Last Hope v1.083 Released!


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
Yesterday @Forgotten Knight released the long anticipated version 1.083 of the Fallout 2 total conversion mod Last Hope. Here's the download page.

You wake up in the Execution Chambers of a prison and, due to a total amnesia, are granted a second chance - or so you've been told. After fighting your way through a number of trials to prove your right to freedom, you'll be allowed to enter a new part of the fallout world, free, but with a task to find and eliminate a group of escaped convicts, a task that may put the entire wasteland at risk...

Main features of this mod are:
- new "mountain terrain" world map
- 17 new Locations (3 cities, 3 towns, 6 settlements, 3 Ruins and 2 maps)
- new NPCs, dialogues, scripts and quests
- new vehicles, not directly roadworthy but the trunk can be used to store items
- new items and weapons
- new main story
- checking the inventory of NPCs requires a steal roll
- adjusted combat difficulty and barter prices (new)
- automatic consumption of water & food rations, hunger & thirst system (new)

The changelog is impressively long:

-(change) Reduced skill check difficulty for stealing password paper for Wasteland prison gate guard
-Fixed Matthew's shack door script
-(added) Quest to eliminate Dogs gang can't be solved if the player hasn't discovered Drake's body
-(added) Old hotel, Warehouse area is now accessible from the main area
-Added skill requirement and hint for solving quest: restore old trade contract between Miner's and Farmer's
-Farmers town merchant Bob will continue to sell stuff but during day time hours
-Added stuffed deathclaw at Aston's place. It will appear after player completes the quest "Kill the evil critter
from canal"
-While in canal, hunting deathclaw for Aston, guards can completely block player from moving. Corrected.
-Fixed possible exploit/bug where Nicky's stock could be looted
-changed prices: Iron Ore (25), Uranium Ore/Coal (50), Refined Uranium Ore/Gold Nugget (70), Fuel Cell
Controller(230), Fuel Cell Regulator (180)
-fixed attack mode, throw only: Rock, Uranium Ore, Refined Uranium Ore/Gold Nugget
-reduced amount of stimpacks player needs to collect for Derek
-Syn. fiber armor, changed laser resistance stat
-Butcher knife weapon, changed art
-Golden Valley entrance point changed
-Donson's "Circuit boards" job is now available after 24 hours
-added World Map exit grid: Philton/City Council, Philton/Water Tank, GV/Military, Canville/Train Station,
-Colin will now acknowledge if the mantis raids are gone when talking in general
-Golden Valley, military base guard will correctly address if the player is in/out of the base
-Player will get a notification one month before the "Report to Administrator" timer expires
-Canville mine storage container now has Coal and Iron Ore chunks inside
-Added gold nuggets scattered around the Golden Valley area
-Fixed several non accessible bookshelves/containers in Golden Valley, UMB, Canville, MRC, Silting
-Player will extract/replace the correct part when tinkering with Philton water station machine
-Kill-counter for Philton Canals smugglers corrected, quest and follow up now trigger correctly
-After completing Leonard's shipment guarding quest, player will no longer get item reserved for different quest
-Owen can get stuck sometimes while walking around the factory, corrected
-Wasteland Forest, The Sanctuary, world map locations slightly changed
-Red's bartender dialog errors corrected, working hours changed(6-22h)
-Jonathan will have proper response when player asks to join and quest will appear active in pipboy
-Talking to Mary will no longer reset active quest "Permission to sell drinks" if player chooses different dialog
-When working for Eddie, player can now have more quests active at the same time
-Eliminating Scorpions and reporting it to Donson now gives 500 exp. points
-Arresting drunk Bob can cancel "Find Jasmine's book", corrected.
