First time out of the vault

I thought Human Error and the Last Voyage of the USS Constitution were pretty good quests. The Disappearing Act was pretty good as well.
The quest where you kill Shaun because that is the only one I remember.
I last played Fallout 4 in 2015 and sometimes think about giving it another shot because I never played the DLC and I also have fond memories of modding Skyrim (which was a boring as fuck game on release) up to its eyeballs and making it fun, but then I just get this memory avalanche of radiant settelement quests and absolutely retarded shit like the psychic alien family and GHOUL FRIDGE. Honestly you're best off not remembering.
Diamond City Blues.
This quest has so many different branches (changes are minor, but still), it felt refreshing after all Kill, Loot, Return.
And it has actual consequences!
I didn't even know that it had other outcomes