First time out of the vault

I just spent a painful half an hour signing up for email addresses and being rejected when I tried to register just to post this one topic.
Each time you do this you will get 250 caps, and a slave collar.
Each time you do this you will get 250 caps, and a slave collar.
- Susan Lancaster (Alive, and not enslaved)
- "Paradise Falls Box Key," which you can get by pickpocketing Forty at Paradise Falls.
- Has started the "Strictly Business," Quest started witch Grouse at Paradise Falls, but has not captured anyone yet.
- If you have met all the requirements, then grab your Mesmetron and Slave Collar, and travel to Tenpenny Tower.
- Once you're there, go find Susan Lancaster and Shoot her with the mesmetron, and put the slave collar on her, send her off to Paradise Falls.
- I Suggest waiting a Full 24 hours.
- Fast Travel to Paradise Falls.
- Talk to Grouse, collect your 250 Caps and Slave collar.
- Select "I have to go now," (Get out of the conversation).
- Walk into Paradise Falls.
- Go to the slave pen and open it (You must have The Box Key).
- Walk into the slave house where Susan Lancaster is.
- Start a Conversation with her
- Select "You're a slave. Deal with it."
- Go talk to Grouse Again.
- Collect another 250 caps and a slave collar :>
- Repeat.
- I have not enslaved (Besides Susan), or killed any other VIP's in the Strictly business.
- I have released the little kids from little lamplight from their pen, along with the rest of the adult slaves (Excluding Breadbox because of his severe mental deficiency)