’ve been testing this and haven’t experienced a crash for over an hour.
We will release the updated version everywhere soon.
This is pretty major, I'll be able to take the caravan to and get the schematic from Jericho without issue now! Downside being that with an updated version, I would have to start the game over. Thank you for your efforts in clearing that one up.

I mentioned Tibbets being a crater now. Is there any other way to learn where the Circle Of Steel hideout is presently other than taking Devon's head to Tibbets? I suppose it's not important if it's not required to broker peace between the NCR and Brotherhood however.

What's the deal with the Enclave Remnants at Bloomfield? They say to talk to their Sarge, but he's nowhere to be found as far as I can tell.

I need a Super Tool Kit to make a Docking Clamp chip, but not once have I seen one of those so far. This is a concern because until someone else can help you make it, it's a softlock since it's required for progression with the main quest.
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Don't let this one guy's frustrations get to you. He just needs to know this is nothing more than a preview of what's to come.

We have absolutely nothing against constructive criticism. Some of his feedback was valid.
I would usually let provocative comments slide, especially coming from a 10-days-old account that posted only in this thread, but we recently had a problem with our animator because he saw some comment somewhere and got upset over it for no good reason.
My rule of thumb for online communication is this: if you wouldn't say that to someone's face in real life, don't post it online.

Anyways, bugs in these kind of games are normal.
I was there when Fallout 2 shipped with a showstopper bug ;)
We will release a stable, polished game but it will take lots of work and patience to get there.
Then we will have a game that we can play for decades!

That being said though, all of us that have helped to submit bugs so far should be credited as playtesters. :grin:

Of course! We will credit anyone who wants to be listed as a playtester.
People from here and other places who submitted lots of feedback to us.

Update: found Eddie while running circles around Boulder Dome for several months.

Ouch! Should increase the chance to find him.

I might need more details on how to initiate this.

You need to have both Devon's And Ailis' ledgers in possession and talk to Major.

Also - how do you get inside the building where Dodge is?

He barricaded himself in because of his depression and paranoia, so it is not possible to enter. However he can be assassinated.

Yeah, I did another surgery and now the year is 2284. :shrug:

Which surgery? At Dr. Yuri's?
Said bosses aren't in the game yet to my knowledge, though.

That's correct. They're not there yet.

Speaking of them however, despite having weapons equipped, they didn't really use them for some reason.

Sounds like an AI issue. We will investigate it.

Thank you for your efforts in clearing that one up.

You're welcome! We're happy too that we fixed that one. It was really hard to pinpoint and that's why it took so long to fix.
I'm now fixing the trunk issues and found out that the engine function for returning town IDs is broken so I have to write a new one.
We will have the updated version out soon.

P.S. Your old saves might still work. It's a mystery how changes exactly affect old save games. It might work or it might not.
I mentioned Tibbets being a crater now. Is there any other way to learn where the Circle Of Steel hideout is presently other than taking Devon's head to Tibbets? I suppose it's not important if it's not required to broker peace between the NCR and Brotherhood however.

It should be possible later on at Boulder Dome but that locations is not yet finished.

What's the deal with the Enclave Remnants at Bloomfield? They say to talk to their Sarge, but he's nowhere to be found as far as I can tell.

Hmm, I don't want to spoil anything. We will see what's going on there.

I need a Super Tool Kit to make a Docking Clamp chip, but not once have I seen one of those so far. This is a concern because until someone else can help you make it, it's a softlock since it's required for progression with the main quest

There's at least one Super Tool Kit in the Brotherhood.
We have absolutely nothing against constructive criticism. Some of his feedback was valid.
I would usually let provocative comments slide, especially coming from a 10-days-old account that posted only in this thread, but we recently had a problem with our animator because he saw some comment somewhere and got upset over it for no good reason.
Well, I have another reason to mention that, I remember when you made the entire project private for a long time so only patrons could see and receive updates. Pretty sure it was because of negative feedback.
You need to have both Devon's And Ailis' ledgers in possession and talk to Major.
I will try this again, but I am going to have trouble getting into her safe to get hers. I assume that's a -99 (or more) penalty to Lockpick, and well, mine's 132%. Not only that, but if you tamper with the locked door, combat will initiate... I have a Stealth Boy, so I'll try that.
Using Sneak very briefly and the Stealth Boy together gave me enough time to open the door and slip in. However, after using Lockpick on the safe and holding "1" to attempt repeatedly for a couple minutes, I don't think it's possible for me to get in. This doesn't have anything to do with the Torn Notes, does it? I found them all, but have no idea what they're for. I have Brahmin crap everywhere now though, that's funny.