-Killing Bob in Golden Valley while the quest to arrest him is active will leave the quest unsolvable, corrected
-Golden Valley motel kid can get stuck while inside the motel, corrected
-Solving "Missing people in Golden Valley" quest in now possible, dialog loop-infinite exp glitch corrected
-Canville W&A shop guard displays "Error" floating messages if player touches shop owner's locker, corrected
-Duntown, level 3 forcefield can be stuck in permanent "On" state if game is loaded, corrected
-Miners town walls, once built they could be reset if player asks sheriff McKarty about it, corrected
-Fighting canville deathclaw can cause other residents to attack player, corrected
-Noel won't appear in front of his house if player waits at the same spot. Changed, he will walk out of his house
during day time
-Paying off Norman's debt now gives 250 exp. and town rep.
-After beating Jacob in unarmed fight player now gets 500 exp. and 750 caps
-Killing Eric in unarmed fight would leave player stuck in the ring, corrected, player will be escorted outside
-Killing Jacob will leave empty dialog window on screen after talking to Eric, corrected
-Fixed Larry's guard with no script and "bugged"inventory
-Changed description of Philton Canals smugglers
-Farmers town local resident at gas station, fixed "bugged"inventory
-Gecko hunting quest with Mark can't be completed if player exits the area, corrected
-MRC area resets to "Known" instead of "Visited" each time player exits to world map, corrected
-After killing bandits outside Dan's house, Dan would just leave. Changed, now he will remain at local clinic.
-Player can now unlock slave cages in Philton
-MRC network computer part price changed
-Speaking to ranger in Canville ruins will have the same response if player attacks deathclaw or manages to
sneak past them, fixed.
-Sneaking past the deathclaws reward changed
-During the Canville deathclaw cave hunt, other npcs can block player from moving, corrected
-Canville deathclaw cave hunt can now be completed in a different way
-Reduced number of iron ore needed for Canville smelter Greg
-Aston's imprisoned man moved to another cell, fixed minor glitches with use_skill and use_obj script
-After being released from his solitary confinement, Nill spawns at wrong location, fixed
-Player could access the wall switches when going back from Wasteland prison camp area to catacombs.
Changed, player will spawn on the staircase side.
-Joe's and Karl's lockers give proper message when player tries to lockpick them.
-Changed ammo stats: 9mm, 5mm AP, 10mm AP, 14mm AP, 9mm ball, flechette, 45 caliber clip size, flamethrower fuel
-Some NPCs didn't mark the location after they talk about it, corrected
-(added) Additional way of getting the slavers financial information for Jonathan, he will now accept both copy or the
original book
-Silting entrance guard can now detect if account book had been stolen
-Additional way of obtaining the security codes for Scott, reduced skill check for stealing the WP security codes
-Philton forest shack door can now be unlocked only with the key
-Fixed wrong map rotation after destroying the Wasteland Prison
-Destroying Wasteland prison is now possible if Scott dies, changed xp reward in both cases
-Eliminating all Wasteland Prison guards will mark the quest:"Help Scott..." as completed
-Player now has to rescue the prisoners before confronting Basil
-Killing gangsters and slavers at Old Hotel would affect Lost City reputation instead, corrected
-After giving his letter to player, Garol would continue to talk randomly, corrected
-Noel will change his appearance according to the armor he's wearing. Leveling up won't cause him to become unresponsive.
-Not purchasing a car from Rob will leave the player stuck if using stairs, corrected, player will be teleported
back to Rob's office
-Some slot machines weren't accessible from a certain angle, corrected
-Wasteland Prison base level 2, one of the containers could be picked up, corrected
-Player can satisfy thirst by drinking from the well in most populated areas, outdoorsman skill dependent
-Changed game interface is now compatible with high-resolution mod
-Failing a skill check will display the chance for success
-Added the fixed frms for the Phazer and the Zip Gun
-Added the female child frms
-(fixed) Execution chambers, solving a switch puzzle will trigger a message multiple times, should be only once
-(fixed) Check prison holding cells if people can walk though the bunk beds, movement blocking hex
-(fixed) Miners town, locked doors(zilckdor), display chance to unlock the door
-(fixed) Miners town, common houses, walls redone
-(fixed) Angled map edges glitched so most maps have to be edited
-(fixed) Mike miners town, minor dialog and proofreading corrections
-(fixed) Miners town billy, minor dialog changes
-(fixed) failing initial steal skill no longer initiates combat
-(fixed) Miners town rat was placed behind the -40 lock, low level player couldn't get to it or complete the "Clean the mine" quest, moved closer to the east side ladder
-(fixed) Added steal skill check for Dogs gang members
-(added) Owen puts Duntown's location on the world map if player asks for uranium ore supplier
-(fixed) town reputation change can bug some of the Philton inhabitants, fixed.
