List of HEX-based fixes/changes in Bos.exe file

Microforte, an australian based game company are the ones who created fallout tactics, they would have more of an idea about this. But i doubt they would be able to help either.
Ok, thanks for your help, i could try search some documentation into other forums, right now ill focus on mapping...
No list exists anywhere. I even sent a message to Bethesda begging them to send any documentation they might have on this, but no anwser of course. The only "list" that exists is what TwoEyedYum sent on this tread a while ago. I just don't know at all how he managed to get that on the first place...
I'll tell that again: this list is mostly done by russian community member named "HEX" (yes, this is his nickname). After doing this he ceased any FT-related work. So all we have is this.