Which surgery? At Dr. Yuri's?
At Maxson Bunker. I've gotten two attribute enhancement surgeries. I haven't gotten the quest to repair Dr. Yuri's Auto-Doc yet.
P.S. Your old saves might still work. It's a mystery how changes exactly affect old save games. It might work or it might not.
It would be great if they did! I didn't download the update where you reuploaded the entire game because I'm very deep into my playthrough and would like to finish it.
There's at least one Super Tool Kit in the Brotherhood.
I've searched every single container in the bunker, but come up empty handed. I'm pretty sure if I had found one of those, I would have remembered. I only remember finding a standard Tool.
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The Proto Manager included in the gitlab download is incomplete:

Screenshot (1000).png

I've restored it from Norton a few times, have tried using another version of Proto Manager, and just replaced the .exe and the .dll from that version with the gitlab ones, and the program still messes up the files and doesn't save some changes I've made once I go to the Mapper. Not all the protos are mixed up, but here's a few examples. What am I doing wrong?:

Also, the Centurions. When adding Items to Combat Armor Sulik sprite, portrait changes to the Real Centurion dude. Whatever Sulik can wield overrides what the Real Centurion can wield. Should I go back and forth between Proto Manager and BIS Mapper and change the wrong critters to their right protos and make new proto for Combat Armor Sulik? Will I end up breaking both programs?


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Well, I have another reason to mention that, I remember when you made the entire project private for a long time so only patrons could see and receive updates. Pretty sure it was because of negative feedback.

That video did nothing for us. The author reviewed one of the earliest releases as if it was the final version, made incorrect claims, and never actually contacted us. I think it has something like almost 1 million views and it generated 1 or 2 new patrons, 0 new developers, 0 new interviews.

The project was always private but we made the decision back then to stop doing frequent public releases and focus on finishing dialogs and art.
But anyone can get access to the dev build, they just have to ask. They don’t need to be patrons because we’re not selling anything here. All the donations are being spent on 3D models and voice overs.
The only downside to dev builds is that they can be unstable.

Using Sneak very briefly and the Stealth Boy together gave me enough time to open the door and slip in. However, after using Lockpick on the safe and holding "1" to attempt repeatedly for a couple minutes, I don't think it's possible for me to get in. This doesn't have anything to do with the Torn Notes, does it? I found them all, but have no idea what they're for. I have Brahmin crap everywhere now though, that's funny.

Haha that picture is hilarious! Well done on covering Hoover Dam in brahmacrap :salute:

For the safe, a big Luck plays a role in figuring out the combination. Try using Rat Tail Lucky Charm to increase your Luck to 9 or 10.

I didn't download the update where you reuploaded the entire game because I'm very deep into my playthrough and would like to finish it.

We still haven’t released the update to fix worldmap and car trunk. We did fix those but found a new issue. The main engine function for identifying the current town is unreliable so we have to create a new one. It will take a few more days to do that and test it.

I've searched every single container in the bunker, but come up empty handed.

It’s not in a container but someone is carrying it in their inventory.

The Proto Manager included in the gitlab download is incomplete

I’m using it normally so something must be different with your configuration. Can you upload your config.ini here?

Also, that tool always reports as false positive. Even when I compiled it from the source code and verified that there is no malware. For some reason the antiviruses don’t like a line in its code which is used to read a file
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Proto Manager Config .ini:
CommonPath=D:\1. Wasteland (Fallout Mods Collection)\Fallout mods\4.Magnum Opus - Total Conversions\fallouty-main\fallouty-main\fallouty.cfg
ModPath=D:\1. Wasteland (Fallout Mods Collection)\Fallout mods\4.Magnum Opus - Total Conversions\fallouty-main\fallouty-main\data
ExtraPath0=D:\1. Wasteland (Fallout Mods Collection)\Fallout mods\4.Magnum Opus - Total Conversions\fallouty-main\fallouty-main\sfall.dat,True
ExtraPath1=D:\1. Wasteland (Fallout Mods Collection)\Fallout mods\4.Magnum Opus - Total Conversions\fallouty-main\fallouty-main\patch002.dat,True
ExtraPath2=D:\1. Wasteland (Fallout Mods Collection)\Fallout mods\4.Magnum Opus - Total Conversions\fallouty-main\fallouty-main\patch001.dat,True
ExtraPath3=D:\1. Wasteland (Fallout Mods Collection)\Fallout mods\4.Magnum Opus - Total Conversions\fallouty-main\fallouty-main\patch000.dat,True
ExtraPath4=D:\1. Wasteland (Fallout Mods Collection)\Fallout mods\4.Magnum Opus - Total Conversions\fallouty-main\fallouty-main\f2_res.dat,True



