Is Brian Fargo working for Bethesda too?

I was referring to the assumption that the game might be Wasteland 2.

He didn't say that himself, did he?

next thing we're going to hear is that not only is Bethesda going to continue buying out our favorite games but they're never, ever, ever going to update their shitty animations and gamebryo engine...and the guy who came up with:

[Intelligence] So you say you blahblah...

Is going to be head writer from now until we die.
alec said:
I was referring to the assumption that the game might be Wasteland 2.

He didn't say that himself, did he?


I guess people presume that since Zenimax Bethesda got Rage by buying ID software, that they are now out to establish a monopoly on PA themed games, and that a possible Wasteland sequel or remake is now going to be published by them.

Fargo never mentioned if Zenimax Bethesda is indeed going to publish Wasteland, and its people having a big influence of what the game will be like.

For all we know they have picked up Hei$t after Codemasters dropped it.
TwinkieGorilla said:

next thing we're going to hear is that not only is Bethesda going to continue buying out our favorite games but they're never, ever, ever going to update their shitty animations and gamebryo engine...and the guy who came up with:

[Intelligence] So you say you blahblah...

Is going to be head writer from now until we die.

the day this happens is the day I stop playing video games. and get a life. hm, might not be that bad after all.
Ausir said:
Hei$t wasn't "under the wraps" for a couple of years, though.

Well I was just guessing, I doubt Zenimax Bethesda will publish a Linerider game for example.

Only other game I know Inxile is working on is Choplifter for the Mobile Phone.
On the other hand it would be fantastic to see Beth's great sense of black humour in every game made.
Talking to decapitated old ladies never gets old :roll:
I highly doubt Fargo has anything to do with Bethesda. If Bethesda is doing anything right now, they're getting started on DOOM. You know that franchise they bought, ID software?
Bethesda is trying to enter the Guinness book of records for "the most games built on the same flawed engine"

Coming up next is a first person Commander Keen in which all characters will follow independent daily routines! They will live their life while the player is playing! It will also feature uber-realistic voice acting!

Sometimes I'm glad the education is taking away all my time...

Please no.

No. No. No. No. No.

Wasteland 2 FAQ on Wasteland Wiki said:
While InXile's new Bard's Tale game was an action game light on RPG elements, Brian Fargo has indicated that he intends to make his new Wasteland more of an old-school RPG.

Don't you fucking dare, Bethesda.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Sounds more like brainless violence than black humor.

Aye. You may remember some time before Fallout 3 was released, a high profile Beth employee was talking about the game.
The example of their take on black humour was exactly that; talking to the decapitated head of an old lady.


It was actually Emil Pagliarulo who said that. From the OXM article excerpts.

I still remember the stinging disappointment from reading that the lead designer thought THAT was black humour.
i love reading those old posts where the breaking point for Bethesda's employees being able to post outside of their own forum happened. also: those days are a reminder that Rosh is useful for ultimate lulz, if nothing else.
alec said:
I was referring to the assumption that the game might be Wasteland 2.

Oh...right. Yeah, that part is just speculation. But we know that Fargo is working on Wasteland 2, and since Heist got cancelled it's logical to assume they don't have the funds to be developing anything else but iphone apps.
If Bethesda is doing anything right now, they're getting started on DOOM. You know that franchise they bought, ID software?

Again, Publisher != Developer