Kilroy and Rat-catchers travels

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kilroy
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*Kilroy and Rat-catcher returns to Golgotha. They bury Chris's body and picks up Kilroy's HD. The two return to New Reno to relax for a while. Deep down inside they know that that's not what's going to happen.*
New reno, Gym

*Rat-catcher and Kilroy are watching a boxing match as they discuss what to do next.*
I think we should try to get Kim away from the enclave. But were no match for them. maybe... the man in the vault suit could help us? And what about the CoC, i thought they were wiped out. Were do they operate from anyway. Not the main cathedral, thats for sure.
*suddenly the challenger in the boxing match screams and curses as Masticator bites off one of his ears.*
RE: New reno, Gym

I suggest that we go down south to NCR. The Jumpsuitman is there last I heard of him and while we're down south we can check the LA junkyard and Junktown for clues. Maybe even talk to the BoS. They have their HQ down there.
*Gunshots is heard from the street.*
What do say we go visit the section of the Wright familys buisness? The EX-Salvatore bar?
*Kilroy and Rats go to Salvatores bar*
The hunt begins!

*As they exit the gym. They see Jagged Jimmy J flying through the air. he lands right in front of them. A giant mutant cyborg is walks down the street, knocking attackers away from him. He's accompanied by six enclave troopers. Pimps, mobsters and yakuza are shooting at it. The troopers and the cyborg fire shots from their plasma rifles melting some of the men. The rest decides to leave the enclave alone and runs.*
Frank Horrigan: Find that traitor Rat-catcher and the guy who's been helping him. And bring their heads!
* The troopers aknowledge the order and split up.*
Frank: I'l just go have a drink at the newest bar. heheh.
*Kilroy and Rat-catcher retreat into the gym.*
-Fuck! We'll never beat those troopers AND Horrigan with just the two of us! We gotta get out of here. Isn't there a backdoor to this place?!?
RE: The hunt begins!

*Kilroy and Rats exit through an hidden back door and head to their tranport parked on the east side.*
Kilroy: thank god those assholes didn't get to my bike.
-Yeah but we'd better go now, on to the den!
Kilroy: the den? I thought...
*rat-catcher signals to a gay spying on them.
-(whispering) Bet ya he's gonna run to the enclave and tell 'em where we went.
Kilroy: okay, Let's go north.
*They drive exit Reno to the north but once outside they turn around and head to NCR. As predicted the spy runs to the Wright's bar.*
Spy: Hey, mister! I know where those guys you're looking for went. But it's gonna cost you!
Frank: Its gonna cost YOU your life if you don't tell me now!
*lifts the small man up into the air.*
Spy: please don't kill me! They went north, to de den! Please don't.
Frank: *rips off the spies head. then takes an radio.* Okay team, we're gonna continue this party at the Den.
RE: The hunt begins!

*On their way to NCR. Kilroy pulls out a radio*
Rat-catcher: Who are you calling?
Kilroy: A friend.*He speaks in to the radio*
Hey yeah. Listen can you bring your guys to meet me in Area 12? OK good meet you there.
What the did you mean by "area 12"?
It's a code Ratty my friend. It means outside NCR. They're friends of mine. Now let's go to NCR. The Chosen one is there, last I heard of him.
Whats next?!?

Please don't tell me your some kind of raider spy leading me into a deathtrap?
Ya know, in sector 12 in the enclave mapping system is an abbandoned warehouse. If the system your using is the same, whats our business there?
RE: Whats next?!?