Should've mentioned that I copied & pasted the patch .0001 and .0002 files & a few other files from another download of Yesterday v0.65. Is that what's causing the problem? Also, for the most part, the Health/HP of Critters changes I've made in Proto Manager don't carry over to Mapper. And Combat Armor Legionnaire had no changes saved to it, but thanks for replying. Keep up the hard work.:salute:
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Finally figured it out. Paid attention to where my changes were saved. Changes where saved to data folder, so I copied critter and item protos, proto lists, and pro_item.msg into their respective folders inside the patch.001 directory. Thank you for your help, Hexer.
Thoughts about the endgame:

I finished the game, but it was extremely unsatisfying, and here's why:
1. I haven't mentioned this yet, but it became a problem on the spacewalk on BOMB-001. The security bots, when at low health, bug out and cannot be shot. I had to resort to eye/sensor shots to make it so they couldn't attack and therefore retreated. This also applies to the ones at Bloomfield, since they're the same.
2. I could not find the required hand crank to manually close the missile silos, so all of them were left open. Because of this, I just opted to target less populated areas.
3. I saw a deactivated robobrain, which I assume was SOR-1000 Alpha. In the design document, it says Beta and Delta can be destroyed and their parts salvaged to get Alpha into working order, who becomes a companion afterwards. Is this functionality not in the game yet?
4. When Presper is killed in the final battle, the screen and UI will fade to black, but nothing happens; combat is still ongoing, but you can't see your mouse, so there's no way you can fight back afterwards. Because of this, the only option to proceed is joining him.
5. Loading a game in the command center will immediately initiate dialogue, so my save was screwed and I had no choice but to talk to him.
6. Nuking Burham Springs and Twin Mothers revealed them on the map as locations you can travel to, but currently are copy-paste of the destroyed Tibbets map, complete with the same floating text.
7. For some reason, the end slides flew by at the speed of light, and I could not read any of the text on them.

Also, about Ailis' safe... well, I made a character with a Luck of 1 so I could allocate the points into other stats. There is no Luck surgery you can undergo, so the only ways to gain Luck are via perk and by using a Rat Tail Lucky Charm, which only increases it by 1 and for only say, 30 minutes. The latter is difficult to acquire presently since I haven't found many rat tails (I've only come across one in memory) and the critters that spawn with them immediately use them when combat initiates. So, I wasted a bunch of time grinding random encounters, found *one*, went back to Hoover Dam, used it, and was immensely disappointed to find out my Luck was only increased to 2, which did not help my chances of opening the safe at all, and in addition, was only enough of a buff for maybe two attempts.

In my opinion, this should be more of a Perception check, since you are *listening* for the clicks to decipher the safe code, and in my opinion Perception is much more useful overall since targeted shots at the eyes or head greatly increase critical chance anyway.

So, I ended the game without making peace between the NCR and Brotherhood, which contributed to my disappointment in the ending.
You finished the game?

The safe opening logic was taken from Fallout 2. We will improve it and more options for cracking it
Yes, my notes about it are in the spoiler.

Ah, it didn’t appear in the email so I didn’t see it when replying. Here are my answers:

Thoughts about the endgame:

1. I haven't mentioned this yet, but it became a problem on the spacewalk on BOMB-001. The security bots, when at low health, bug out and cannot be shot. I had to resort to eye/sensor shots to make it so they couldn't attack and therefore retreated. This also applies to the ones at Bloomfield, since they're the same.

There's nothing special in the robot's code that would cause such behaviour. We will look again what could cause all this. Sometimes there are strange engine bugs that take time to locate.

2. I could not find the required hand crank to manually close the missile silos, so all of them were left open. Because of this, I just opted to target less populated areas.

Handwheel is on the table in the same room as the broken robobrain.

