CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

Interview with Josh Sawyer on Rock Paper Shotgun, where he talks about his impressions of the TV show, and some other topics like New Vegas design and developer crunch and burnout.
Interview with Josh Sawyer on Rock Paper Shotgun, where he talks about his impressions of the TV show, and some other topics like New Vegas design and developer crunch and burnout.
"The show really does capture the aesthetic of Fallout 4 and 76, while also feeling like it is set on the West Coast,” he says. “If you’re a fan, then you can see where the plot elements have been pulled from in previous entries. And if you’re new to it, thankfully, those plot elements are fairly straightforward. So I think it’s a good show for fans and a good show if you’re new to it, even though there’s a lot of stuff going on. I’m certainly interested to see where they’re going in the second season.”
By the time we speak, Sawyer has seen the finale of the Fallout show. But for three days prior, he was “inundated with the discourse”, as fans tweeted their worries and outrage directly to his account. “I understood why there was maybe some confusion or ambiguity,” he says. “I don’t think I necessarily would have jumped to the conclusions that other people did. But I could see why some people might be aggravated or annoyed."
Sawyer himself, by contrast, is philosophical about the impact the TV show or any future Fallout entry might have on New Vegas. “This might sound weird, but whatever happens with it, I don’t care,” he says. “My attitude towards properties that I work on, and even characters that I create, is that I don’t own any of this stuff. It was never mine. And the thing that I made is what I made.”
Sawyer remains very proud of the New Vegas team’s work and believes the game stands on its own. “If later on other people working in the space do new things with it and change it, I’ll maybe have opinions on it, but I don’t get attached to things in that way,” he says. “I don’t feel like it’s healthy for me to be really invested in something I have no control over, frankly."
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