Favorite Faction and what you would do if you were a member


First time out of the vault
First I would like to introduce myself, I am arv, and like many of you I have a love of Fallout. If this was already asked before I apologize. The premise is simple. What is your favorite faction? Whether it be the NCR, BoS, the enclave or even raiders, tell me your favorite and why. What would you do if you were apart of that faction? Like a scribe or a kniht at bos, or a ranger at NCR.

Let the reponses begin.

My favorite faction would probably have to be the BoS, simply because there is nothing cooler than a guy in power armor. Plus the have some dominance in FO. I'd probably be a scribe because I dont have very much experience with firearms and I have a good amount of intelligence.
Since I've only played Fallout 3 (inb4 I get shot), I guess I'd pick to join the BoS. Like you, I'd also be a scribe. I've never shot a firearm before, and I also have a good amount of intelligence.
I'd probably become a NCR ranger if i was in the universe. I like what they stand for. I just wish they were a bit more fleshed out.
I agree, the rangers are pretty much the only ones in the FO universe (ignoring BoS, who are too close-minded and prejudicing) with high and respectable morals AND the means of practically presenting their cause.
Tribal – Cannibal – that way my meat is always fresh…are they a faction…probably not, but still, I would rather scavenge around then belong to any serious organized group. :wink:
I like the enclave because of their technology, but I don't approve of their ideology, I would probably join the mid western branch of the BoS

1. They have tech and I want it!
2. I like what they stand for.
I would be in the Enclave and abuse the shit outta it till I'd be slayed by some guy in a vault suit passing by.
Awesome keep em coming.

Edit: As a side note I'm interested to learn more about the Caeser's Legion besides that they're a post apocalyptic roman army.
You can find plenty of information on Fallout Wikia as usual:
Gotta be the Gun Runners. Pragmatic, self-sufficient, powerful, but not bad people. Like the Brotherhood of Steel, but with a less stringent and weird internal organization.

Living in goo doesn't sound like fun tho.

And I do wonder what kind of faction they'll be in New Vegas.
The Bishop Family, they are a faction of sorts, yes?

First of all, organized crime is always cool.

Second, Bishops are pretty much the only ones of the Reno families that try to gather political influence (the Vault City business)

If not Bishop family, then maybeeee...hmm... The Gunrunners.
I like the original Brotherhood and the original Enclave, but in the long run I'd probably end up as a tribal somewhere, growing mutated radishes or herding the brahmin.

I dunno.

I'd prefer being a loner, but chances of survival for loners are few, very few. A smart loner always fakes his way into a group, methinks.
The Circle of Steel. It might not be exactly my favorite but as I think of it it's pretty good - I'll have all the stealthboys I need and since I'll most probably be scared as sh*t out in the wasteland, they won't have any side effects on me... except for the hallucinations... but oh well...
I'd like to be a bootlegger :) Living on my own, doing something productive like booze everyone enjoys. Long booze runs along the caravan routes. Auto shotguns and keepin the stills refueled. BaKa BaKa BaKa!!!

What I WANT to be? Hmm... Maybe a ranger or The Chosen One.

What I would probably be? Another guy with an assault rifle in a caravan or big group, or something more peaceful like a bartender or one of the tank punks.
A guard for the Children of the Cathedral.

As long as I don't have to fully buy into their bullshit, I can stand around waving a gun at people's faces and watching some doped up dude lie on the floor swallowing their every word.