3. I saw a deactivated robobrain, which I assume was SOR-1000 Alpha. In the design document, it says Beta and Delta can be destroyed and their parts salvaged to get Alpha into working order, who becomes a companion afterwards. Is this functionality not in the game yet?

You're correct. That's SOR-1000 Alpha but he can't be repaired yet.

4. When Presper is killed in the final battle, the screen and UI will fade to black, but nothing happens; combat is still ongoing, but you can't see your mouse, so there's no way you can fight back afterwards. Because of this, the only option to proceed is joining him.

Crap, that broke. I've attached the fix. Just copy it in patch001.dat/Scripts/ folder.
But you don't need to join or talk to him, you can just run/sneak to the escape pods area to the north.

5. Loading a game in the command center will immediately initiate dialogue, so my save was screwed and I had no choice but to talk to him.

That's an unfortunate place to save. Can you enter sneak mode? Anyways, if you kill him now with my fix the screen won't fade to black again.

6. Nuking Burham Springs and Twin Mothers revealed them on the map as locations you can travel to, but currently are copy-paste of the destroyed Tibbets map, complete with the same floating text.

There's nothing special to any area hit by a nuclear missile from space. Just a big crater and lots of radiation. We will fix the incorrect text. The correct text should say:

"There's nothing here but a wide, deep crater. The air feels strange too, as if millions of invisible needles are piercing through it."

7. For some reason, the end slides flew by at the speed of light, and I could not read any of the text on them.

It works normal for us. Are you using some sort of speed hack or sfall option?
This could explain why the time for you advances by decades after operation or why the brahmin produced so much crap in Hoover Dam.
There's definitively something odd with the time in your setup.


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I played a little more with your fix:

There's nothing special in the robot's code that would cause such behaviour. We will look again what could cause all this. Sometimes there are strange engine bugs that take time to locate.
If you'd like, I can record a combat encounter with them. I have a save on the spacewalk just before getting into a fight with them. To reiterate; when they're low health, all shots miss, even aimed ones, and you can click all over them to attack them but only a few pixels seem to register the attack, which again, misses.
Handwheel is on the table in the same room as the broken robobrain.
Thank you. I was able to close four of them, but is there any indicator which silo is which?
That's an unfortunate place to save. Can you enter sneak mode? Anyways, if you kill him now with my fix the screen won't fade to black again.
I loaded my save at Bloomfield just before going to BOMB-001 to try it again today. The combat encounter with Presper and his followers is difficult, I'm inclined to say *too* difficult. I had the game set to Easy and the combat difficulty set to Wimpy, Hardened Power Armor, and I used an After Burner Gum and a Psycho on both myself and Alexandra. Three of them use gauss weaponry so they make quick work of my companion and soon after, myself, despite all my heals on my person. I can't tank all the damage from them and they get two turns in a row with their Sequence on the first turn.

Yes, I know I don't have to fight them, but it would be satisfying to rid the world of them all. Also, I found it amusing Martin is looking fine and dandy for a former corpse.
It works normal for us. Are you using some sort of speed hack or sfall option?
It had been a very long time since I last played a total conversion, so only very late into my playthrough I remembered about the ctrl+numpad speedups through sfall. However, even at normal speed, the end slides still fly by too fast, and I have no idea why.
The explanation for 12 years passing after a surgery may have something to do with how sfall is configured to handle what happens when the 13-year time limit is reached. (But this doesn't explain why so much time passes in the first place.) I found that setting when I was scrolling through the ini in my initial setup to configure my game resolution.

For Hoover Dam's manure surplus, I assume about 15 minutes pass by for each attempt on opening the safe, which caused every NPC to move one hex and triggers the brahmin to do *that*. I was holding down the shortcut key to attempt repeatedly so that happened over and over again, so every time the brahmin would walk one hex they would leave another mess.

One last thought about BOMB-001, I was hoping the quest "Convince Coleridge that Presper deceived them" would be in the game so it'd be like the ending of Fallout 2 where you can convince that Enclave squad to fight with you against Frank Horrigan.

I may wait until the next release to play this again; most things can only be done one specific way and that one way I have screwed up unknowingly. For example, I don't think I had gathered all prisoner information (Pierce, Coleridge, and Briggs were not crossed out in the Status screen), but after clearing the Defense Tunnels and speaking to ODYSSEUS, I was shocked to find out Tibbets was self-destructing, which meant that locating the Circle Of Steel hideout was now impossible.
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