Nope i'm not a spy, and we're not using the same mapsystem as the Enclave. You of all should know that they're listening to all the radio transmissons. Me and some of my friend have started an anti-enclave organisation. Some of us are from the BoS others are EX-rangers. You don't have to worry about some of the ex-rangers taking you in we all have taken a wov that we shall not betray another member of the group.
-What are you called?
-We call ourselves "Free Worlds anti-enclave unit" or "FAU". We've found an old tank that we have repaired and that should be pretty usefull against ol' Frank. We're about fifty men and women working for reedom and liberty of speech and so-on. We are pretty good at making weapons and armors too. My coat for exapmle: you can hit it point-blank with a Plasma Rifle and I wouldn't get a scratch.
-Yeah if you want to we can put a bigger clip and a scope on your Gauss Rifle.
*The two continue their travel for NCR*
Area 12

*A few miles outside NCR Kilroy stops.*
-We're here?
Kilroy: Yup.
-So now what. I don't see anyone.
*suddenly some of the hills and shrubs move and camouflaged FAU members appear. Rat-cathcer quickly draws his gauss rifle but kilroy signals him its okay. The one who appears to be the leader makes some hand signal and kilroy also makes some signal.*
Leader: Heh, good to have you back, kilroy. Who's your friend and where did he get that weapon? You don't find one of those just lying arround.
-The name's Rat-catcher. Ex-enclave special operative. Thats where I got my weapon.
Leader: Ex-Enclave huh? Well, I don't trust you. It's because you're with kilroy I'll accept you for now. Don't try to betray us or face the consequences. Now let's go. You can tell me about everything once we get back to the base.
RE: Area 12

*Kilroy and the gang enters an underground base*
Kilroy:Okey here's the deal: Enclavers led by Frank Horrigan is after us.*points at himself and Rats*
We need help to fight them. Preferbly without showing how strong we are. I want the tank redy to go in maximum 5 thats FIVE days. That's how long we have before Frank calls our bluff and comes to here. Number two: we must fight them AWAY from the base. Three I want Judy and Bob to go look for The Chosen One. We need his help check the vaults and San Fran. Dave and Feargus go to New Reno and see if you can get some help from the Wrights. Be careful Frank's boys could still be there. Okey everbody let's get going!
-what should I do?
-You and me my friend can relax for a while.Follow me to the bar.
*OUT OF CHARACTER: Rat-catcher I need your reallife email adress. There are things I need to talk to you about that i can't write here. My email adress is: And don't send me any viruses.*
Area 12

From the rocks One eyed watches through his pre-war binoculars two figures approaching several men. One eye carefully snaps the covers off his sniper rifle and peers down at two men talkig to what looks like a resistance force. One eye snaps the case back on the rifle scope and thinks for a moment. he was put on a mission to find the snake allegence and annialate them. So far someone has gotten to the them everytime just before he showed up. He's been staking out sector 12 for the past two weeks heard thats where all the real nasties hang out. One eye trained by Snake Burton when he was a child grew up with extreme fighting tactics weapon handling and survival training. Little Snake was being steer to the dark side though a path he wished not to take. One time late at night Little Snake tried to exscape the grasp of Snake Burton but was caught 10 miles down the road. Snake Burton carved his left eye out with a rock and fed it to a friend then he spit on Little Snake and said Now yourlike me son now your like me! Snake Burton and his other comrade entered the highway man and took off. Leaving little Snake in the dust. Now he is after vengence for his father and anyone like his father. He shaked up with a ex-enclave sniper and was taught the fine art of bounty hunting. He was given the nick name One eye. So, One eyed when he heard that the waste lands where sick and tired of snake and his comrades he volunteered and was hired bye a band a mercinaries to track down Snake's followers and takke there heads back to the nearest town and he would collect 2500k a head. One eye has a flash back of his child hood which loses him from reality for a second. He is standing in front of a pond and there is brocco flowers surrounding it. he is moving his fingers through the water. he is very young maybe 7. He see's his mother hanging cloths on a doudy wooden clothesline....He stares at his reflection and the water and sees a figure behind him...A man with one eye...He has a smile on his face...Little snake is afraid to meet his gaze with this man just stares at him through the water he hears his mom yelling at the man...He had the same name as little snake. He watches through the water as this man moves away from little snake and towards the clotheline hitting his mother to the ground and then tearing her clothes off... One eye fills a tear hit the butt of his rifle which snaps him back to reality. his hand was purple and from the over powering grip his flashback caused. He looks back towards the figures and they disapper into the sand...One eye looks up at the sky and decides to wait for nightfall to make his move...Hopefully he will find Bob the Hermit and the leader of the snakes allegence inside...He is prepared to die but hopes in his death he ends the snake revolt once and for all...he digs in his back bringing forth a canister with a nuclear warning sign posted...He polishes it...a side panel reads compact 10kilaton H bomb. He pulls out a control and hooks the nuke to his v-90 vest then hooks two wires to a stiky pad that he places on just above his heart. Then he presses a button on his watch and there is a faint heart beats and a reading...Nowing if the wire gets disconnected or he dies with out disarming the nuke everything 2000feet under and 7000miles radius is going to get a whole lot warmer...he watches the sky and teh sun begins to fade his time is almost near to make his move!
Rest, finally.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-10-00 AT 07:17AM (GMT)[p]* Orders a drink, drops on a chair and puts his feet on a table.*
Wow, this base is pretty cool. The enclave is a little more advanced though. Speaking of the enclave. Is there anything you need to know about them or about your sister, just ask. I'm the man to talk to.

