Fallout Tactics utility Improve Fallout Tactics performances


First time out of the vault
Hey guys, is there a mod or tweak to make the game less choppier? I'm sure my PC can run the game much smoother, but the scrolling/characters movements seems to be 7 fps, I'm thankful for any help.
  • Limit the number of FPS (special software or video card software tools).
  • Change cursor mode: Options - display - Change Hardware\software cursor mode.
  • Disable Anti aliasing: Options - display - anti aliased titles\characters - disable.
  • Change Sound Scheme: Options - Sound - 3d sound - mile 2d or no 3d.
  • Run the game in single core mode: Create a bat file into game directory and write: @cmd.exe /C start /affinity 1 Bos.exe or "FT improver.exe".
  • or used wrappers, example dgvoodoo2.