
First time out of the vault
Can somebody help me please!?

Just bought the game from steam, and the lag is horrendous no matter what I do. I mean like 5-10 fps in open world, inside small buildings, entering/exiting vats -really all the time. Ofcourse extra bad with more graphic heavy enviroments, like many people and explosions. It all but stops at some points.

I have a good computer that runs latest crysis on ultra, latest drivers for my nvidia dual 280 cards, all the latest patches. A quad core 2,7 CPU and 8 GB ram

I have tried;

-d3d9.dll fixes -yes alternate ones from nexus as well
-ALL kinds of overrides in nvidia control panel, max performance, -vsync on/off, overriding AA and AF etc
-Dozens of different codes into fallout_default and ini, adding cores manually, adding core distribution, manually setting RAM distribution etc etc
-Ofcourse running the game on different settings, from lowest to ultra quality
-Running the game as admin
-Running on SP emulation
-Changing Nvidia drivers to older ones
-Changing npc emotes and such in console in-game
-Running nexus mods for tweaking and manully change all graphics turning virtually every option there is to run the game off and on again.
-Reinstalling in different drives
-Running it with no-cd cracks (atleast 3 different releases) to override steam

I have spent 5 hours now, and this is an outrage. I'm very familiar with PC and hardware/software, and I cant find the problem. Bethesta should be ashamed for releasing this.