-OOC: Kilroy, My e-mail is And don't worry, I won't send viruses.-
RE: Rest, finally.

*OOC. Rats , the hotmailserver seems to down, so i can't mail you right now. Please don't post any messages on this line right now. I mail you later. It's about the story of Fallout2 and that we shouldn't mess with it to much. As I said i'll mail you later about it.
The next move

With the nuke snycronized to his heart beat One eyed pears over to his partner Talismum..."Talismum I know we have only been partners for the past 2 years and if this works out you will be back on your farm in no time with your wife and soon...If you find yourself alone Talismum walking in a green field. That means your dead so don't worry!!" The glory of this wastland is at stake hear Talismum...I need your strength and valor to eliminate snakes Cult following...YOu with me Talismum."
Talismum once a slave and then turned into a vicious fighting machine in the rings of Redding hills he has fought Mole rats to death claws to humans...One eyed after watching Talismum performance talked to him...Found out he was a great warrior of a tribe outside klamath...a general of a band of great fighters...and he was betrayed and forced into slavery and was sold as a Pit-fighter...He spent many years in the rings around the wasteland fighting and killing to please a crowd. He was known as the General in the ring. After i heard this amazing story I offered to bye his freedom if one condition he help him find and kill Snake Burton...He agreed and One eyed bought his freedom...With Snake Burton dead Talismum is now a free man and has the choice of going home.
Talismum looks at One eyed. "Honor and glory my friend honor and glory"
One eyed smiles as they both stand and head towards the bunkers entrance....

*A day passed and Kilroy and rats talked about the enclave, Kim, FAU and other things. Rats explored the base and made some friends. he got his Gauss rifle upgraded and learned a lot about the BOS and rangers. the next morning, while most of the FAU members and the chosen one, who was helping the FAU were checking some old vaults, Rats decided to vistit NCR. He knocked on the door of Kilroys Dorm.*
-Yo Kilroy! I'm heading to NCR to pick up some suplies for Jack the mechanic. You wanna tag along?
RE: The next move

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-11-00 AT 06:45PM (GMT)[p]*On the way back from NCR Kilroy and Rats spots a dustcloud moving after them.*
Shit I think it's them! Kilroy shouts.
Fuck! We must alert the base. Rats replys.
*Kilroy takes out his radio.*
K1 to base come in please.K1 to base come in, We have a Alert 666. Prepare the Big one. Over.
*the radio crackles*
Uhh this is base. We do as you say you got twenty minutes to get in to the "battle field".Over.
This is K1 here. We copy over and out.
*A few miles away three hummers and an APC is moving after them. Frank Horrigan is speaking to his next in command.*
-We have them now. This time Rat-catcher and this "Kilroy" won't escape our wrath. Kill every one of them except Ratcatcher and Kilroy they are mine. My squad will go in first move out!
Battle field

*Kilroy and Rat-catcher stop at an area surrounded by hills and a lot of rocks. The dustcloud after them nears*
-I hope your guys are already here. And ready to fight.
Kilroy: Trust them.
*Rats takes out his modified gaussrifle, puts on his sunglasses and stares at the enemies approaching.*
-This is it, the final battle.
RE: Battle field

*Kilroy starts to wissle "It's the End of the World as we know it" and takes out is sniper rifle. He loads all his other guns and stands ready.*
Now we are going to kick some serious butt, man!
*Kilroy looks around he sees the FAU's hiding in the hills.*
Okey man this is how we do it: When they come in we run for cover but not before they've crossed that mark.*Kilroy points at a mark on the ground.*
Then the others will block their retreat way and we finnish them off.
The battle!

