Help with enclave!!!!


First time out of the vault
could someone please explain fully how u get past the electrified floor in the enclave oil rig, if possible with a map!! i dont care about the armourys to either side i just want to get to the other side.
Just use the computer consoles.. try out different combinations - you´ll get it eventually.
Use stimpacks.. Load the from the start of the maze after you´ve found a combination that gets you further etc.. Just keep on trying and you´ll get it.
i cant im stuck in the first little room thng have restarted and have only got one super stim-pak left and 32 health out of 210, if i use the super stim ill eventually get killed!
i cant im stuck in the first little room thng have restarted and have only got one super stim-pak left and 32 health out of 210, if i use the super stim ill eventually get killed!
Watch out for double-posting.. NMA can be laggy at times.

You should have reserved more stims before you travelled to the oilrig.. You might wanna load a game from the continent if you have one. You´ll most likely need lots of stims and other sorts of equipment in the remaining parts of the rig.
Keywords: Fallout, Enclave, trap room, puzzle, solution

              |  2  |      |  6  |
  A-->        |  1  |      |  5  |     | E
              |  3  |      |  4  |
A being the point of entry, the arrow facing as you run from the staircase towards the terminals, and E being the exit
Not to mention a bunch of stims.. Not that it would matter - I usually have over 200 normal -, and 50-100 super stims at that point :) Gotta try to remember that scematic..
Since you are low on health check out the 2 store rooms next to the puzzle room. Very nice stuff there and lot's of medical equipment (there's also a GECK there, in case you didn't get it from V13).

Good luck and enjoy the rest of the game.

for some reason the enclave soldiers on either side of that maze are all unarmed... i find it a good chance to get a lot of free exp, especially when your wearing adv. power armour too. =] run in there, take the guns, blow up the poor, fist biting grunts and run out with a geck and 146 lbs. of rockets >=]