Leaked Nuka World Pics

Looks like dogshit. Why are all the user interfaces tiny and put in the middle of the screen? Looks stupid and counter intuitive.
The Nuka armor actually looks worse then the fan made modded version.


"Thanks to a sponsorship by the U.S. Army, Nuka-World featured a formidable security force and had access to all sorts of military grade hardware." in the middle of a war with China, with shitload of spying, they gave a tourist attraction full access to military grade hardware, and had people in power armor to protect themselves from... what? Tourists heavily armed with their middle-age crisis?
I do like they used the better Dialogue mod instead of the shitty wheel Bethesda gave us.
As much as I like AK rifles, putting a direct copy of real life AK47 in the game is way too lazy IMO. Why not just finish your incomplete ‎Chinese Assault Rifle model, Bethesda?