Hegelian Dialectic


Those who write on Heaven’s walls...
People often cite that Caesar's use of hegelian dialectic makes him this intellectual and that his decisions for the wasteland might make him a good choice for winning hoover dam, but I often have a hard time seeing it through. He seems to think that whether or not he wins or loses, doesn't matter, simply by acting he will either change the NCR or the Legion, but I just don't see how the results he craves are anything more than ideals and pipedreams. He seems to think that if the Legion wins it will be changed through synthesis, but not in that it will become more reasonable and less warrior like as the NCR is, but rather through it becoming less nomadic and more fortified, which I feel like just means more barbaric empiredom. I feel like that is not a good take for changing the minds of a courier that has problems with how Caesar's Legion works. Even so, he seems to think that the NCR will change, maybe by becoming less expansionist or something.

How do you interpret the hegelian dialectic proposed by Caesar's Legion?
He gets it wrong in an obvious way, but Hegelian dialectics are a notoriously nebulous concept that everyone in College/Uni pretends to understand.