Fallout 2 mod Help adding sound files to weapons.


First time out of the vault
I've been trying to add new weapon sounds to my Fallout 2 mod but it seems that they don't show up in the ProtoManager. For Example, I've created an attacking sound named (wa%1xxx1.acm) not sure if it is named correctly. I have also made a reloading sound effect named (wr%1xxx1.acm). I have added them to my sndlist.lst file using regsnd.exe and it seemed to work.

<----This is how they appeared in SNDLIST.LST after using regsnd.exe

My question is that when I go to ProtoManager and try to select a new sound ID my new sound doesn't appear anywhere in the dropdown. How do I fix this to where I can select my new sounds

It was my understanding that I should use a % symbol as it is not already in use by the other sound IDs.
I cant type anything in the dropdown I can only select the options available, and there is no 37(%). I was thinking I would have to change something in one of the .msg files found in text folder. Also, after I convert the .wav files to .acm the sounds get really messed up and is almost twice the length.
I found this in the tutorials wiki:

Not sure if you found it already or if it helps at all, but the last section says to edit the proto file with a hex editor.

Step 3Edit

Thus, all files have been prepared (present in the folder and defined). Now we should be able
to get sounds attached to specific weapons. Open a Mapper from BIS and it will tell you... you
will be quite wrong. The cause is that the mapper isn't able to see our newly created set of
sounds. To be precise, it will not see the new name in the list. But it will see them all if we
register the names by hand. To do so, open any hex-editor used to prototype weapons such
as 00000011.pro
Change 0x79 to point to the SoundID of our weapon - 0x25 (i.e. '%' in hexadecimal notation).

That is all. The main problem in which sound files don't play is an error in hand-written files
(wrong size or incorrect order (sorting)).
Been working on this problem today, and looking in more detail at the wiki page I linked, it looks like the % is supposed to represent a variable. So maybe change the "%" symbol to a number.
I'll post more when I figure out the details.
Been working on this problem today, and looking in more detail at the wiki page I linked, it looks like the % is supposed to represent a variable. So maybe change the "%" symbol to a number.
I'll post more when I figure out the details.
Nevermind, now I think the original author meant to use %...
Ok, I successfully managed to get a sound to play back in game on firing a newly created weapon proto.
When editing the proto file manually with a hex editor, it looks like 37 is not the right number for "%", and the wiki page is correct with 25...BUUUUT, if using the proto manager 37 appears to work, but you have to enter it manually some how.
I managed to get this to work by editing the hex file the first time, but you may be able to skip that step, though I'm not seeing how to add sounds to the proto manager list.

Anybody know how to do that?
Also, after I convert the .wav files to .acm the sounds get really messed up and is almost twice the length.
Yeah, for some reason the snd2acm program slows down the file by 1/4. There might be a setting to fix this, but I've just resorted to speeding up the original WAV file in Audacity by 400% or 4 times speed.
1/4 relation is strange. ACM format supports 44kHz sounds, but F2 doesn't read the header properly and plays them all as 22kHz, so usually it's twice as slow.
On top of that, snd2acm itself doesn't write correct headers. I wrote a small wrapper around snd2acm that corrects them. But unless the engine is fixed to support higher bitrate, it won't help.
Incidentally, the situation is the same in Baldur's Gate and other IE games.
1/4 relation is strange. ACM format supports 44kHz sounds, but F2 doesn't read the header properly and plays them all as 22kHz, so usually it's twice as slow.
On top of that, snd2acm itself doesn't write correct headers. I wrote a small wrapper around snd2acm that corrects them. But unless the engine is fixed to support higher bitrate, it won't help.
Incidentally, the situation is the same in Baldur's Gate and other IE games.

For some reason, my attempts produced a sound effect that was at 1/4 speed, so I had to produce a WAV file at 4x speed to get it to play back correctly in-game.
Is this because the headers were incorrect after using snd2acm?
How do I use your wrapper to fix the headers?

I wrote above that the code 37 should be entered in the SoundID field.
or open the text editing form "Edit in Text Format" (Alt+T) to find the field weapon_sound_id and enter the code 37 there.
I was hoping there was a way to add the new sound set to the drop-down list in the proto manager, since it doesn't appear to read SNDLIST.LST and add the different sounds on it's own like it does proto files.
But thanks for explaining the "Edit in Text Format" option :)
On top of that, snd2acm itself doesn't write correct headers. I wrote a small wrapper around snd2acm that corrects them. But unless the engine is fixed to support higher bitrate, it won't help..
А где ты достал конвертер wav2acm который конвертирует acm с частотой 44кгц?
I was hoping there was a way to add the new sound set to the drop-down list in the proto manager, since it doesn't appear to read SNDLIST.LST and add the different sounds on it's own like it does proto files.
There is no need to read SNDLIST.LST and add something, you just have to enter the code.
There is no need to read SNDLIST.LST and add something, you just have to enter the code.
I disagree, it appears there is some need for the proto manager to read SNDLIST.LST, at least to make adding new sound effects less confusing. That being said, if you're the one maintaining the proto manager, then this isn't really all that important since there are other ways to update the sound effect as you pointed out.