It Wandered In From the Wastes

Hi hexer & team,
Congratulations! It's quite a historical moment, as for the first time in the Fallout franchise we can play as a ghoul and supermutant! Btw, working fine on Win10.
I will play the demo again with a different character, but here are my thoughts so far:
This looks promising.
It is Fallout, a new one! I felt this special kind of joy while playing.
What's great so far:
- Cazadores, other new enemies and more poisonous enemies in general
- there is a feeling of mystery
- being hunted by robots!
- ''The Prisoner'' reference
- looks like we will get a Van Buren finally!
I disliked Odysseus, imho those screens with some people are... too much? I mean let's take a look at the ZAX. ZAX in Fallout 1 is done superbly and the Glow itself is probably the best location. Sometimes ''less is more'', ZAX really surprised me back in the day. Looked so normal <- that's the point.
Some suggestions:
- Is there a way to make Supermutant ''run''? Are you planning to add more animations in the future?
- Maybe characters with strenght and endurance above 7 could use bench press and treadmill for XP?
- Slugs are quite tough, I feel like they shoud give more XP. Radscorpions are really weak in comparison to them.
- Does ''Weak will'' trait give you anything positive? It is awesome that there are new traits, but I feel like descriptions should be clear. Or maybe some traits will only ''work'' in dialogue, as extra options? For example, you could add a ''Criminal'' and ''Innocent'' traits too, as they would suit the story well.
- I don't know if this is possible, but changing race to Supermutant or Ghoul during character creation should immediately change your radiation resistance, damage res, carry weight etc. For example, supermutants should deal more melee damage and it would be great to see as we create our character.
- I hope that all skills will be useful and there will be checks above 150% in the game. We need stat checks too. Stat checks for Speech should be higher in general, because players tend to tag speech, speech is powerful and game gets too easy. I hope that First Aid, Gambling and Barter will get some love! Oh, charisma too.
- I understand that you dislike higher resolutions, but for some players it will be a problem. Players might be spoiled by all those new(er) mods
- Can't wait to meet an Endless Walker! I've always loved the concept of it. Imagine all those players tricked into thinking that it's just a ghoul...
You did a great job, now I'm considering supporting you on Patreon. Bravo!
Thank you! and... be seeing you!
Congratulations! It's quite a historical moment, as for the first time in the Fallout franchise we can play as a ghoul and supermutant! Btw, working fine on Win10.
I will play the demo again with a different character, but here are my thoughts so far:
This looks promising.
It is Fallout, a new one! I felt this special kind of joy while playing.
What's great so far:
- Cazadores, other new enemies and more poisonous enemies in general
- there is a feeling of mystery
- being hunted by robots!
- ''The Prisoner'' reference

- looks like we will get a Van Buren finally!
I disliked Odysseus, imho those screens with some people are... too much? I mean let's take a look at the ZAX. ZAX in Fallout 1 is done superbly and the Glow itself is probably the best location. Sometimes ''less is more'', ZAX really surprised me back in the day. Looked so normal <- that's the point.
Some suggestions:
- Is there a way to make Supermutant ''run''? Are you planning to add more animations in the future?
- Maybe characters with strenght and endurance above 7 could use bench press and treadmill for XP?
- Slugs are quite tough, I feel like they shoud give more XP. Radscorpions are really weak in comparison to them.
- Does ''Weak will'' trait give you anything positive? It is awesome that there are new traits, but I feel like descriptions should be clear. Or maybe some traits will only ''work'' in dialogue, as extra options? For example, you could add a ''Criminal'' and ''Innocent'' traits too, as they would suit the story well.
- I don't know if this is possible, but changing race to Supermutant or Ghoul during character creation should immediately change your radiation resistance, damage res, carry weight etc. For example, supermutants should deal more melee damage and it would be great to see as we create our character.
- I hope that all skills will be useful and there will be checks above 150% in the game. We need stat checks too. Stat checks for Speech should be higher in general, because players tend to tag speech, speech is powerful and game gets too easy. I hope that First Aid, Gambling and Barter will get some love! Oh, charisma too.
- I understand that you dislike higher resolutions, but for some players it will be a problem. Players might be spoiled by all those new(er) mods

- Can't wait to meet an Endless Walker! I've always loved the concept of it. Imagine all those players tricked into thinking that it's just a ghoul...
You did a great job, now I'm considering supporting you on Patreon. Bravo!
Thank you! and... be seeing you!