*Th enclave enters the valley and stop just before the mark.*
Kilroy: Calm down, man. I think they don't trust it.
-It makes me damn uncomfortable just standing here. Look at their numbers ya think we can handle them?
*Before Kilroy can answer, lots of enclave troopers storm foreward lead by frankie.*
Kilroy: okay, Now RUN LIKE HELL!!!!
-My sentiments exactly!
*The enclave moves over the mark and Fau's and the chosen one jump up from the hills and start shooting. At the entrance of the valley an old tank appears. Frank horringan looks back and realises he has been ambushed. Rats and Kilroy run towards a cliff and try to climb up. Halfway up the cliff Kilroy slips. Rat-catcher grabs him just in time.*
-Hold on. I'll pull ya up.
*Frank horringan runs trough the battle field ignoring the fact his men are being slaughtered. As he reaches the cliff he draws his End Boss plasmarifle and shoots at the cliff. The ground Rats is standing on breaks away and he and kilroy fall down in the valley.*
Frank: Heheh Finally. I'll make this even more fun.
*He withdraws his plasma rifle and replaces it with an enourmous blade. Rat-catcher and kilroy barely dodge franks mighty swing and both roll to another side of the cyborg. Rats on the left fires rounds from his gauss rifle at franks head, while Kilroy, who rolled to the right, takes out his grease gun and solar scorcher and fires at Franks legs. The monster collapses as he is critically hit in his right leg. In a mad rage he swings around him, slashing open Rat-catcher side.*
-AAARGH, That hurts. *Grabs his side and lookes at the blood gushing out.*
Where the hell is the backup? Why doesn't the tank fire?
*Frank horringan takes out his plama rifle again and starts shooting at everything taking out a bunch of FAU members and even some of his own men in the process. In the hills the FAU commander takes out the radio.*
Cmndr: Tank unit fire at horrigan, NOW!
Tank unit: But that could kill kilroy and Rat-catcher. I don't think--
Cmndr: I don't care what you think. If we don't take him out now he might kill all of us.
Chosen one: you can't do that! Kill your own men?!
Cmndr: FIRE NOW!!
Tank unit: okay!
* the tank fires a blast from its main cannon and hits frank horrigan dead on. the explosion sends rat-catcher en kilroy crashing into the walls of the valley. As the smoke clears they see a wounded frank horrigan running towards the tank. As he runs past it he knocks it over and dissapears into the wasteland.*
Cmndr: Damn he's getting away! We must go after him.
*the chosen one motions to his wounded men*
Chosen one: No we'd better take care of the survivors first.
RE: The battle!

*Kilroy and Rats land hard. Kilroy uses a stimpack and then limps over to Rats. He's hurt bad Kilroy screams for a medic. The medic comes, the last of the enclavers are killed and a great wohoo! ekoes in mointains. The first battle is won. A few days later, Kilroy and Ratcacher are talking to The Chosen One*
What are we going to do now?the Chosen One asks.
I suggest that we go after him finnish off the whole encalve.says Kilroy.
*Ratcatcher looks at them and asks:*
How are we going to get to the Oil Rig? It's not like we could swim there and all the vertibirds from Navarro are gone.
*The Chosen One takes out a Fob*
I have this, it's used to put the big tanker in SF online. I think we can use that to get to the Rig.
Okey I'm on. How about you Kilroy?
Shure but we need to stop by at Navarro and pick up some Power Armors or we are dead in two red seconds. Let's go!
*The three men leaves the FAU-base drives to Navarro picks up the Armors, starts the Oil Tanker and heads out for the lair of the bad guys: The Oil Rig...*