First time out of the vault

I remember hearing that it wasn't canon, but they talk about certain events from Tactics in Fallout 4. So, what's going on with Tactics?
Thank you. I wasn't certain, because of something Todd Howard said once.
Is and is not does not make canon, only a canon maker can make something canon.
However if I remember correctly they basically butchered tactics to the point were only specific references are "canon" and literally threw the rest out.
Which is rather confusing considering that for a viable canon to exist the prerequisite plot points must be maintained to make specific parts of the canon coherent. I'm sure it is obvious that this has not happened.
So which is it semi or full canon?!
Fallout 3, Scribe Reginald Rothchild makes a mention about a small detachment of Brotherhood in Chicago that have fallen off the radar and gone rogue. The only known group of Brotherhood that has operated in and around Chicago is the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel.
In Fallout: New Vegas, Caesar mentions that the Legion has captured Brotherhood scribes back East. The only known Brotherhood group operating close to and east of Legion territory is the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel, most likely in Colorado. This is considering the fact that both Caesar's Legion and the Midwestern Brotherhood have been to Colorado.
In Fallout 4, the airship accident is mentioned when asking Lancer Captain Kells about the Prydwen's history and design.
All this does is shore up my old defense that the BOS DC detachment should not exist, ever.
Such wasted potential....
Unfortunately we can only speculate in this case. But from what I can think of it honestly does not make any sense other than a slap dash attempt to reincorporate lore that they completely forgot about after the fact.
Bethesda needs better writers (who have actually played the games), toot sweet!
It makes sense as much as Fallout 3 does really.
So none at all?
What you mean how they didn't stroll by the Midwestern BoS on the way across the US? You could possibly get around that by saying the Midwest BoS's power had decreased and they went back into hiding.