Honest Hearts and Old World Blues gameplay scenes


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
First scenes of Honest Hearts and Old World Blues gameplay haven been showed up at Qore. The DLC-talk starts at around 00:44 and shows us the burned man sitting in a big cave and probably some inside scenes of the Big Empty, as well as the place that most likely will start the Old World Blues dlc in the mojave wasteland.

Notice the eye on the monitors, that we saw already some weeks ago on MCAs twitter avatar.
You have to validate your birthdate first.. Or maybe it's some issue with country-code or such. For me it worked. :/
Huh, think I saw a tesla hammer being used. Odd choice of weaponry.

Hmm, if Jace Hall is a toaster and Veronica Belmont is an intercom or something, then something must have really went wrong at the Big MT if common household appliances have developed sentience.

EDIT: Also, the thing being hit with that hammer looks like a Lobotomite.
Surf Solar said:
You have to validate your birthdate first.. Or maybe it's some issue with country-code or such. For me it worked. :/

Oh, I solved it a few minutes after writing the messege, I just forgot to edit

EDIT: New Vegas' DLC's are going to Weirdvile, I see... Talking toasters?! WHAT?!
That's what reminded me a bit of the EPA. Looks like the Big Empty might be a combination of the old EPA and some parts of the later Big MT facility.
OakTable said:
Huh, think I saw a tesla hammer being used. Odd choice of weaponry.

Hmm, if Jace Hall is a toaster and Veronica Belmont is an intercom or something, then something must have really went wrong at the Big MT if common household appliances have developed sentience.

EDIT: Also, the thing being hit with that hammer looks like a Lobotomite.

About a month ago on the Jace Hall show he went to Bethesda and was recording dialogue for a toaster. I honestly thought it was a joke (they seemed to play it that one in his show).

Just noticed you had a link to the episode I am talking about, my bad.
TheGM said:
but I wanna see it! *pouts*

Not that exciting, you can't even really tell what's going on. The Old World Blues sections look a bit like Mothership Zeta in the desert, and there wasn't much Honest Hearts stuff besides the Burned Man loading a gun at a table like in that screenshot.
Well it does show some new armour and enemies. Something that looks like a high tech assassin suit from Dead Money and the bad dudes look like inmates with anti bite masks and scrubs.
Hmmmm those do really look like Lobotomites, and it seems you will be able to wear their clothes, I hope they include a wearable Hazmat Suit, too.
It also looks like the DLC will be triggered in the Primm Drive in cinema.