I blew up Megaton (PS3)

And the lesson here? Don't go committing mass murder, BEFORE you get the information you need ;)

"Hahahaha look at all those dumb bastards down there in that rain of fire.

[Five second later]

Oh shit I forgot to find out where my dad went..."
In a more optimistic light, we've finally found an actual in-world consequence for blowing up Megaton.
And the lesson here? Don't go committing mass murder, BEFORE you get the information you need ;)

No, the lesson is that Beth didn't think that one through.

Hey, it's not Beth's fault that the guy didn't think about his poor helpless father, locked away in some dirty corner of the wasteland xD I actually love how this can happen in the game! Like Yamu said, it's an actual consequence for blowing up megaton. Besides the moral one, of killing an entire population for no reason other than bottle-caps xD