FONV feels unfinished


First time out of the vault
Just finished my first play-through (sided with NCR). Besides the let-down of an ending (honestly, I thought FO3's ending was significantly better), I'm disappointed that so much of the game feels unfinished. Between the hints at story lines that are never developed, the map locations where there's little or nothing to do, and the "INACCESSIBLE" doors and invisible-walled-off outside areas, I'm left with the sense that Obsidian planned much more than they were able to deliver before they ran out of time.

Still - it was fun, and certainly had some great moments here-and-there (Vault 11, of course...) I'm looking forward to the next installment, despite BethSoft doing everything in it's power to keep me from liking this game with that embarrassingly bad and broken game engine...
the -inaccessible- doors are generally meant to give you an impression that the vaults, buidings, etc are much bigger than a few rooms you're allowed to enter.

It is imho better than making a vault meant to hold hundreds of people as big as a camping tent.

Designing "the real thing" - vaults of realistic (canon-wise) sizes would mean:

- You'd spend a lot of time running around mostly empty or similar looking rooms to do a quest
- Ram usage issues, lags

Creating a huge, empty world is not a problem, as some games already have shown. And so far I have no idea how to make vaults that are 10x bigger than those shown in the game interesting and non-tedious. I personally hated the vaults, too confusing to navigate with everything looking alike. If they were bigger, it would be even worse :)
NV feels like an Obsidian Game. Bugged as hell and unpolished, but with great writing and you get the feeling that the Guys at Obsidian both know what Fallout was/is about and love their genre.

I'd rather have a bugged Fallout than no Fallout at all.
I didn't experience any other bug other than not shooting for a few seconds after you reloaded your gun.
I don't see why every user has to mention Obisidian bugs every time they discuss new vegas. What other bugs have you encountered?
For example, I experience crashes every time i walk between Ranger Camp Charlie and Nova.

In Goodsprings, the first time i left the Saloon i was suddenly in free cam mode, my character was nowhere to be found.

You have the option to [spoiler:e0c3529a7b]give Benny a Bobby Pin and a Stealth Boy secretly. If you do, the guards and caesar still attack you, even if you wear a Stealth Boy yourself. [/spoiler:e0c3529a7b]
Yes, the game feels rushed. A lot of locations end up being rather flat, like HELIOS One or the Brotherhood of Steel. It all gives an impression of size but when you did deeper they become rather small. Game's still huge, but at specific points you can tell it was made in a limited timeframe.

Empty09 said:
I don't see why every user has to mention Obisidian bugs every time they discuss new vegas.

Because it has a lot of bugs.
It feels like the story was initially much larger and brooding than it eventually turns out to be.

"The game was rigged from the start" Nash's comments on the courier who refused the job when he saw the list, the several other couriers who ultimatley it turns out were just decoys, and the canyon with "You can go home now COURIER" and "Courier 6 go home" allude to some dark conspiracy.

It's kind of dissapointing the Platinum chip just enables the securitrons to fire missles -.-

I was really excpecting something out of the box, maybe even with, for lack of a better word, 'super natural' elements.
I still think the chip was somewhat a bit cheap for a macguffin

but well its better then F3s "searching for a midle aged guy ... "

I think it would have made more sense if it was tied in with the Achimedes II super weapon (not to mention that the plant also can give a lot of energy)
Crni Vuk said:
I still think the chip was somewhat a bit cheap for a macguffin

but well its better then F3s "searching for a midle aged guy ... "

I think it would have made more sense if it was tied in with the Achimedes II super weapon (not to mention that the plant also can give a lot of energy)

Well one could also say that Benny was the MacGuffin.
well I liked Benny quite a lot to say that and I was glad you had so many options how to deal with him in the end.
@OP: Well, thus far I've only seen one or two doors that actually lead to "cut content", and mind you they weren't "inaccessible" but simply lacked the key necessary to open them. Most "inaccessible" door lead to either collapsed rooms (vaults) or into a wall (designer mistake? last-minute change? who knows - like McCarran, Tops etc.).
@Ausdoerrt: No, there's a difference between locked doors and inaccessible ones. The latter literally say "INACCESSIBLE". Why not just leave those out?

@DForge: I disagree. While there are a number of these doors, there are not enough to give the "sense of being larger" that you suggest. They're much better at suggesting "missing content goes here".

@Empty09: These games are more bug-ridden than any other commercial games I've ever played, and many people have the same experience. People mention it because they want to make it clear that the game is liked DESPITE bugs that would've put any lesser game series out of business.

I keep thinking, Bethesda has had these two hit games despite really major (and, imo, unacceptable) bugs. I wonder if they just figure the cost of fixing the issues isn't worth the investment. :[
To me personally, the game feels rushed in various areas, but in general, not unfinished.
The amount of bugs is a disgrace.
How do big development studios get away with this crap?
The amount of bugs is a disgrace.
How do big development studios get away with this crap?

That's what most people on this forum have been asking when we saw those 10/10 FO3 rating.

As a rule though, RPG games have been pretty buggy since time immemorial (for me, anyway, not sure if some of the older gamers here want to dispute that).

No, there's a difference between locked doors and inaccessible ones. The latter literally say "INACCESSIBLE". Why not just leave those out?

I think part of it is the game being rushed to a pretty short development time. Let's take the McCarran doors, for example. Whoever was designing an area put a door there, maybe there was even a plan for it early on, but later on it got scrapped or it didn't fit in with what was designed for the outside area. So, it was easier to just make it "inaccessible" than to re-design a chunk of the area just to work around it. A poor excuse, but still.

As for the vault doors, they're "inaccessible" literally, because you can't access them. The doors are either blocked, stuck, or the entire floor is collapsed.
Yeah, RPGs were buggy. See Betrayal at Krondor for instance - it had it share of bugs and new patches actually introduced new bugs.

Fallout games however are notorious for being the most bugged games of all time. See how many years it took for our great modders like Killap to clean Fallout2 game. Some things were also a fault of the engine and a workaround was needed, simple "scripting" wasn't enough.

New Vegas continues that tradition...