Interview with Brian Fargo and our very own Brother None on Wasteland 2

It's a cracking interview. Fargo's enthusiasm carries it. It makes better listening than wading through tracts of text
Is BN gone from NMA due to his involvement at InXile ?
I don't think I have seen him post in a while.
Great interview btw.
I think he still visits socially on occasion (I can see him online, sometimes he posts in The Order) but I don't think he's very active other wise.
Is BN gone from NMA due to his involvement at InXile ?
I don't think I have seen him post in a while.
I lurk and try to post at least on occasion. More in the The Order than elsewhere yeah. Nothing purposeful about it, just a matter of time free and how many sites I already visit etc. I'm trying to be around!
Is BN gone from NMA due to his involvement at InXile ?
I don't think I have seen him post in a while.
I lurk and try to post at least on occasion. More in the The Order than elsewhere yeah. Nothing purposeful about it, just a matter of time free and how many sites I already visit etc. I'm trying to be around!

I actually meant posting on NMA frontpage, more than forum. Especially with that insider advantage now :p
I wonder if we can look forward to some WL2 articles from you..or Fallout 4 ones, whenever it gets announced.
I actually meant posting on NMA frontpage, more than forum. Especially with that insider advantage now :p
I wonder if we can look forward to some WL2 articles from you..or Fallout 4 ones, whenever it gets announced.
Oh right. Nah, that's probably not going to happen. I think I've newsposted some WL2 and other stuff but articles etc I can't really do, it'd clash with my own job/interests and avoiding bias from my job is impossible.