-(added) Added female character response for Philton gate guard
-(fixed) Killing Sebastian now gives negative karma and town rep
-(change) Killing Philton cave smugglers doesn't change town reputation, only after speaking to Donson
-(fixed) Destroyed WP car repair map would display the same "map first run" message as the regular map, fixed
-(fixed) Incorrect car spawn location at Destroyed WP car repair map, corrected
-(fixed) Scott triggers the wrong dialog node when all WP guard have been killed, corrected, killed WP guards count corrected
-(added) Added push option for Scott and his companions as they can block the doorway while in WP
-(change) Miner's town walls will trigger when Dogs gang leader Mirx has been defeated
-(fixed) Setting off the explosive charge near certain containers can trigger continuous explosion animations, fixed generic script
-(added) The new sheriff of Miner's town will also comment about the "Mantis raids" if the quest is active
-(change) Changed stats for Samuel, Robert, Owen, Noel(starting inventory), Old Smuggler, Salesman(Quartermaster), Merchant, Scott(The Shelter), Gun Thug(M/F)
-(fixed) Lost City rat with no script attached
-(fixed) Some start procedures failed to initialize properly
-(fixed) When talking to Gordon for the first time, he will always find contraband. Gambling skill check changed.
-(changed) Lost City fence door gives a hint when being used.
-(fixed) Drinking water or eating food in a bar will replenish player's thirst/hunger.
-(change) 44JHP ammo now has stats from the official patch 1.02d
-(fixed) Bull's weapon dealer, Nicky, dialog can get stuck in a loop, fixed.
-(change) Minor change in Murphy's dialog and script
-(change) Minor change in Bob's script
-(change) Bull's storage guards placement adjusted
-(fixed) Joe can sometimes use the quest item (wrench) as a weapon, leaving his trade inventory without this quest item. Added one additional wrench to prevent this.
-(change) Using a lock/sci skill on Gordon's shack door will give a hint how to bypass the door. Damaging the door will trigger hostility with Gordon.
-(fixed) Bulls locker with rifles can get in permanent lock state when save/load game, fixed. Slightly altered Bull's storage loot.
-(fixed) Bull's and Derek's men had the same script name, corrected
-(change) Changed description and name of more Farmers town inhabitants.
-(added) Additional dialog lines for rambler at farmers town.
-(change) Leonard's locker content changed.
-(change) Replaced few damaged office desks with the clean ones.
-(change) Hunger and thirst now affect PC's base stats.
-(fixed) Owen can sometimes "disappear" during the map transition, fixed.
-(fixed) When talking to Sebastian for the first time he didn't talk about Donsons active quest to find the conspirators.
-(no changes) Rare random encounter trader sells alien blasters (very rare, based on luck)
-(fixed) Donson's house door can be damaged only with explosives
-(change) Random encounters loot, variety changed again
-(added) Philton's "Conspiracy against the mayor" quest will give a hint when each clue for solving it gets collected
-(fixed) Mysterious stranger perk abuse can lead to a massive loot.
-(fixed) Golden Valley military check will confiscate player's energy pistol even if the original wasn't stolen
-(fixed) Possible error when player runs off, taking the elevator, while Christopher tries to damage the reactor.
-(added) Consuming water flask will spawn an empty container which can be refilled on wells
-(fixed) Gordon will fail to trigger the combat, if the player hasn't attacked, after the save/load.
