I have an easy to create (I think...?) hook that I would like to suggest, lets say for your long-term update list Melindil. 
It would be something like : OnDeath(isSquadMember)
You see, I just had this crazy idea to give more meaning to squad members death. Upon a squad member death, the hook could theorically fire and then create an item (using your already existing function) inside the main character inventory. This item would be the "remains" of the characters, or "dogtags", with the name of the character as the item name. The "on the ground" image for that item could be the image of a tomb, that the squad could "dig" anywhere they want just by dropping the item. Mouse over the tomb would then show the squad member name. pretty great isn't it? Hehe! I would LOVE to see something like this one day

It would be something like : OnDeath(isSquadMember)
You see, I just had this crazy idea to give more meaning to squad members death. Upon a squad member death, the hook could theorically fire and then create an item (using your already existing function) inside the main character inventory. This item would be the "remains" of the characters, or "dogtags", with the name of the character as the item name. The "on the ground" image for that item could be the image of a tomb, that the squad could "dig" anywhere they want just by dropping the item. Mouse over the tomb would then show the squad member name. pretty great isn't it? Hehe! I would LOVE to see something like this one day