How to convert multiple files with acm2wav

>First, put all acm files you'd
>like to convert in one
>directory. then in dos prompt
>type this:
>for %f in (*.ACM) do acm2wav.exe

What is the directory called? %f? Which part of the command would you replace with the directory?

>that should do the trick
>No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite

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[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto:]Smackrazor[/a]​
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster:
ok, here are step by step instructions.
create a folder miro on your desktop. copy all acm files in there and acm convertor (if you already don't have it in your PATH var in autoexec.bat). then start DOS Prompt, type
cd desktop <enter>
cd miro <enter>
for %f in (*.acm) do acm2wav %f <enter>

if you want mono files to be produced, replace the last command with this one:

for %f in (*.acm) do acm2wav %f -m <enter>

note: you actually don't need to type <enter> just press it for command line to be executed. is that ok? I think I wrote a complete instructions for dummies, I can write a book :) if you still have problems, post it here

No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite
A log of what I did :

f2re master.dat -s acm
(waited an eternity for it to extract 2473 acm files)
copy *.acm C:\fsounds
dir *.* (to make sure my stuff actually copied)
acm2wav %f

then I got :

"Fallout ACM to Wav Converter v1.1 beta, (c) 1999 Return 0;
Converting %f to %f.wav

Error: File not found"

Then I also tried :
acm2wav.exe %f

That gave me the same message. I then tried converting *.*, and *.acm, and those didn't work either. Am I missing a step?

- Hell Patrol -
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Crap, I really am a moron. I never knew that the "for" and "do" stuff worked for dos, I thought it was only programming languages and such. Its successfully converting them all right as I type, so thank you for the instructions. And shadowman asked me to email you the compilation of endings I made for the game, but I already posted them on the board. So you can copy the stuff from the "*Every Possible Ending*" thread from the fallout 2 gameplay board and put it on the Fallout/Fallout2(since it has endings from both games) sections of your site if you like, since they are pretty interesting and no other site has them all listed.

- Hell Patrol -
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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-00 AT 09:18PM (GMT)[p]One more thing - Know any commands to convert them all to the right sample rate? I can do them one at a time in cooledit, it seems like they are all at double they are supposed to be. Know any commands/programs to mass convert them to half the sample rate, or any possible command for extraction at a specified sample rate on acm2wav?

- Hell Patrol -
My Site on Free Money :

thatx for the ending. I'll add them as soon as I update Fallout 3 section, I need to fix the items database also....

smapling? that's because these sounds are mono. you'll have to do this:
for %f in (*.acm) do acm2wav %f -m

notice the -m switch at the end. that'll tell acm2wav program to convert them as mono files

No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite
Sorry, this doesn't really have to do with your post, but could you give me a site to download acm2wave, I had 2 links, one's dead, the other is always busy, i'ld appriciate it, thanks!