Funny AI weridness


Still Mildly Glowing
I just had some thing odd happen, I've saved gunderson's son so he's on side. So later on in game I put a gun one of the white glove folks, which causes gunderson and his bodyguard to when start going on killing spree of the stuff.
Sometimes, ED-E goes HK47 by my back and starts attacking innocent bystanders. They in turn proceed to beat ED-E to death with steel pipes. That little bastard is a psycho.
They obviously didn't like you doing that, but nah I don't have companions yet, I don't like the all possible ones too much.
I think i had the same issue with E-D-E. I think it was because I had given him/her/it a few stolen items.
NPCs chimping out for no reason and going on killing sprees is just RADIANT AI behaving as usual, it's been going on since oblivion
I seem to remember a barfight mod for Oblivion that when you ran it all NPCs would equip clubs and beat each other endlessly. Good times!
sea said:
Not quite an AI bug, but I was exploring a cave one time and found a Lakelurk literally floating in mid-air. It apparently couldn't see me (inside an invisible wall?) and I couldn't shoot it. Creepy.
pretty sure that bug has been in every bethsoft game since daggerfall
whenever i walk around camp mccarran with EDE the troops all start blazing away at EDE only. They seem perfectly content with myself and boone. So now I have to make EDE wait outside the camp lol