-(change) More minor map changes**
-(added) Jack will comment about the crashed vertibird.
-(change) Changed "outfit" of the Philton old man "involved" in the conspiracy against the mayor.
-(change) Desert Village map, trader Mark goes to his tent during the night and outside the tent during the day. Resting disabled.
-(added) Barter skill check added when trying to get better price for the waterchip from Andy.
-(added) Duntown supply room, behind the electronic lock, has a better loot now.
-(added) Silting storage room loot updated.
-(added) MRC level 4 and 5 loot updated.
-(added) GV military base, loot updated.
-(added) GV, added the option to get a metal armor from the military.
-(added) Dogs gang base, Marcus, added float messages
-(added) Philton old city, added a bounty hunter
-(added) Canville industrial, trader added
-(added) Added, Philton Tap house, Gregory
-(added) Golden Valley river, added trader
-(change) Changed quest reward from Jack and rare quest items check, inventory change
-(added) Added "optional" dialog with Justin when his robot has not been repaired
-(change) Farmers town high-level trader has a random chance to appear in other towns in the wasteland
-(fixed) Before fixing the sensor computer in MRC, player can get stuck on level 3
-(added) Push option for Noel
-(fixed) Garol stays visible after map transition as he gives his letter to the player
-(fixed) Jerry's script can, under certain conditions, trigger continuous screen fade to black
-(added) Canville talking pauper at the parking lot
-(fixed) Fixing Oldie's well can remove more than one needed rope item
-(fixed) Traveling with WP patrol back to the prison takes no game time
-(added) Golden Valley bartender fridge can't be accessed, added appropriate message
-(fixed) Golden Valley cell door can be stuck open if Bob has been arrested
-(added) Alternative entrance to Miner's town mine
-(added) Additional display messages when using differnt skills on MRC automatic doors.
-(added) Justin can fix his robot after one month has passed and the player delivered Bio Med Gel
-(added) Long hair male-female random encounter Robbers
-(added) Killing Matthew will cross out the "kill Eddie" quest if active
-(change) Canville random floats optimization
-(added) Xp rewards for unlocking various locked doors in Silting, Duntown, WF, Canville
-(added) Power fist upgrade in Canville
-(added) Extended dialogue, Nick the old hotel kid
-(fixed) Possible exploit to skip the "Mantis" quest in Miner's Town
-(added) McKarty's guard additional float lines
-(added) Additional hint if the player, after kiling Basil, tries to rescue the prisoners without the key.
-(fixed) While questioning McKarty about the escaped prisoners, he should turn hostile if player admits working for the prison
-(fixed) Farmer's Town story teller spawning the wrong item in player's inventory, changed to correct item self inventory
-(added) Combat lines for the Dogs at the Gang Base
-(fixed) Twice the xp reward for solving the uranium quest for Aston
-(fixed) Chrysalis car trunk stays invisible in the Rob's storage
-(fixed) Wasteland Prison inmates team number changed to avoid joining the guards during the fight
-(fixed) MRC doors causes issues with players movement when having Noel in party
-(added) Additonal check for unarmed/melee builds, Aston's door guard
-(fixed) Canville wandering deathclaw falsely visible if first map enter was during night time
-(change) Reduced damage for power fist and mega power fist
-(fixed) Red's bar guards will issue a warning only when player is armed in their line of sight instead of anywhere on the map
-(fixed) Donating money to Joe sets the proper dialog response next time he talks to the player
-(fixed) Drake's body may disappear before player discovers it, changed body frm type**
-(fixed) Possible stats bug exploit when giving the currently worn metal armor or MKII to Darren. Increased XP reward for MKII.
-(fixed) Getting the information for Jonathan will leave the quest unsolved
-(added) Few useful hints for delivering machine part/s to Larry
-(change) UMB security inventory changed
-(added) Player's car slightly improved
-(added) Leaving Noel at random world map location sends him to Canville